What is Terraria?
Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is
your canvas and the ground itself is your paint.
Grab your tools and go! Make weapons to fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes. Dig
deep underground to find accessories, money, and other useful things. Gather resources to create
everything you need to make the world your own. Build a house, a fort, or even a castle. People
will move in to live there and perhaps even sell you different wares to assist you on your journey.
But beware, there are even more challenges awaiting you... Are you up to the task?
PC System Requirements:
OS: Windows Xp, Vista, Win 7
Processor: 1.6 Ghz
Memory: 512MB
Hard Disk Space: 200MB
Video Card: 128mb Video Memory, capable of Shader Model 1.1
(XNA Card Compatability List)
DirectX®: 9.0c or Greater
Processor: 1.6 Ghz
Memory: 512MB
Hard Disk Space: 200MB
Video Card: 128mb Video Memory, capable of Shader Model 1.1
(XNA Card Compatability List)
DirectX®: 9.0c or Greater
Playstation 3:
X-Box 360:
(Please note: This thread will mostly deal with the PC version!)

Mechanics/Gameplay changes
Graphical changes
New Items/Recipes
Performance/Misc/Bug fixes
- Enemies now have a health bar
- There is now a map, mini map, and overlay that only shows tiles the brightest they have ever been
- There is now an extended crafting menu that will show everything you can craft
- You will now start with 10 mana
- Some items now stack to 999
- Character slots have been increased to 1,000
- World slots have been increased to 1,000
- Character creation has been remodeled
- Chest sizes have been doubled
- Your inventory space has been increased by 10
- You no longer need to jump to ascend single blocks
- You can now paint any solid tile or item
- Dye slots have been added
- You can now craft early game magic robes and staves
- Ropes are now found early game and can be used to craft rope coils for traversing the world
- Bricks, wood, stone and glass all now blend together
- Your world has a chance to get alternative ore as a replacement for copper, iron, silver, and gold
- Your world has a chance to have a replacement for the Corruption
- Your world has a chance to get alternative ores as a replacement for Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite
- Your world has a rare chance to have a pyramid or living tree spawn during world generation each containing their own loot table
- There is a new hardmode jungle temple
- There are now beehives that can be found in the jungle
- Chains can now be placed and used as a rope mechanism
- Rain and blizzards have been added
- There is a new snow biome with unique treasures and items for normal and hardmode
- There are several new buffs and debuffs
- There are now mini Capture the Gem addition to the game. You can craft large gems that draw a gem icon above the player holding the gem and if the player is killed the gem will be dropped next to their corpse
- There are 2 new hardmode events
- Werewolf form has been buffed and can take place every night
- Broken armor debuff only lasts 2 minutes, down from 5
Graphical changes
- The sun is now brighter
- Midnight is now darker
- The sky has a smooth gradient
- There are several items that have had graphical upgrades such as gems, colored torches, minishark, muramasa, aqua scepter,
- starfury, ect..
- There are now stalagmites, icecicles, moss, plants, rocks, and other "piles" added to enhance the environment
- There are several new mini caves that can be found with unique backgrounds
- Each biome will now have chests and pots with unique graphics
- The dungeon now has 3 unique textures/colors and furniture
- Hell houses have been remodeled
- Floating islands have been remodeled
- Each biome will now have unique textures and wood types:
- Corruption: Ebonwood
- Jungle: Rich Mahogany
- Crimson: Shadewood
- Hallow: Pearlwood
- Each brick now has its own unique texture
- Each brick wall now has its own unique texture
- Torches are now animated and can be placed on walls
- Common enemies such as demon eyes, skeletons, and zombies have all been given graphical variations
- There are several new tombstones
- All objects in the game that sparkle will now sparkle with a corresponding color
New Items/Recipes
- In total there are over 1,000 new items
- There are 10 new ores
- There are 4 new wood types
- There are 31 new brick types
- You can now imbue melee weapons
- There are several new arrow and bullet types
- There are several new crafting stations
- There are several new wands used for crafting new bricks and brick walls
- You can now craft bricks, walls, and furniture out of several new materials:
- Slime, Bone, Mushroom, Living wood, Flesh, Silt, and many more!
- There are 12 new wing types
- There are several new vanity sets
- There are a lot of new rare drops added to enemies
- You can now craft stained glass
- There is an item in hardmode that allows you to change biomes
- There is an item in hardmode that allows you to increase your max health
- There are 29 new tinker combinations
- Several new items have been added to the game that are used for crafting dyes
- All of the old classic armors can be found as rare drops and have the same stats as their current counterparts and count towards set bonuses
- Items that were called dyes previously for crafting have been changed to thread
- Chests now have larger loot tables
- You can now make picks instead of drills and axes instead of chainsaws in late game tiers
- Increased the drop rate of souls
- There are over 50 paintings that can be collected randomly throughout the world
- Silt and slush can be extracted into useful materials, items, and money
- Each boss has a rare chance to drop a placeable boss trophy
- Stars can now be crafted with bottles to make a new light source
- There are 8 new friendly npcs
- There are 4 new bosses
- There are over 100 new enemies
- Friendly npcs will sell different items depending on certain conditions such as time of day or biome they are living in
- Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game
- Current hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased
- There is a rare spawn mini boss that can be found during blizzards in the above ground ice biome
- There are over 15 new pets that can be found in chests and dropped rarely off enemies
- Early hardmode enemies now do less damage and have less health/defense.
