Welcome to the Official Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition thread. In these first posts I will attempt to give some insight on this game and offer tidbits of advice to help newcomers to the game. Note that I am in no way an expert or pro in SF3: 3S, but do know a thing or two that I hope will help =)
Release dates:
X-Box Live! August 24th 2011 @ 1200 points
Playstation Network: August 23rd &24th 2011 @ 15 dollars or equivalent price (same date for both EU and US)
What is Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike?
This game is the 3rd iteration of the Street Fighter III series. The game first debuted in 1997 as Street Fighter III: New Generation (the 1st iteration). The game had 11 playable characters (Yun and Yang shared the same moves, and Yang can be selected by pressing any of the Kick buttons while highlighting Yun). NG introduced the concept of Parrying which will be explained further into this post. Along with that, came the option to choose which super your character can use; the player has a choice of 3 Super Arts, which would affect how the player would use that character (more so in 2I and 3S).
The 2nd iteration of SF3 would be released in 1998: Street Fighter III: Second Impact. This game added 3 additional playable characters and gave Yang a different set of moves from Yun, thereby making him play differently from Yun. The game also utilized EX moves which are stronger variations of a character's special moves. Note that unlike Street Fighter 4, the Super Art you pick will determine how many EX moves you can perform; some supers will only allow for 1 EX move, while others will grant the user 6 EX moves.
...and now here we are with the 3rd and most popular iteration of the series.
Released in 1999, 3rd Strike attempted to balance out some elements from 2I and NG with varying results which sadly made some characters weaker than they should be (looking at you Ibuki). Non the less the game is fun and exciting, and now that it's available in digital download format, many can experience this classic gem.

What's new with this version of the game (i.e. Online Edition)?
Online Edition offers a VAST amount of additions to the game for the rather impressive price of $15 (or it's equivalent). Most of the additions are discussed in this video-
...but here's some of the main highlights:
- GGPO Implementation: GGPO is considered one of the best (if not THE best) netcode to play fighting games with. Needless to say that those in the know where very pleased with GGPO being used with SF3: 3S. Expect to have some pretty good connections when playing online.
- Enhanced visuals: Want to play this game pixelated without any smoothing? You can do that. Want to play this game with the screen looking like an arcade monitor? You can do that too. Want to play with scanlines? Knock yourself out. Choose how you want the game to look and have a blast playing it.
- Trials/Challenges: Ever watched the Daigo parry moment from EVO? You can get to recreate that historic moment with one of the many trials this game now features. Completing challenges and trials earns you points which you can use to unlock items in the Vault.
- Youtube sharing: Upload a match you played to Youtube, basically. X-Box 360 owners should get this feature eventually as it is now for PSN only: http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2011/jun/11/sven-talks-more-street-fighter-3-online-edition/
- Vault: Unlock artwork and various other bonuses by complete challenges.
With that out of the way, let's get you to know HOW to play 3rd Strike or help refresh your memory on some stuff.

