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Two of Nintendo's finest, and one of its most interesting, come together in a compilation that isn't worthy of their greatness.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars review - three great games in one lacklustre compilation
I just don't get Nintendo sometimes. If you want a microcosm of the head-scratching conundrum you'll often find at the …

8 / 10
Despite its minimal trimmings, Super Mario 3D All-Stars is a worthwhile collection of some of the plumber's most memorable adventures

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Review – Shoot For The Stars
Despite its minimal trimmings, Super Mario 3D All-Stars is a worthwhile collection of some of the plumber's most memorable adventures.
If anything, Super Mario 3D All-Stars shows the breadth of what a 3D Mario game can be, and much of that is truly excellent.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars review: Not even Sunshine can ruin this collection
3D Marios, of varying quality

8.5 / 10.0
Super Mario 3D All-Stars, as barebones as it might be as a compilation, is a great way to experience (or re-experience) these games all over again. It was a joy running through all three of them even if they weren't strictly upgraded. That goes double for Mario Galaxy, as this is going to be my preferred way to play it from now on.

Review: Super Mario 3D All-Stars
Lets-a-go back in time We all have our favorite Mario game. Maybe it’s a classic entry you played during your childhood....

92 / 100
Sep 16, 2020
Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy are three near-perfect platforming adventures. In my opinion, they are must-play games that everyone should experience at some point, and what better time then now on the Nintendo Switch.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Review - Mario at His Very Best
The chance to replay three of Super Mario's most iconic 3D platformers has arrived on the Nintendo Switch in the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection. Our review inside.

9 / 10.0
Whether the year it was released has affected the way Super Mario 3D All-Stars came together, we'll probably never know, but it still comes with a wholehearted recommendation simply due to the quality of the

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Critic Reviews
Super Mario 3D All-Stars has been reviewed by 106 critics and currently has a 'Strong' rating. Read and browse them all to learn what the top critics in the video game industry are saying.

6.5 / 10.0
Despite collecting three of Mario's most well-known games, Super Mario 3D All Stars doesn't justify their porting onto the Switch. With minimal improvements, few features that truly make it feel like an "Anniversary celebration" and some bafflingly lazy design choices, 3D All Stars feels like more like a quick cash grab.

Super Mario 3D All Stars Review–Whomp Whomp
Despite collecting three of Mario’s most well-known games, Super Mario 3D All Stars doesn’t justify their porting onto the Switch. With minimal improvements, few features that truly make it feel like an “Anniversary celebration” and some bafflingly lazy design choices, 3D All Stars feels like...

9 / 10
We've had an absolute blast playing through these three gems all over again, especially now they look sharper than ever. It's a shame that the presentation is practically barebones with no bonus content beyond the soundtracks, but there can still be no denying the quality of the games on offer here. This is the Beatles' Greatest Hits of the video game world, and is an absolute treat whether you're reliving it in HD or discovering it for the first time.

Review: Super Mario 3D All-Stars (Switch) - Three Of Mario's Greatest Adventures Come To Switch
Only shooting Star Bits break the mould