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The Last of Us Part I: full list of accessibility features revealed


Gold Member

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With The Last of Us Part I releasing next week, September 2, Naughty Dog is excited to share a comprehensive overview of the game's accessibility features. The studio has taken the features established in The Last of Us Part II as a baseline, and then evolved these options even further.

"We're expecting this to be an accessible experience for blind players, for deaf players, for players with motor accessibility needs," explains Game Director Matthew Gallant. "The biggest new feature we have are audio descriptions for cinematics. We partnered with Descriptive Video Works, a professional service whose background is TV, movies and video game trailers, and integrated it into the cutscenes and across all our localized languages.

"Another, which started as a prototype but ended up being really successful during playtesting is a feature that plays dialogue through the PS5 DualSense controller as haptic feedback. That way a deaf player can feel the way a line is delivered, can feel the emphasis, along with the subtitles to give some sense of how that line is delivered."

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Below, you can find the accessibility options in full.

Accessibility Presets​

As with The Last of Us Part II, many of the accessibility features were built to work in concert with one another. As such, there are three accessibility presets that configure all the recommended settings for vision, hearing, and motor accessibility. You're free to customize these presets further to better suit your needs.

Apply Vision Accessibility PresetOn or OffConfigures all the recommended settings designed for players who are blind or have low vision.
This will enable settings across multiple menus, such as:
• Screen Reader
• Cinematic Descriptions
• High Contrast Display
• HUD Scale > Large
• Lock-On Aim > Auto-Target
• Traversal and Combat Audio Cues
• Navigation and Traversal Assistance
• Ledge Guard
• Enhanced Listen Mode
• Invisibility Toggle
• Skip Puzzle Option
• Various adjustments in the Combat Accessibility menu
Apply Hearing Accessibility PresetOn or OffConfigures all the recommended settings designed for players who are deaf or hard of hearing.
This will enable settings across multiple menus, such as:
• Awareness Indicators
• Pick-Up Notifications
• Subtitles > Story + Combat
• Subtitle Names
• Subtitle Direction
• Combat Vibration Cues
Apply Motor Accessibility PresetOn or OffConfigures all the recommended settings designed for players with a physical or mobility disability.
This will enable settings across multiple menus, such as:
• Lock-On Aim > Auto-Target
• Auto Weapon Swap
• Auto Pick Up
• Camera Assist > On
• Navigation and Traversal Assistance
• Ledge Guard
• Infinite Breath
• Repeated Button Presses > Hold
• Melee Combos > Hold
• Weapon Sway > Off
• Skip Puzzle Option
• Various adjustments in the Combat Accessibility menu

Alternative controls​

You are able to fully customize your PS5 DualSense controller options, remapping every command to a different controller input – including touchpad swipes and controller shake. You have individual options to change every button hold into a toggle, and every rapid press into a hold. There are also camera assistance and lock-on aim options.

