DESCRIPTION | Experience the complete Tales of Symphonia adventure like never before with the Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. The bestselling original Tales of Symphonia has been remastered with additional content along with Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World that tells the complete Symphonia storyline in a single package. Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the sweeping epic adventure that is Tales of Symphonia.
- Two Complete Games - Both Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New Wolrd comes together in a single package.
- Enhanced audio and visuals - Remastered visuals along with the inclusion of a dual audio track including the original Japanese voices and the original theme songs for the first time in Tales of history.
- New Content - The original releases are now full of new content including new Mystic Arte Cut-ins, new costumes, titles, unison attacks, techniques, events and monsters.
- Battle System - Exciting action packed, real time battle system including Unison attacks and the ability to capture and battle with over 200 monsters.

Gamecube/PS3 comparision

1.) What exactly is Tales of Symphonia Chronicles?
-Chronicles is an HD collection including two games: Tales of Symphonia and its sequel, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. The original Tales of Symphonia was initally released on GCN in all regions, and later ported to PS2 in Japan, which is the version this collection is based off of. That means this is the first time North America and Europe will see the PS2 version changes in the game. Dawn of the New World was originally released for Nintendo Wii.
2.) What are the differences between the PS2 version and the GCN version of Tales of Symphonia?
The framerate is 30FPS, compared to the 60FPS GCN version.
-Graphical changes such as
-New costumes, mostly from the "Flanoir/Heimdall Events" with whatever character has highest affinity with Lloyd
- Angel wing colors
- Sheena's summons now have a cutaway portrait image
- Skits have more dynamic potraits, changing size and motion
- More post-battle poses
- A couple more anime cutscenes during the game
-New artes and elemental variations on artes
-New Unison Attacks
-Every character has a 'Mystic Arte'
-Fixed several bugs such as learning both T&S artes
-Many bosses have new moves on higher difficulties
-Casino added to Altamira
-Forbidden Book extra dungeon has 5 more floors and new monsters
--During the "Flanoir Event", Kratos no longer comes in automatically as the fourth visitor. If you refuse the first two visitors, you will automatically go with the third.-The Earth Dragon in the Earth Temple now drops 1000 Gald instead of 10000. Howver the Gold Dragon in the Torent Forest now drops 8300 Gald instead of 1052.The kendama Devil's Arm is now a casino prize, rather than bought in Altamira.
You can find a more detailed list here
3.) Besides additions to the PS2 version, what changes does Chronicles have?
-Both Japanese and English voice tracks
-All 3 openings tracks are included in the game (NA, JP GCN, JP PS2)
-The NA release uses the dialog font from the European GCN version.
-Cameo costume added for each character, unlocked via save file from the respective games or upon a second playthrough (unsure if Japanese saves will count for Vesperia/Xillia 2)
-Fixed graphical slowdowns
-Includes additions to the PAL version of Dawn of the New World, such as Gallery Mode, Skits Library, Image Library, as well as head accessories in the game.
-New 'cut-ins' for Mystic Artes drawn by ufotable, such as the example below

IGN - 8
Gravelord_Nito and Makoto Yuki helped me put things together.