
Welcome to the slighly belated March Steam Thread.
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Pillars of Eternity (Uzzy)
Pillars of Eternity, developed by Obsidian Entertainment, is an isometric party based role-playing game, featuring a real time with pause combat system. While travelling with a rag-tag caravan, your character witnesses a horrific and extraordinary supernatural event which thrusts them into a difficult circumstance. Gathering a party, they have to venture forth into the world of the Eastern Reach, to investigate what has happened to them in order to free themselves of the forces that haunt them wherever they go.
I have waited for a game like this for over a decade now. The classic Bioware/Black Isle Infinity Engine games were my introduction to fantasy and role playing, with Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape: Torment still high on my list of favourite games. So the promise of a new Infinity Engine style game from Obsidian, who have made some flawed masterpieces of the RPG genre in the past decade, such as Alpha Protocol, Fallout: New Vegas and KOTOR2, had me very excited. Thanks to Kickstarter, there's no publisher here to screw Obsidian over, so we may finally see if they can release a game without a mass of bugs that threaten to overshadow the fantastic writing, characters and plotting that are Obsidian's trademark.

Assassin’s Creed: Rogue (Dr Dogg)
Well I’ve not exactly kept quiet about my love of this game so I’ll try and do this without gushing too much. Assassin’s Creed Rogue, the charitable PS360 game of last year when they didn’t get Unity is the culmination of the Americas storyline. It takes place between the events of III and Black Flag and neatly ties the storylines together. It may have been considered Black Flag II but it’s a great combination of III and IV with a few new ideas of its own.
You play as Irishman Shay Patrick Cormac, the usual Assassin in training. Though Shay isn’t quite comfortable with the Brotherhood and their ideology. Trying to keep him focused is his childhood friend Liam but he doesn’t see eye to eye with senior members of the order like the arrogant Frenchman Chevalier. Needless to say Shay is tasked with a mission but something goes a little bit wrong (well spectacularly actually but that would give away a great set piece) which cause Shay to question the morality of the Assassin Order. Confronting the head of the order, Achilles Davenport, Shay is forced to flee the Homestead, corned on the edge of a cliff he plummets into the sea bellow only to be rescued by the most unlikely of sources, the Templars. This then sets the scene for Shay to see the Assassin/Templar struggle from a different perspective which he feels the Templars will allow him to set right the tragedy he caused.
So you have all the Naval combat and island exploration from Black Flag, across 2 large play areas in the North Atlantic and River Valley with countless islands and settlements to explore. Naval combat has got some upgrades and Shay’s ship The Morigan is equipped with some deadly weapons like the explosive front mounted Carronades, the machine gun like Puckle Gun replacing the pivot guns, a ram the not only cuts through sheets of ice but can be used to charge down enemy vessels and finally fire barrels have been replaced with burning oil which can be used as a trail to keep foes off your tail or encircle them trapping them in place. Plus in the harsh waters of the North Atlantic Ice Bergs can be used to your advantage either as cover from enemy fire or destroy them to cause a damaging ripple wave to cripple your foe. Legendary Ships are back though they have increased in scope to Legendary Battles with fleets to take on.
On land you have the city of New York to explore and rebuild if you so wish. New for Rogue are Gang Hideouts that play out like Outposts in the Far Cry games. You have to fulfil objectives like assassinating the hideout leader and removing the flag atop the hideout to clear the area of Assassin’s influence. Also despite the game not featuring any multiplayer a lot of the concepts have been brought over in to the game. As Shay has defected to the Templars you will now be stalked by Assassin’s. You will hear the familiar whispers for the multiplayer to let you know that an assassin is close and by using Shay’s Eagle Sense you can pin point their location with the radial compass that was present in the multiplayer. As for armaments Shay has all the tricks of an assassin and combat plays out like Black Flag but he is also armed with an advanced Air Rifle. This can fire different types of ammunition like sleeping darts and grenades that poison or explode.
Finally the present day is a continuation of Abstergo Entertainment from Black Flag, with computer hacking puzzle solving along with plenty of files to dig into from some series lore.

Anyone can write a recommendation for an upcoming game for next month, just send a a PM of the game you want to write about and
your thoughts on why it's good/why people should play it. Please make the sure recommendation is 60+ words at least and try and hand
it a few days before the month ends so I can add it to the next thread.