Input Remap
Customize ControlsRemap and fully customize all controls.
Control SchemeDefault, Right Hand Only, Left Hand Only, Custom Scheme 1, Custom Scheme 2, Custom Scheme 3Remap and fully customize all controls.
Rename Control SchemeChange the name of your custom scheme.
Controller OrientationDefault, Left, Right, Upside DownSelect how you hold your controller, which rotates the directional buttons, left stick, and right stick to match.
Left Stick and Right StickDefault, Flipped While Aiming, Flipped AlwaysSwap the functionality of the left stick and right stick.
Ladder MovementCharacter or CameraChange the directional input for movement on ladders.
CHARACTER: Movement up/down ladders with |left-stick| is relative to the player's orientation.
CAMERA: Movement up/down ladders with |left-stick| is relative to the camera's orientation. Recommended for players who are blind or have low vision and are using Navigation Assistance to orient themselves.
Melee While AimingOn or OffAllows the player to melee with |Square| while aiming.This will disable Shoulder Swap, or whichever control is mapped to |Square| while aiming.
Hand Wheel InputOn or OffOptions to turn hand wheels with "Left Stick" or "Hold"
Holds and Presses
Repeated Button PressesTap or HoldChange the input method for repeated button press prompts.
TAP (Default): Press the button repeatedly to progress.
HOLD: Hold the button to progress.
Melee CombosTap or HoldChange the input method for performing a melee combo.
TAP (Default): Press |square| repeatedly to melee combo.
HOLD: Hold |square| to melee combo.
Aiming ModeHold or ToggleChange the input method for aiming.
HOLD (Default): Hold |L2| to aim. Release to stop aiming.
TOGGLE: Press |L2| to aim. Press |L2| again to stop aiming.
Listen ModeHold or ToggleChange the input method for listen mode.
HOLD (Default): Hold |R1| to listen. Release to stop listening.
TOGGLE: Briefly hold |R1 to listen. Briefly hold |R1| again to stop listening.
SprintingHold or ToggleChange the input method for sprinting.
HOLD (Default): Hold |L1| to sprint. Release to stop sprinting.
TOGGLE: Briefly hold |L1| to start sprinting. Briefly hold |L1| again to stop sprinting.
CraftingHold or ToggleChange the input method for crafting and upgrading.
HOLD (Default): Hold |X| to start crafting and release to cancel.
TOGGLE: Tap |X| to start crafting and tap to cancel.
Backpack Weapon SwapHold or ToggleChange the input method for swapping weapons in your holsters.
HOLD (Default): Hold |square| to enter backpack weapon swapping and release to exit.
TOGGLE: Hold |square| to enter backpack weapon swapping and tap to exit.
Bow FiringHold or TapsChange the input method for firing the bow.
HOLD (Default): Hold |R2| while aiming to draw the arrow back and release to fire.
TAPS: Tap |R2| while aiming to automatically draw the arrow back and tap again to fire.
Camera AssistOn , Off, Horizontal, VerticalAutomatically reorients the camera in the direction of your movement. Select HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL to limit assistance to that axis.
Designed for players who are new to action games or have difficulty using Left Stick and Right Stick simultaneously.
Lock-On AimOff, On, Auto-TargetAutomatically lock-on to enemy targets when aiming.Targets the center of the enemy's body by default. Use |right-stick| to target the head or legs.If set to AUTO-TARGET, you will lock onto the next enemy automatically even if they're offscreen.
Lock-On Strength1 to 10 SliderAdjust the pull strength of Lock-On Aim.
Arc-Throw Lock-onOn or OffAutomatically lock-on to enemy targets when |L2| aiming a throwable.In stealth, bricks and bottles lock-on slightly away from enemies to facilitate distractions. Use |right-stick| to directly target the enemy instead.
Arc-Throw Lock-on Strength1 to 10 SliderAdjust the pull strength of Arc-Throw Lock-On.
Auto Weapon SwapOn or OffAutomatically swap to another holstered weapon when you run out of ammo.
Auto Pick-UpOn or OffAutomatically picks up nearby ammo and ingredients.
Motion Sensor Function AimingOn or OffEnables using the orientation of the controller to adjust your aim direction
Minigame Time Limit1 to 10 Slider, 2X Time, 4X Time, 10X TimeAdjustment to the time limit for minigames in Left Behind
Minigame Input1 to 10 Slider, Fewer Inputs, No Cords, Fewer Inputs and No ChordsAdjustment to required inputs for minigames in Left Behind

Magnification and Visual Aids​

There are options to fine-tune the HUD size, color and contrast to ensure text, UI and gameplay elements are comfortably visible to view and read. The High Contrast Display is a special render mode that provides more contrast for in-game elements. There's also a Screen Magnifier, allowing you to zoom in on any part of the screen using the PS5 DualSense controller's touchpad.

HUD ScaleDefault, LargeChanges the size of in-game HUD elements.
HUD BackgroundDefault, Light, DarkenedChanged HUD background darkness.
HUD ColorWhite, Yellow, Blue, Red, GreenChanges the color of text and HUD elements.
HUD Colorblind ModeOff, Protanopia, Deuteranopia, TritanopiaChanges the color palette of HUD accents.
HUD FlashingOn or OffEnables flashing HUD animations.
High Contrast DisplayOff, Setting 1, Setting 2, Setting 3Mutes environment colors and adds distinct contrast coloring to allies, enemies, items, and interactive objects.
When enabled, use |touchpad-swipe-left| to toggle high contrast display.
Screen MagnifierOff, Low, Medium, HighMagnifies a section of the screen.
Lightly double tap touch pad to quickly toggle zoom. Holding the second tap will slowly increase the zoom, locking the zoom level on release.Use touch pad to move magnifier over different areas of the screen. Double tap again to exit.
Translation PromptsOff, On, AutoEnables |triangle| translation prompts for in-world text.
When set to AUTO, this feature is automatically enabled when a non-English text language is selected or if Screen Reader is enabled.

Motion Sickness​

Simulated 3D movement can be a source of motion sickness for many players. To create a more visually comfortable experience, there's options to adjust camera shake, motion blur, camera follow distance, and even field of view. There's also an option for a persistent white dot in the center of the screen, which can alleviate the sensation.

