No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

This game takes place with the assumption the player has seen up to the halfway point of the animated series. If you have not seen the show yet or
are not familiar with the story and do not want spoilers, highly suggest you leave the thread now. The start of the story setting is a major plot
point which will be not marked with spoiler tags. If you are curious about where you need to watch up to in the show, at least be caught up to Episode 14.
Shitposts will be reported to mods. So if you want to argue about the light novel / anime series do it somewhere else.
You have been warned.

*click on image to go to official HP

Videos showing the "switch system" in action & combat within one zone the in hollow area.

*UPDATED 04/24/2014

JP Trailer showing off the large content update that has been released in Japan and Asia, will also be released for the US / EU.

A: Truthfully, no. Since the US ver comes out today and the EU one tomorrow, please do support your regions even more so considering they are giving you the large content update for free. Bandai Namco will most def be looking hard at the first week sales therefore your purchases in the proper regions helps not only those in BanNam who try to push for more localized titles, but also for yourself to show them that there is indeed a market for import titles like this from Japan and to continue support with the title.Q: I want a physical copy, should I just buy the Asian version?
A: The game is currently only JP voices with subtitles. Do not believe that there are any dubbed versions.Q: Is this game JP voice w subtitled or English dubbed?
A: There have been floating reports around that the US / EU versions contain text that seems unnatural, but we will have to wait for a better pool of input once the game goes on sale.Q: I heard the subtitles in the game are still weird even for the US / EU release. Is this true?
A: Unfortunately there really is not any sort of detailed tutorial BUT! thanks to a fellow GAF member MrMuscle we now have a link to a video series that should help new players. This game looks complex is there a detailed tutorial?
A: First off what are you doing this far down in the OT if you are not familiar with the show or series? To answer the question, it would really effect your experience as the story continues from the halfway point of the anime. Also literally the tutorial is a massive plot spoiler. Well besides whats written in this OT in some sections. But if you really want something to play and do not care about the story, backsetting this should be a quite well made game that is sure to give you a decent amount of playtime. As stated in the warning section you need to watch up to at least Episode 14.Q: I have not seen the anime / am unfamiliar with the series. Should I still buy this game?
A: Truthfully, if you were not interested in the anime and / or disliked it I would suggest against buying this game. Unless you don't mind ignoring all the story bits, character interaction and just want a JRPG to play.Q: If I did not enjoy the anime would I like this game?
A: You are in luck, this game follows its own original story and takes place after Heathcliff (Kayaba Akihiko) is defeated and does not leave the world of Sword Art Online.Q: I enjoyed the anime, but did not like the second half from where the story shifts to a totally new game.
A: Multiplayer is done locally via Ad Hoc. Currently there does not seem to be any infrastructure in the game for Online MP. The official HP does not list it either as to be patched in later, such as with other Vita titles. No online multiplayer, but apparently the Vita can work with the Ad-Hoc party, though its said to be unstable. No one has tested it yet with SAO:HF.Q: Is there online multiplayer?
A: There is the following post by Stuart4444 Tips for new adventurers.Q: Im a new player is there any tips for me from fellow GAF members?
A: Heres a quick explanation of the Risk system, since understanding this makes things easier for killing enemies. For yourself you just need to pay attention to it when a large attack is incoming as if you screw up it is possible to get one shotted.Q: What is this Risk System? I do not understand it and need help!
Risk System
The Risk status increases damage taken from attacks or sword skills. Both yourself, allies and the enemy. Also increases time between attacks. The higher the risk level the higher the negative effects.
How to raise Risk
*1-5 can raise the level quickly, 6-9 takes some time before raising the level.
- Cancel a skill
- Take critical damage
- Using a Sword Skill
- Be knocked back
- Be staggered
- Taking more than 10% HP damage in a single hit
- Taking damage from behind
- Get stunned
- Entering Bleeding status
Risk Break
Risk Break occurs when the Risk level goes to the max lv V (5). With good timing, using the parry command or sword skills, it is possible to raise the target to risk break status immediately.
Effects of Risk Break
- Enemy takes double damage
- Enemy attack speed is decreased by x2
- Enemy skill activation speed is increased by x2
- All Buffs are removed from Enemy.

(currently dont have time to go and do nicer text links w/ scores atm. so make do with this for now folks) (vids on info about gameplay with SAO:HF) info for SAO:HF by the same person who has the YT chan above. Good info here new folks check it out. (BlueMaxima 1hr long game impressions)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment Unlocking Heroine Costumes and AI Control Guide[/QUOTE]
I know it is more than just the way the map looks that is confusing at first, but this may help until we get the same link/pathing in patch 1.03 next month! It will at least give you and idea of how to get from Point A to Point B. Also if you didn't know, talking to Philia and choosing Chat shows the 'route' you need to take to get where she wants you to go.

Level Cap raised to 250, Large conquest event [Grand Quest], New field / Map, Date - Dialog with Sachi, Event CG, Allowing Argo to be used as a partner, new area boss, high level monsters, difficulty and system balancing / tweaking.

This is for the physical Asian version or those who still want the JP version of the game. Downsides is you will not be able to get DLC unless you have an account for the proper region of said game.
*Disclaimer: Neither GAF nor myself has any sort of affiliation with the following sites above. These are just the most common ones members frequently speak of when it comes to online import shops and these links are for the convenience of the members who are still interested in importing the Japanese or Asian version of the game. Mods if you feel this is inappropriate let me know and will remove this section.

Special thanks to Bandai Namco and the people behind the official HP for letting me "borrow" resources which makes up a good number of the edited graphics here.
Special thanks to Deviant Art user - darkblackswords for having made the life bar graphic, icons and font used in the OT.
(link removed since it seems like deviant art is a blocked site now? odd) anyways do a search for darkblackswords if you want to find the resource mats and give the guy thanks if you do use them!
While am not a member of Deviant Art so can't send him a message, would really like to say thank you again if he reads GAF for such an awesome job with these resources.
*In no particular order
Special thanks to Sitrus for providing a link discussing the North American release of the game.
Special thanks to Hasemo for providing a link to news about what to expect from the weekly free DLC content starting from may / Large update in July.
Special thanks to Brazil for letting folks know that there will be a localized version of the game early on.
Special thanks to Doombear for the hilarious new PSN card image in the OT.
Special thanks to kaiyo for the GIF that expresses pretty much everyones feelings in the US currently.
Special thanks to ramyeon for providing the link to BlueMaxima's YT chan which will have a vid on SAO:HF (will put it up when it goes online)
Special thanks to MrMuscle for the link to the Havian YT chan with tutorial vids for the SAO:HF
Special thanks to kayos90 for providing info bout the US digital price
Special thanks to darkwing for a link to one of the first reviews of the game.
Special thanks to isshak_gravi for always taking time out of his schedule to provide information for the EU fans when he is able to do so.
Special thanks to Listonosh for the AI / Costume guide.
And a big thanks to the rest of all you members here in the OT that make this little community what it is today!
*plus putting up with me the general asshole of the thread
*Disclaimer: I have no affiliation to Bandai Namco.