- Skeletron can now be summoned and has a small loot table
- There are 15 new tracks for the game, 3 of which are from the console version of the game
- Day theme 2 will loop into day theme 1 to add variation above ground
- Desert, ocean, glowing mushrooms, dungeon, and space all have their own tracks now
- Ice biome has an above and below ground track
Performance/Misc/Bug fixes
- The game now only loads assets when needed, reducing the amount of RAM used
- Optimized tile data to reduce RAM usage
- There game will now ask you if you want to use UPnP to automatically port-forward when hosting multiplayer
- You can no longer craft items or money by placing items in the trash.
- You can no longer sell your gold to NPC's
- Music box/chest duping no longer works
- Bunnies/Goldfish spawned from statues no longer drop money during a Bloodmoon
- Equipping items to the social slot in German no longer crashes the game
- The game will no longer create a random password during multiplayer world generation
- You can now reforge in all languages
- Active blocks will no longer become inactive with a chest on them
- Fixed a bug that would cause a suitable house to be unsuitable
- Fixed a lot of bugs that were not listed

GAFer HaRyu has maintained a GAF server for quite a while, and 1.2 will be no different. In order to access the Unofficial GAF server, you'll need to quote this OT to see the server info / password. It appears at the very top between the e-mail quotes, so only GAFers can see it.
House Rules:
1) GAF members need no special permission to get on the server.
2) "Friends" of GAF members may be allowed on after you PM me a message stating who the friend is, and what their character name/names are. You don't have to wait for me to give the go ahead, just send me a PM so I have a record.
4) For the love of Cthulu's Floating Eyeball, don't drain the damn oceans.
5) Underground Highways, Hellshafts, and Air Bridges are allowed. The exceptions are that they must not interfere with another player's build project, go through a dungeon that hasn't been unlocked yet, or go through corruption without taking proper measures to actually stop it in its tracks and spreading along the pathway.
6) Excessive bomb throwing ABOVE GROUND is prohibited. Go nuts underground if you want, but no where near any build projects.
7) Failure to comply with any of the above will result in an immediate kick and ban from the server.
1) I dunno, use a new character for it?
2) Its a casual server for now, so, build/explore.
3) Please, I know I can't stop you guys, but please do not activate hardmode. See #2? I said CASUAL server. Its no fun when new players have to suffer the hell that is hardmode with POS equipment.
4) Speaking of equipment, its nice to give gifts and all, but really, be very stingy about it on the server. Its best for new players to actually earn their equipment.
1) The first world that goes up, will just be temporary. Don't get attached. But you're welcome to go nuts with your build projects (*cough* Retro *cough*)
2) The 2nd iteration of the world will be the one to watch for. That one goes up as soon as the server mods are made available, AND I can find a decent map editor program that works with the new update. Every possible awesome build project that we've done in previous world maps, I'm going to just shove into the 2nd new world. There'll be other surprises too, but you'll need to look for them. The one guaranteed thing that will be in is the Tower. I'm sure many of the old players remember the Tower.
3) I don't exactly know how long I'll keep the servers running, if players start to drop off, then I'll revert to maybe putting it up only on weekends. But one guaranteed thing will be that as soon as they announce the Starbound beta, we're gonna have a little "apocalypse" party. That also will have its own little surprises.
House Rules:
1) GAF members need no special permission to get on the server.
2) "Friends" of GAF members may be allowed on after you PM me a message stating who the friend is, and what their character name/names are. You don't have to wait for me to give the go ahead, just send me a PM so I have a record.
4) For the love of Cthulu's Floating Eyeball, don't drain the damn oceans.
5) Underground Highways, Hellshafts, and Air Bridges are allowed. The exceptions are that they must not interfere with another player's build project, go through a dungeon that hasn't been unlocked yet, or go through corruption without taking proper measures to actually stop it in its tracks and spreading along the pathway.
6) Excessive bomb throwing ABOVE GROUND is prohibited. Go nuts underground if you want, but no where near any build projects.
7) Failure to comply with any of the above will result in an immediate kick and ban from the server.
1) I dunno, use a new character for it?
2) Its a casual server for now, so, build/explore.
3) Please, I know I can't stop you guys, but please do not activate hardmode. See #2? I said CASUAL server. Its no fun when new players have to suffer the hell that is hardmode with POS equipment.
4) Speaking of equipment, its nice to give gifts and all, but really, be very stingy about it on the server. Its best for new players to actually earn their equipment.
1) The first world that goes up, will just be temporary. Don't get attached. But you're welcome to go nuts with your build projects (*cough* Retro *cough*)
2) The 2nd iteration of the world will be the one to watch for. That one goes up as soon as the server mods are made available, AND I can find a decent map editor program that works with the new update. Every possible awesome build project that we've done in previous world maps, I'm going to just shove into the 2nd new world. There'll be other surprises too, but you'll need to look for them. The one guaranteed thing that will be in is the Tower. I'm sure many of the old players remember the Tower.
3) I don't exactly know how long I'll keep the servers running, if players start to drop off, then I'll revert to maybe putting it up only on weekends. But one guaranteed thing will be that as soon as they announce the Starbound beta, we're gonna have a little "apocalypse" party. That also will have its own little surprises.