Basic gameplay terms in SF3: 3S:
- Parry: Parrying is a feature SF3 utilizes throughout it's 3 iterations. Parrying is used to 'negate' damage that would be sustained from an opponent's attack. This is performed by pressing Forward to Parry Jumping attacks or any attack that doesn't hit Low. When you Parry your character will flash blue, during this short period of time, you can cancel your Parry into any attack you want! For example:
Ken does a Jumping HK, Ryu parries it and cancels his Parry into a super or Shoryuken.
It's as simple as that. To Parry low attacks, simply press Down. Furthermore, while you can't block attacks in the air, you can Parry them instead.
You can also Parry multiple hits simultaneously, as seen in this legendary video-
3rd Strike introduced another form of Parrying: Guard Parry or as it's commonly know; Red Parry. To get a Red Parry, you must go from blocking an opponent's attack to Parrying their next hit. The timing on this is rather difficult and you will rarely see it in matches. From Kao Megura's SF3: 3S FAQ:
This allows you to block a hit, then come out of blockstun to parry the next hit (obviously the Guard Parry only works against multi-hit moves or attacks done quickly in succession, such as Target Combos). What you have to do is block any attack that hits more than once, and immediately after blocking the first hit, tap forward (to parry a high attack), or down (to parry a low attack). Your character will parry the hit and flash red instead of blue. From now on you can parry any more hits as you normally would (by tapping forward or down). Guard Parries are useful if you don't want to take too much block damage from a Super Art (as most of them hit multiple times), or if you want to break out of blockstun so that you can parry, then attack. You can combine both parries, too--for example, you could block the first hit of Twelve's crouching HP, guard parry the second, then blue parry (the normal kind of parry) the third and final hit.
A good example of Red Parrying can be seen here-
Be warned that Parrying doesn't guarantee that you can counter attack: The attack you Parry still counts as a 'connected' move. For example:
Ryu does Crouching MK
Necro parries it and cancel his parry to an attack
Ryu cancels his Cr. MK (since it still counts as if it connected) into Shin Shoryuken and it connects causing damage to Necro
More often than not, Parries seem to work in favour of the player from the matches I've seen to date. Non the less, be careful when using them and apply them properly.
- Kara: Kara is Japanese for Empty. The basic idea is to perform a Normal, but quickly cancel that normal into a special or super move. The main advantage of Karas is to gain horizontal distance/moving forward. This video shows a good example of such-
Notice how Makoto's St. LK moves her forward a little so that she can connect with her grab or super. Just about every character has at leats 1 useful Normal they can use to Kara with. For example, Hugo has his St. MK, Press MK then quickly press LP+LK to attempt a normal throw, whereas Q's main Kara is Back+MP, perform it then quickly press LP+LK to see Q move forward for a throw attempt.
For more on Karas read the SRK Wiki page for SF3: 3S, and watch this video-
- Charge Partitioning: An interesting element in 3S and one that Remy and Urien players should learn is Charge Partitioning. A good way to explain this is with Urien's tackle, which is a charge move. Perform it like this-
Charge Back then Forward+[Back+Kick]
The moves in brackets make it so Urien will be able to quickly Charge for another tackle, or a Headbutt. These videos show good examples of using Charge Partition:
- Universal Overheads: UOH for short, every character in the game has it, and is performed by pressing MP+MK. Your character will do a short hop, thereby avoiding all Low attacks, and do a 1-hit attack that does small damage. UOH can be very useful when applied properly, such as using it for Urien's unblockables. Some characters can link their super after a UOH.
- Stat boosting taunts, aka Personal Actions: Pressing HP+HK with a character will have them perform their taunt or Personal action, performing these will give characters a decent boost. For example, taunting with Alex or Gouki will make their next attack do more damage, the boost is gone if the attack lands (combos do keep the attack boost until the combo ends). Note that throws (command or normal ones) DO NOT get an attack boost.
Q and Hugo get a defense boost that lasts for the remainder of the round (ChunLi's taunt gives her one of 3 boosts, one of them is a small defense buff). Some characters can make good use of their taunts while others aren't used a lot.

Suggested reading material:
Kao Megura's SF3: 3S FAQ: It may be 10 years old, but this FAQ is a MUST READ as it explains basic features of the game along with other important info like how many EX moves supers give and defense levels. While this FAQ also contains elements for the Dreamcast ver., the non-DC stuff are still valid with this version of the game.
Shoryuken.com's SF3: 3S wiki: A great source for learning the basics you need to know for playing each character. If some of the terms are hard for you to understand, feel free to ask here and we'll help explain them.
Eventhubs' SF3: 3S section
Useful videos:
In case you didn't know there is a plethora of SF3: 3S tutorial videos on Youtube:
Thongboy Bebop's 3S Basics: A must watch to learn important elements of the game.
Total Ryu: Showcases Ryu combos some of which are just for fun/exhibition (Note that crouching opponents take more damage than when standing in 3S).
Tongs of rage: A Twelve tutorial: A very informative tutorial on how to play the weakest character in the game. Essential for anyone who wants to play as Twelve.
Oro: Man of gold: This tutorial teaches how to play as Oro.
Q: Clawstrophobia: This tutorial teaches how to play as Q, and showcases how deadly he can be with mind games.
Makoto Tutorial by Rudi
Mike Z's Makoto tutorial: Showcases Makoto's Kara options
Urien tutorial
Alex's wake-up tutorial: Not exactly a tutorial but more of a vid that shows what you could do after a knockdown with Alex
C-Royd's channel: Features various tutorial videos, a must watch as well.
The Shend's channel: THE go to channel on YT for SF3: 3S matches, if you're ever in the mood for seeing high level 3S play, this is the place to go. In adittion The Shend has uploaded these Japanese tutorial videos from Japan-
Also, search in his channel for SlimX to see some classic SF3: 3S combo videos
Awesome SF3: 3S videos:
The full Daigo EVO 2004 match
Is your Shen Long strong?: A great match set showing a strong SA2 Ryu player
KYSG's combo exhibition combo videos: KYSG put up all of his/their SF3: 3S exhibition combo vidoes on Youtube recently, watch them to see some crazy and impressive combos (Remember they're just for fun and many are not possible in an actual match)
Hugo is NUMBAH ONE: The classic Umezono vs. 880 (Hayao?) match
SleepyChino69's channel: SleepyChino69 made numerous SF3: 3S combo vids that don't seem to have had a lot of view, let's fix that! He's also made a great Hugo exhibition combo vid.
Drunken Master's Quick and Dirty combo vid Vol. 3: Alas these were released years ago and sadly Vol. 1 and 2 seem to be lost to the bowels of cyberspace =(
Kuroda vs. Ino: Kuroda shows off his deadly Gouki skills
Beware the Mak!

