
July, 2013 | DLC NOW AVAILABLE | $4.99 - Steam | Gamersgate | GMG | GOG
- 2 New playable characters; the Human Psion and Tarka Ranger – the first playable alien character!
- 10 New floors of ancient, evil science add to the challenge!
- New room types, including wide, multi-level biospheres!
- New traps, new weapons, new items, and new recipes!
- New game mechanics, including 28 Psionic Powers!
- New Psionic enemies to fight, drawn from the Sword of the Stars universe!
- 2 New Play Modes; “Infinite Mode” as well as “Seriously? Mode”, for those players that find “Insane Mode” isn’t insane enough!
- Expanded meta-game aspects, including the ability to “bank” XP and spare items from one session and start the next run of the game on a deeper level, using your “banked” equipment.
A deadly plague ravages your world. Your last hope: a legendary alien facility dug deep into the Feldspar Mountains...a massive Pit, built by the ancient Suul'ka.
If “The Pit” really exists, there might be something left. Something that will give your doctors a fighting chance at the cure.

Platform: PC (Digital) - Demo Available
Developer: Kerberos Productions
Price: $9.99 US | Mind Games DLC - $4.99
Retailers: Steam | GMG (Steam DRM) | Gamersgate (DRM Free) | GOG (DRM Free)
Genre: Roguelike RPG
Sword of the Stars: The Pit is a roguelike RPG currently featuring a single procedurally generated 30 floor dungeon, achievements, crafting, three playable characters
and four difficulties. Combat is turn-based, every action has a skill check and chance to fail and progress may be saved and resumed until death, which is permanent.
There's also the Sotsdex, which keeps a record of all enemies, equipment, items, recipes and decrypted messages you discover across all games.
The Pit begins with an optional tutorial (highly recommended) and choosing your class:

Level | Stat | Skill basics:
- Scout: +1 stat point/level | Marine: +3 stat points/level | Engineer: +2 stat points/level
- A bonus of (Base Stat / 5) is added to associated skills when used.
- Non-weapon skills increase naturally by +1 per successful use until skill level 45.
- Weapon skills have a % chance, based on brain stat, to increase naturally upon use until skill level 45.
- Skill points are given to distribute upon leveling. When increasing a skill this way the increase will be +1, +2 or +3 at random.
- The default cost to increase a skill at level up is 2 skill points. If you have successfully used the skill before leveling the cost will be reduced to 1 point.
- Skills max at 100 base points, at which point bonuses still apply but the skill may no longer be increased upon leveling.
Might - Increases fist and melee weapon damage, inventory size (+6 slots/10 might), poison resist, grab resist and stomach capacity. Associated skills:

- Mechanical
- Blade
- Knife
- Melee
Finesse - Increases weapon accuracy and blind resist. Associated skills:

- Assault Weapons
- Electronics
- Heavy Weapons
- Lockpick
- Pistol
- Rifle
- Traps
Brains - Improves chance for natural skill gain when using weapons. Increases confusion resist. Associated skills:

- Biotech
- Computers
- Decipher
- Forage
- Medical

- Enemy AI - When you're at the mercy of the RNG gods, anything consistent is a welcome sight; learning each enemy's behavior, range, status effects & weaknesses is vital.
- Risk vs reward - Your skill may seem high enough to disable, booby trap or use an object to your benefit, but you always have at least a 1% chance of failing and suffering the consequences.
- Status effects - Blindness, poison, disease, confusion, radiation--just to name a few. They're easy to contract, bring a quick death and remedies are scarce. Don't forget why it happened.
- Durability - Your armor and weapons require occasional repair. Once they're gone, they're gone for good. Some enemies are more than happy to give your arsenal an acid bath if you let them close enough.
- Collateral Damage - Hiver Commander just destroy a much needed lab and ammo stashes? Don't put anything valuable between you and a flame thrower. Watch where you lob your own grenades as well.