Camera Shake1 to 10 SliderAdjust the intensity of camera shake.
Motion Blur1 to 10 SliderAdjust the intensity of the motion blur effect.
Camera Distance-5 to +5 SliderAdjust the distance of the 3rd person camera.
Increasing this value moves the camera further from the player.
Decreasing this value moves the camera closer to the player.
Field of View-5 to +5 SliderAdjust the field of view of the 3rd person camera.
Increasing this value makes the field of view wider.
Decreasing this value makes the field of view narrower.
Full Screen EffectsOn or OffEnables screen effects that indicate player status.
Persistent Center DotOn or OffDisplays a persistent reticle in the center of the screen, hidden during cinematics and while aiming.

Navigation and Traversal​

Included are ways for blind and low-vision players to navigate the game world. Navigation Assistance can be used to guide you along the golden path of story progression or you can use Enhanced Listen Mode to go off and find enemies or pickups instead. To help you move through the game world, there are options for simplified traversal input, ledge guard, and the ability to skip puzzles altogether.

Navigation AssistanceOn or OffPressing |L3| faces the camera in the direction of story progression, marking the path to follow.
If Enhanced Listen Mode is also enabled, then pressing |L3| while in listen mode (hold |R1|) will instead direct the player towards the most recently scanned item or enemy.
Traversal AssistanceOn or OffEnables simplified traversal input.
• Press |X| to automatically perform certain difficult jumps.
• Automatically climb ledges and squeeze through small gaps.
• Automatically vault small obstacles while on the horse.
• Automatically sprint in certain encounters.
Ledge GuardOn or OffGuards against falling off ledges with additional audio and vibration feedback.
Prevents you from falling from ledges that will kill you.
Enhanced Listen ModeOn or OffEnables the ability to scan for items |circle| and enemies |square| while in listen mode.
Send out a scan triggering audio cues at the target's location. The pitch of the sound changes based on the target's height relative to you.
If Navigation Assistance is also enabled, then pressing |L3| while in listen mode will direct the player towards the most recently scanned item or enemy.
Scan Range10m – 30m SliderAdjust the maximum distance of Enhanced Listen Mode scans.
Scan Time1s – 5s SliderAdjust time for an Enhanced Listen Mode scan to reach its maximum distance.
Infinite BreathOn or OffEnables infinite breath while swimming underwater.
Skip Puzzle OptionOn or OffWhen in a puzzle, select SKIP PUZZLE from the pause menu to advance to the puzzle's completion.
This setting is highly recommended for players who are blind or have low vision because some puzzle progression may not be fully accessible.

Text-to-Speech and Audio Cues​

Any information that is only represented visually is unavailable to a blind player. There are several options to convey this information through sound and controller vibration instead. Traversal and Combat Audio Cues work alongside the game's audio to map easily identifiable sounds to commonly used actions (scavenging pickups, jumping across gaps, etc.). These audio cues are cataloged in an audio glossary that you can refer back to at any time. Additionally, menus and other on-screen text can be voiced using the Screen Reader option. For those that have their language set to English and Screen Reader enabled at the console level, The Last of Us Part I will automatically enable Screen Reader for you in-game.

* Screen Reader features available in all supported languages**, except for Thai

** Supported Screen Reader languages include: English, UK English, French, Italian, German, Danish, Turkish, Russian, Czech, Greek, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Croatian, LATAM Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese

Screen Reader and Audio Cues
Screen ReaderOn or OffEnables narration of on-screen text.
When enabled, request a Screen Reader description of your current status with |touchpad-swipe-up|.
Screen Reader volume can be adjusted from the Audio Volumes menu.
Traversal CuesOn or OffEnables additional accessibility audio cues to assist with traversal and exploration. Plays a sound cue for:
• Jumpable gaps, climbable ledges
• Areas that require crouching
• Interacts and pick-ups
• Nearby breakable glass
• Gaining or losing movement control
• When Ledge Guard is enabled, plays a sound cue when it activates
For additional sound cue information, consult the Audio Cue Glossary.
Combat Audio CuesOn or OffEnables additional accessibility audio cues to assist with combat and stealth. Plays a sound cue for:
• Enemy grab and strike prompts
• Aiming at an enemy
• Landing a shot on an enemy
For additional sound cue information, consult the Audio Cue Glossary.
Combat Vibration CuesOn or OffEnables additional accessibility audio cues to assist with combat and stealth. Plays a sound cue for:
• Aiming at an enemy
• Landing a shot on an enemy
Cinematic DescriptionsOn or OffEnables descriptive audio during cinematics. This provides a spoken description of key visual elements in the scene.
Speech to VibrationsOn or off and intensity can be adjusted in the DualSense Wireless Controller Vibration MenuWhen enabled, spoken dialogue is also played through the DualSense wireless controller as vibrations, allowing the player to feel how the line is delivered.
Audio Volumes
Effects1 to 100 SliderAdjust the volume of sound effects.
Dialogue1 to 100 SliderAdjust the volume of spoken dialogue.
Music1 to 100 SliderAdjust the volume of music.
Cinematics1 to 100 SliderAdjust the volume of cinematics.
Accessibility Audio Cues1 to 100 SliderAdjust the volume of accessibility audio cues.
Audio cues for traversal and combat can be enabled from the Accessibility menu.
Screen Reader1 to 100 SliderAdjust the volume of text-to-speech narration.
Audio Cue GlossaryBrowse and listen to various audio cues that appear throughout gameplay.
Cinematic Descriptions1 to 100 SliderAdjust the volume of Cinematic Descriptions.