- Do not solicit/trade/sell/beg for games in this thread. Splitting retail packs is fine in this thread.
- Do not spam post your steam stats/games count or post damage lists from sales.
- Examples of good posting behaviour and poor posting behaviour.
- Don't hype pre-order bundles that you have no idea about.

- Steam Support - The place to contact steam if you have a problem with the service.
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- Steam Workshop - A showcase of Mods for games on Steam.
- Steam Greenlight - Vote for games that want to be on the Steam store.
- Steam Stats - Check stats of number of people playing games.

- So when does the 'Winter/Spring/Summer/Autumn' sale start? Stop asking this question, nobody fucking knows.
- How do I use Modbot?! - Read this tutorial or watch this JIF.
- I changed my GAF email address, but now I'm locked out of my account - PM Stump.
- Can I join the NeoGAF Steam Group? - NeoGaf Steam Group - You must be invited by another member to join.
- Where can I add other gaffers on Steam? - GAF Steam ID List , add yourself to the spreadsheet
- Which game won SteamGAF GOTY 2013? - Rogue Legacy, full results here
- Can I register this retail game on steam? - Check here.
- Is there a easy way to manage my Steam categories? - Use depressurizer.
- How can I protect my Steam accout? - Read: Account Security Recommendations.
- Store is in another language?! - You used a link that had ?l=blahblah at the end:
- Community is in another language?!-
- How do I contact customer support? - Use this link.
- can I use my steam account on a different computer? - Yes as long as if you have the account details.
- How do I run Steam in offline mode? - Steam Offline Mode Support Page.
- Is steam down? I can't see my Profile/Friends/Chat/Cloud Saves - See if Steam is running maintenance.
- Steam won't start or run? - Refresh your Steam files. If it fails: copy steamapps folder and re-install steam.
- Is using a VPN to get steam games from another region a good idea? - It can result in getting your account banned.
- Using a VPN to unlock games early?- Most people can unlock games early so that seems to be fine.
- Can I still buy games outside the Steam Client when there is a sale? - Yes use Steam Mobile.
- Can I do remote downloading? - Yes, login into the Steam community webpage and select the game to download.
- How do I track how many players are playing a game over time? - Use
- One of my grid icons is missing a picture? - Check here to see some artwork Gaf did.
- I want to clean up my Steam folder of re-distributable packages - Use TikiOne-Steam-Cleaner.
- I am running out of space on my HDD, can I move my games? - Use SteamTool Library Manager or Steam Mover.
- Where I can download skins for Steam? - Go here for a mega list, make sure that the skin is safe to use.
- Can I trade games? - If they are in your inventory then yes, you cannot trade games you have already own.
- Can I sell inventory items? - You can now sell some of your inventory - such as TF2/DOTA/Emoticons/Cards items.
- Any other places to trade? - Try: SteamCardExchange / TF2 Outpost / SteamTrades / B/S/T or Steam Trading GAF.
- Sites to compare Steam prices regionally ? - SteamPrices or add this to the end of the the steam url: ?cc=uk or ?cc=us
- How do you find info on upcoming releases and updates? - Steam Database is a great tool.
- Is there a list of games no longer on Steam? - Check this list.
- Any extensions to use while using Steam site in a browser? - Enhanced Steam (Chrome/Firefox/Opera.
- Any way to backup games that don't used Steam Cloud? - Use Game Save Manager.
- I want to compare prices to to other DD sites? - Use Steam Games Sales or
- Is there a SteamGAF Gaming Group to play games with other gaffers? - NeoGAF Games Night.
- How do I get rid of trade dues for cards?- Use this useful site.
- How long will it take me to beat game 'X/Y/Z' ? - Check out How Long To Beat.
- Sites that list Steam profile Stats? - Check list, remember not to spam this thread with your profile stats:

- Warning: Some of the sites have region locked keys that only work in certain regions of the world, please check before buying:
- Green Man Gaming
- Gamers Gate
- Gamestop
- Get Games
- Amazon
- Gamefly
- Groupees
- Nuuvem
- Humble Indie Bundle
- Indie Royale
- Bundle Stars
- Indie Gala

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