Awesome Animals
To those who want to join the club:
Please post here with your PSN name so we know who you are when you friend request/club request. Thank you!
Hey folks, it’s finally here, PS4 and next-gen FIFA on the Ignite Engine. Animations are smoother, which means clubs has probably not been improved at all. Come join many of the former Xbox 360 GAF Clubbers as we make the jump as early as possible.
How do I join? Simple! Submit an invite to the club once it is posted. We will make sure you see it in the OP. Also, with a 2000 Friend limit, feel free to friend each other as we build out our friends list. Also, post your tag here so you can be confirmed as a GAF member. ALL GAF MEMBERS ARE WELCOME!
**The club is up! Search for Gentle Lovers or friend me and find it!
Posting to join is simple. Follow this form below:
NeoGAF Username, PSN Name, twitter (optional)
Menelaus, BigPapaGlueHands, @Menel4us
Awesome Animals, SavetheTurtles, @tfisher21
Cornballer, Cornballer, @Cornballer
Meier, abellwillring, @abellwillring
Meus_Renaissance, Starfleets, @Starfleets
PrematureQuiche, PrematureQuiche, @bigchelski
omgkitty, KillerElDiablo, @LoganNorris
sneaky77, trapperkreeper
ijm72, younghov72, @Dat_Handle
fluffydelusions, plbelanger, @fluffydelusions
Twitter: @thegentlelovers
Now that many of us have spent years playing together, we have naturally expanded to other games and wanted to be able to keep track of different things. One forum topic wasn’t enough anymore and we’ve begun exploring other options. Additionally, this will allow us to utilize the share functions that the next generation provides. Hopefully we can have some fun and entertaining videos, but more likely they will be videos highlighting awesome goals, and demoralizing tragedies that is FIFA Clubs.
Most important of all is to not take this too seriously. We don’t care about our record, but more about socializing and having fun playing a video game. Additionally, you can provide what position you would prefer to play, but we go by a mostly first come, first serve basis.
Let’s go get wet!
Please post here with your PSN name so we know who you are when you friend request/club request. Thank you!

Hey folks, it’s finally here, PS4 and next-gen FIFA on the Ignite Engine. Animations are smoother, which means clubs has probably not been improved at all. Come join many of the former Xbox 360 GAF Clubbers as we make the jump as early as possible.
How do I join? Simple! Submit an invite to the club once it is posted. We will make sure you see it in the OP. Also, with a 2000 Friend limit, feel free to friend each other as we build out our friends list. Also, post your tag here so you can be confirmed as a GAF member. ALL GAF MEMBERS ARE WELCOME!
**The club is up! Search for Gentle Lovers or friend me and find it!
Posting to join is simple. Follow this form below:
NeoGAF Username, PSN Name, twitter (optional)
Menelaus, BigPapaGlueHands, @Menel4us
Awesome Animals, SavetheTurtles, @tfisher21
Cornballer, Cornballer, @Cornballer
Meier, abellwillring, @abellwillring
Meus_Renaissance, Starfleets, @Starfleets
PrematureQuiche, PrematureQuiche, @bigchelski
omgkitty, KillerElDiablo, @LoganNorris
sneaky77, trapperkreeper
ijm72, younghov72, @Dat_Handle
fluffydelusions, plbelanger, @fluffydelusions
Twitter: @thegentlelovers
Now that many of us have spent years playing together, we have naturally expanded to other games and wanted to be able to keep track of different things. One forum topic wasn’t enough anymore and we’ve begun exploring other options. Additionally, this will allow us to utilize the share functions that the next generation provides. Hopefully we can have some fun and entertaining videos, but more likely they will be videos highlighting awesome goals, and demoralizing tragedies that is FIFA Clubs.
Most important of all is to not take this too seriously. We don’t care about our record, but more about socializing and having fun playing a video game. Additionally, you can provide what position you would prefer to play, but we go by a mostly first come, first serve basis.
Let’s go get wet!