Combat Accessibility​

Because combat in The Last of Us Part I should be accessible for all players, there are a number of options that can significantly alter the gameplay experience. For instance, the Invisibility Toggle feature allows you to experience stealth gameplay that might otherwise be inaccessible. If you have difficulty aiming, you can give yourself more time by enabling Slow Motion while aiming. The goal is to provide you with all the tools you need to make the combat experience enjoyable and challenging.

Enable Combat AccessibilityOn or OffEnables the combat accessibility settings.
These settings are designed to make combat accessible for all players. As such, they can significantly alter the gameplay experience.
Hostages Don't EscapeOn or OffEnemies grabbed by you will not break free while struggling.
Allies Don't Get GrabbedOn or OffAllies will automatically escape when grabbed by enemies.
This setting will not apply during certain combat encounters.
Enemies Don't FlankOn or OffEnemies will not intentionally try to get behind your position.
Reduced Enemy PerceptionOn or OffReduce enemy perception in stealth.
This setting is relative to the chosen difficulty.
Reduced Enemy AccuracyOn or OffReduce enemy accuracy when shooting.
This setting is relative to the chosen difficulty.
Invisibility ToggleOff, Limited, UnlimitedYou are invisible to enemies while not aiming. This setting is disabled during certain encounters where stealth is not an option.
If set to LIMITED, the time limit will be based on the stealth difficulty settings.
Weapon SwayOn or OffEnables camera sway while aiming weapons.
Slow MotionOff, While Aiming, ToggleReduces game speed when enabled.
When set to TOGGLE use |touchpad-swipe-right| to toggle slow motion.
Tinnitus SoundOn and OffEnables an audio effect that mimics a ringing in the ears when in the proximity of an explosion.
Vibration1 to 100 Slider, On and OffAllows players to fine tune Haptic feedback intesnity for the following game play aspects: Menu, Overall Gameplay, Player Actions, Melee, Gunshots and Bow, Enemy Attacks, Ambient Weather, Environmental Events, Cinematics, Accessibility, Speech to Vibrations, Speech to Vibrations Intensity


If you're deaf, hard-of-hearing, or need to play at low or no volume, you may not be able to access gameplay information that is only represented through audio. To address this discrepancy, Naughty Dog has included several options to display this information visually instead. Awareness Indicators allow you to determine when you're being spotted in stealth; they also can be set to persist during combat, pointing in the direction of high-threat enemies.

Damage IndicatorsOn or OffEnables HUD spikes in the direction damage was taken.
Awareness IndicatorsOff, Stealth, AlwaysEnables HUD element warning you when enemies are about to spot you and from which direction.
STEALTH: Awareness indicators display until you are spotted.
ALWAYS: Awareness indicators persist during combat. This setting is recommended for players who are deaf or hard of hearing.
HintsOff, Sometimes, FrequentEnables gameplay hints that appear when you're lost in an area for some time.Hints are activated by pressing |L3|.
Pick-Up NotificationsOn or OffDisplays a HUD notification when you pick up ammo, crafting ingredients, or other resources


Subtitles are an extremely popular accessibility feature, so the studio provided a wide array of customization options for them. You can tweak the size and color, add a dark background for contrast, enable speaker names, and even a directional arrow for offscreen speakers. You can enable subtitles for all systemic enemy dialogue during stealth and combat.

SubtitlesOff, Story Dialogue, Story + Combat DialogueEnables subtitles for spoken dialogue.
STORY DIALOGUE: Enables subtitles for main characters, important enemy dialogue, and cinematics.
COMBAT DIALOGUE: Enables subtitles for additional enemy dialogue while in stealth and combat.
SizeSmall, Medium, LargeAdjust the size of subtitle text.
BackgroundOff, Default, DarkenedEnables a dark background behind subtitles to improve legibility.
NamesOn or OffDisplays the name of the speaker with the subtitle.
Name ColorsOn or OffWhen subtitle Names are enabled, displays the names with a unique color per speaker.
DirectionOn or OffEnables an arrow next to subtitles indicating the screen-relative direction of the person speaking.
Does not display for on-screen speakers.
ColorWhite, Yellow, Blue, Red, GreenChanges the color of subtitle text.