Let's get it on now, select and make your first pick!

"You can't escape!"
A fighter who seeks to avenge his friend and mentor Tom by defeating Gill (SF3: 2I). After the tournament, he travels the world in search of strong opponents (SF3: 3S).
Alex can do good damage and stun but must be played carefully to be effective.
Super Arts
SA I: Hyper Bomb: 1 stock, 3 EX moves. A grab super with 3 frame start-up and invincibility. It's rarely used since SA2 is better. If performed on an opponent who has their back to you, the super will do more damage.
SA II: Boomerang Raid: 2 stocks, 4 EX moves. Has 3 frame start-up as well, but can be easily comboed into and you still get to keep at least 1 or 2 EX moves if the gauge is full. Only drawback to this super is that you must be very close to the opponent or the last hits will whiff leaving him open to attacks.
SA III: Stungun Headbutt: 1 stock, 2 EX moves. Alex's worst super, can only be comboed into off of his QCF+MP/HP. It has such a slow start-up that you can see it coming a mile away and simply jump to avoid it.
Recommended SA: SA2, as explained above.
Personal Action: Alex's taunt will give him an attack boost. You can keep holding the buttons to get a bigger attack boost, but this is rarely done. You can stack up the attack boost by performing the taunt repeatedy, but 4 taunts will give you the most attack boost.

"Hajito shirei!"
Self proclaimed Master of the Fists, he works on creating new techniques and strengthening himself
Gouki's a very good rushdown character, but doesn't cause a lot of stun which really isn't a big issue. He has the lowest health in the game.
Super Arts
Note that all of Gouki's SAs have the same length & are 2 stocks but he cannot perform EX moves. Furthermore, Gouki can performed one of 2 other super arts at the cost of his entire gauge.
SA I: Messatsu Gou Hadu: A 6 hit projectile super, at the corner, you can follow-up with his Shoryuken for extra damage. Can also be performed in the air.
SA II: Messatsu Gou Shoryu: 7-hit triple uppercut. Most Gouki players either pick this super or SA1.
SA III: Messatsu Gou Rasen: This super has very short range sadly and can't be super canceled into off certain special moves. Can also be performed in the air. Almost never used in matches.
Shun Goku Satsu: Requires 2 stocks to perform. Most common tactic is to do cancel his Forward+MP overhead chop into it, so if you're maining Gouki, try to learn this.
Kongou Kokoretsu-zan: Requires 2 stocks to perform. Gouki's strongest super, works as a good anti-air if timed correctly.
Recommended SA: SA1 or 2.
Personal Action: Gouki gets an attack boost, repeating it doesn't do anything.

"Chuni hao yen"
Having retired from Interpol, she has started an orphanage and trains them in martial arts. She one day learns that one of the children in her care was abducted by Urien and goes to look for them.
Chunner's the best character in the game, mainly thanks to her normals having high priority. She doesn't have many useful combos and her special moves are much better EXed.
Super Arts
SA I: Kikoushou: 1 stock, 2 EX moves. Short range projectile attack. Not much to say about it since...it's not used.
SA II: Houyoku sen: 2 stocks, 5 EX moves. One of the best supers in the game, covers a lot of ground & does great damage.
SA III: Tensei Ranka: 3 stocks, 5 EX moves. Could work as a good anti-air, I guess, but like SA1 it's not used.
Recommended SA: If you didn't know by now, SA2.
Personal Action: Chun gets a random effect:
a) The recovery of her stun gauge will be faster (yawn)
b) Gains an attack boost (cracks neck)
c) A small defense boost (Pats shoulder)
d) Gain attack and defense boost (arches back)