- Trap Doors - Not only are most doors locked, some are trapped and carelessly going through the wrong one can mean anything from losing a rare item to losing your life. Destroy it or find another path.
- Floor Traps - Floor tiles can also be hazardous to your health and attempting to disable these traps can have deadly consequences. You may be better off to destroy them from afar or avoid them.
- Hunger - In addition to keeping an eye on your health, you'll need to make sure you get enough to eat. Starvation is a real threat.
- RNG - You may find 1,000 rifle ammo and still only have a pistol. Plan for the worst and never count on the RNG to give you a missing piece. Conserve ammo if you can take weaker enemies on face to face.
- Time - Actions take turns. Reloading your weapons and interacting with objects in the environment will leave you vulnerable for a number of turns. Reloading won't be interrupted but interaction will.

- Lab Station - Allows you to craft materials into armor, weapons, utility items, ammo and repair kits. Success in repairing and activating a lab station is based on your Electronics skill.
- Cooker - Allows you to combine ingredients to create medicine and more nourishing food. Cooking mostly relies on your skill in Biotech and Medical, while repairing a broken cooker is based on your Mechanical skill.
- Successfully crafting an item is dependent upon your skill in a given field. This varies depending on what you're creating. A chance to fail always exists, and the higher quality the desired item, the more likely you are to fail.
- Recipes are discovered by decrypting messages at computer terminals and are recorded in your Sotsdex. You do not have to learn a recipe to create it, so it's up to you whether to find them all on your own or look them up online.
- Labs and cookers break after a few uses. Sometimes you'll only get one shot.

Rumors of The Pit being full of advanced alien technology seem to be true. You'll often find services in need of electronic repair before they can be used, but if you manage to fix them and are skilled with computers they're invaluable.
- Repair Unit - Allows you to repair the durability of a small number of equipment before breaking down. Repairs also have the undesirable side-effect of lowering max durability.
- Charging Hub - Allows you to recharge a small number of tools in your inventory before running out of power.
- Augmentation Bay - Provides a random, permanent buff or debuff. This can be as simple as raising or lowering your stats, or as terrible as inflicting you with tunnel vision.
- Med-Bay - The Suul'ka combined our ATM, vending machine and tanning booth technology into this scientific wonder of instant healing.
- Containers - They house food, ammo, materials, armor, weapons and medicine. Failure to pass the Mechanical or Lockpick skill check may jam a container permanently, or worse.
- Foraging - This skill increases your chance to find loot from containers, and possibly the quantity and quality. Foraging is also checked when digging through rubbish piles and recycling bins.

- Mods & Mutagens - Provide random bonuses or penalties when socketed into equipment, or ingested in the case of mutagens. Effects are tied to color, unknown until identified and are randomized in each game.
- Keys - Some doors have special locks, noted by letter designs from the Greek alphabet. They are more difficult to lockpick but occasionally their keys can be found.
- Medicine - Dropped, found in containers and cooked up in the kitchen. Medicine can heal as well as cure status ailments and will save your life many times over. Medical skill is required to administer most of them properly.
- Tools - Some tools have unique abilities such as identifying the effects of mods & mutagens, making unsafe food edible, repairing weapons and detecting traps. Most simply add to your skill and thus your success rate when you attempt an action.
- Charges - Most tools have a limited number of charges before they must be recharged at a charging hub. Some tools cannot be recharged.

Official Website
Official Forums
Game Manual
Sword of the Stars: The Pit Wiki
Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign
2/21/13 - Gamersgate release
3/08/13 - Steam release
3/15/13 - Update 1.0.2
3/29/13 - Update 1.0.3
4/06/13 - Update 1.0.4
7/03/13 - Mind Games DLC released
7/06/13 - Update 1.1.1s
7/09/13 - Update 1.1.2
7/12/13 - Update 1.1.3
7/13/13 - Update
7/19/13 - Update 1.1.4
Information in this post based on version 1.0.4

The most resourceful soldiers on GAF. Simply post your High Scores screen from the Main Menu, and preferably the stats screen displayed at death/completion as well. Ranking is based on game difficulty and depth reached.
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