Game Difficulty​

As an extension of the accessibility features, The Last of Us Part I also includes expanded difficulty options. At launch, there are five different challenge levels: Very Light, Light, Moderate, Hard, Survivor, and Grounded. You can customize specific aspects of difficulty to your needs or desired experience. You can individually tweak difficulty settings related to incoming damage, enemy and ally effectiveness, stealth, and resources. Trophies are not limited by difficulty.

ChallengeVery Light, Light, Moderate, Hard, Survivor, CustomAdjust the overall difficulty of the game
PlayerVery Light, Light, Moderate, Hard, SurvivorAdjusts difficulty settings related to:
• Amount of damage the player takes from enemies
• Frequency of mid-encounter dynamic checkpoints
EnemiesVery Light, Light, Moderate, Hard, SurvivorAdjusts difficulty settings related to:
• Accuracy of enemy gunfire and frequency of projectiles
• Aggression of enemies advancing and flanking
• Complexity of enemy melee combos
• Movement speed of certain high-threat enemies
• Custom tuning to specific combat encounters
AlliesVery Light, Light, Moderate, Hard, SurvivorAdjusts difficulty settings related to:
• Aggressiveness of allies in combat
• Frequency at which allies kill enemies
StealthVery Light, Light, Moderate, Hard, SurvivorAdjusts difficulty settings related to:
• Enemy's perception through vision, hearing
• Length of grace period before enemies will alert others
• Conditions for grabbing enemies from stealth
ResourcesVery Light, Light, Moderate, Hard, SurvivorAdjusts difficulty settings related to:
• Quantity of ammunition and supplies found in the world
• Quantity of ammunition dropped by enemies
• Frequency of allies gifting items and ammunition
Just like the remaster right?
Oh wait...

"Another, which started as a prototype but ended up being really successful during playtesting is a feature that plays dialogue through the PS5 DualSense controller as haptic feedback. That way a deaf player can feel the way a line is delivered, can feel the emphasis, along with the subtitles to give some sense of how that line is delivered."
How cool is this?
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Love to see it. Not just because I use it to turn off some features like motion blur, wobbling, shaking, grain or change the FoV and/or camera distance, but also because it offers so much to people that have disabilities and can't enjoy games the way we take it for granted. So really great to see that a completely new audience can now play one of the finest games ever made.


Whether it's for accessibility or just general quality of life, this is an excellent level of customisation that took a decent amount of effort. Really good stuff. It would be nice if more games took cues from this.


Naughty Dog - Even if you are dead you can still enjoy The Last of Us Part 1, we have made a feature so corpses can now play this game.

Seriously though, this stuff is great and should be applauded in every way.
You Got Me Lol GIF by BrownSugarApp


I'm not the biggest fan of Wokey Dog, but this is the kind of inclusion that is needed.

Great job to the whole department responsible for this.

Now lower the price :)


Gold Member
Not a fan of ND but fair play and good on them for doing this. Games need to be more accessible. So many disabled people simply can't play games. I know lots of blind people who would love to play games but can't. Disabled people are customers too and if studios keep them in mind when designing games it will only be a positive. More people get to play games and that means more money to be made.

Good, let me nuclearize blur and film grain from my game.
Chromatic Abberation too. That shit gives me a headache. As much as I love Bloodborne I hate that I can't disable it.
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Not a fan of ND but fair play and good on them for doing this. Games need to be more accessible. So many disabled people simply can't play games. I know lots of blind people who would love to play games but can't. Disabled people are customers too and if studios keep them in mind when designing games it will only be a positive. More people get to play games and that means more money to be made.

Chromatic Abberation too. That shit gives me a headache. As much as I love Bloodborne I hate that I can't disable it.
How did i forgot that ugly shit?

Pretty sure it was supposed to come out in late 2020, when the game first released they said it would release a little later, then it got pushed to 2021, then 22.

Its scope has been greatly expanded. It was initially intended to complement TLOU Part II; Now, it is its own ambitious title. Really curious to see what it looks like...


im sorry :lollipop_content: the game is coming to PC so you can play with mouse and keyboard there :lollipop_content:
Lol I'm just messing with ya. I would like to get it on PC, but the lack of a release date (other than "shortly after PS5 release" rumor) makes me worry it'll be awhile yet, and I'd really like to play through it again soon.
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