"You, have no dignity"
A british gentleman boxer who had entered the tournament to retrieve one of his father's cars which Gill('s orginization) had bought off during his father's tired times.
Dudley's a great rushdown character with great damage and decent stun output. He's one of the few characters in the game whose long combos do very good damage.
Super Arts
SA I: Rocket Upper: 2 stocks, 4 EX moves. Great super and can be a decent anti-air. However, juggling into it outside the corner will sometimes cause the final uppercut to miss.
SA II: Rolling Thunder: 1 stock, 2 EX moves. Pretty useless since you can't juggle into it and offers the least EX moves. It is possible to combo after it however.
SA III: Corkscrew Blow: 3 stocks, 6 EX moves. Another useful super, although it does less damage than SA1, it works as a better anti-air.
Recommended SA: SA1 or 3, whichever suits you.
Personal Action: Gains an attack boost. The rose doesn't have to hit to get the boost BTW, and the rose does damage and can KO an opponent.

An African warrior princess seeking to meet new friends.
Elena's got some of the best normals in the game, but sadly most of her special moves are useless unless EXed. Although her health is average (i.e. a little under Ryu's), you will want to be careful how you approach your opponent with her.
Super Arts
SA I: Spinning Beat: 3 stocks, 6 EX moves. Rarely used since SA2 does more damage and the range on this super is very short.
SA II: Brave Dance: 2 stocks, 5 EX moves. Good range and damage, can follow with her DP+K at the corner if timed correctly.
SA III: Healing: 1 stock, 3 EX moves. Recovers a small portion of Elena's health and best done off a knockdown. You can cancel the super by pressing 3 punches. This super DOES get used BTW.
Recommended super: SA2 or 3. Elena can do good damage from a combo that involes EX Spin Scythe.
Personal Action: Her attacks do more stun damage, to gain the most boost you must taunt 4 times, however her taunt is so slow that it's rarely ever used. It can damage opponents though.

"The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA"
The leader of a mysterious orgnization, and a man who seeks to bring the world to Utopia. Has control over the elements of Ice, Fire and Life (ressurection)
Gill is unlockable in 3SOE, but cannot be used in online Ranked matches. Although you can play him in Player matches online, you could ban him as well if you want.
What's there to say? He's too overpowered, does big damage, has high health and stun, and his combos are pretty fancy and fun. Case in point:
Gill doesn't need to select a super nor does he have EX moves. Furthermore, his supers do a big chunk of damage.
Meteor Strike: Poses as fire and ice 'meteors' falls from the sky towards his opponents. If you manage to get behind him, you'll avoid damage from it.
Seraphic Wing: Gill floats to the air and does a full screen damaging attack. Oh and it does big damage on block as well. The gauge will not depelete until Gill flashes BTW.
Ressurection: If the gauge is full and Gill is KOed, he will be ressurected. He has immunity to some attacks while he's in the air, but you can reduce the amount of health he recovers if you hit him early enough before he finishes.
Personal action: Gill laughs for a few seconds, afterwhich he gains an attack boost. Taunting again doesn't give him any additional boosts.

A German wrestler who made a name for himself in the wrestling circuit. His manager is the infamous Poison, a former member of the Mad Gear gang from Final Fight. In 2nd Impact, he seeks a worthy opponent to join him as a tag partner in the wrestling ring, and then he forms the "Hugo Wrestling Army" with the rest of the cast in 3rd Strike.
Hugo's a big risk, big reward character, use him right and you can gloriously destroy your opponent. His PA is rarely used due to it being quite slow sadly. Damage and stun are pretty good depending on what attacks you use.
Super Arts
SA I: Gigas Breaker: 1 stock, 3 EX moves. A grab super that does great damage. Some Hugo players main Hugo with super.
SA II: Megaton Crush: 2 stocks, 5 EX moves. Rarely used, despite being a good anti-air super. Should be useful against certain match-ups.
SA III: Hammer Mountain: 2 stocks, 4 EX moves. Combos off most of Hugo's cancelable normals and does decent damage and stun. You can hold Punch to delay the attack or to cancel it.
Recommended super: SA1 or 3. SA2 could be useful in certain match ups or you can use it if it suits your style.
Personal action: Gives attack and defense boost. Hold HP+HK to make his throws do more damage as well. 4 taunts will give him the most defense boost. To get Poison to show up during his taunt, hold down while taunting.