Platform: 3DS (retail and eShop) demo available on eShop
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo / syn Sophia
Release Dates:
October 22nd (NA)
November 16th (Europe) New Style Boutique
September 27th (Japan) - わがままファッション Girls Mode

In the Style Savvy™: Trendsetters game, you take on the role of a budding fashion mogul, styling your way to the top of the fashion world.
Manage your own boutique and help customers find the perfect outfit by keeping up with fashion trends, stocking new clothes for your store, and customizing your shop to reflect your personality. With thousands of styles to choose from, it's up to you to build a fashion dynasty like no other!
- Shop management: use sales profit to buy inventory and build out your targeted looks. Redecorate, dress mannequins for window display, and promote your shop's style.
- Your customers: unique personalities, lighthearted mini-bios (“She became a vegetarian on a dare. She hates vegetables!”
, and various fashion dilemmas. Try to meet their needs within budget, or impress them enough to turn out a higher purchase.
- Yourself: customize your own look to represent your shop. Redecorate your apartment, visit the stylist, or manage contacts, plans, and messages on your cell phone.
- The city: visit the cafe, the park, downtown, and more; bump into your customers or find other fashionable types.
- Competitions: put together an ensemble to win on the catwalk. Make a name for yourself in the single-player story, or compete locally with friends.
- Miscellaneous: snap screenshots anytime and save to an SD card; AR functionality; Streetpass; online boutiques and local multiplayer (see below); Dudes
- Reviews
* Nintendo Life
* GayGamer.net
Iwata: The customers are…enemies? (laughs)
Yamagami: Yeah. And their requests regarding budget and clothes are like attacks that, as the salesperson, I have to find a way to deal with.
Iwata: That's like a fighting game! (laughs)
Yamagami: Against the attack of a customer's budget being 20,000 yen, I have to use the weapons I have on hand to satisfy that demand. So I'll look over my fashion items, and luckily there's no time limit, so I'll think awhile, turn over all sorts of possibilities, and then suggest something at the very end—as if shouting "Fire weapons!"
Iwata: You don't sell, but rather shoot. (laughs)
Everyone (laughs)

12,000 unique clothing items and accessories
click names for examples!
Basic | Girly | Preppy | Pop | Sporty | Retro | Feminine | Luxury | Boho-chic | Asian-inspired | Princess | Gothic | Flirty | Bold | Edgy

AZ-USA | Harlow Heights | Le Spark | Über Cloth | Teatro Amare | Cantata Modo | Zip Line | Zhade | Mint Sprinkles | Marzipan Sky | Marble Lily | Cantata Tasca | Raven Candle | soymilk | StageDive | STRAVA | Kanokoi | PopQuiz | Castellan | Dept. 9 | Aeronef

Fill out your profile card to exchange via Streetpass; select a screenshot to attach. You'll be able to see each other's shops and receive items.
Visit the boutiques of players you Streetpass, visit the Fashion Plaza online to freely browse, or enter Shop Codes you've exchanged (see below).
Local Fashion Shows
- Host fashion shows with up to three additional friends over local wireless (each must own a copy)
- Pick a competition theme
- Combine wardrobes from fellow players to build your outfits
(use this format and I'll add you here)
Shop Name: Room Seven
Manager: hachi
Shop Code: Z90V50F68
Shop Name: Change Hart
Manager: Cissi
Shop Code: Q67H06G52
Shop Name: Eula Capra
Manager: Vatrinne
Shop Code: L97M06M08
Shop Name: Gachi•Luna
Manager: Nam
Shop Code: E78B31G89
Shop Name: Aphrodite
Manager: Patrick
Shop Code: H14D04B72
Shop Name: Ideis
Manager: Muilen
Shop Code: F43N86N98
Shop Name: Circus Maxim
Manager: Lena
Shop Code: Q45K43G09
Shop Name: Never Nude
Manager: Bobby
Shop Code: V51P11L52
Shop Name: Antebellum
Manager: Cassi
Shop Code: J12M22J39
Shop Name: La Ti Da
Manger: Poppy
Shop Code: G15I15E89
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