After many long years of waiting, the probable swan song of the Wii is finally arrived - this time, motion+ required. Utilizing your new three dimensional control set, you'll solve puzzles in new and exciting ways, approach combat with a level of strategy previously unseen in the franchise and learn to love the bomb. Wii bowling style. Also, Link plays a Harp.

Release Date:
Switzerland - November 11, 2011
Europe - November 18, 2011
North America - November 20, 2011
Japan - November 23, 2011
Australia - November 24, 2011 (my birthday, yo)
In North America the package that comes with Motion+ is 69.99 and the regular edition is just 49.99.
To find the prices out for your specific territory just, um, go to google or some shit. Or just go to amazon.com. You can do it, I believe in you.
Or I can just send you to wikipedia article on the game, and that'll cover the lazy clicker crowd too.

Skyward Sword is supposedly the first game in the Zelda universe's fabled "timeline" (LOL), and as such things are a little different since you live in the sky and Hyrule is just a place you go sometimes because it's mysterious.

Thanks to IGN's cutting edge reporting, we learned that the Zelda series needed some lessons from the Elder Scrolls series - especially Skyrim. They keyed in on several points, which are as follows
● Open up the World
● Customization and Progression
● A "Legendary" Story
● Pushing HD Limits
● A Cinematic scope
And due to Nintendo's cunning and amazing development capacity, they almost IMMEDIATELY - some would say overnight - conceded to many of IGN's "points" and implemented features that make this one of the most unique Zelda titles to date!

Nintendo has taken this literally. You have a huge sky overworld that sort of resembles Wind Waker's island-based structure, and then the world below actually opens up to allow you to access huge dungeons and mini-overworlds with puzzles and secrets galore. By air and by land... there's also by sea, since I've seen pictures of Link riding a boat. If that ain't open I don't know what is! IGN truly helped Nintendo see the light.
Check out this Item Upgrade Trailer
Nintendo was particularly clever in finding a way to efficiently and silently implement an upgrade system into the game, knowing that IGN was displeased. Now you go around the world collecting various bits and bobs and when you hit an arbitrary number of these, you can utilize them to upgrade different tools in your arsenal. Once again we must give thanks where it's due.
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword actual Intro {*light spoilers*}
Nintendo was so clever that not only did they expand the storytelling in this title - being enhanced with what has been called "Pixar-quality storytelling and animation" - but they went back in time and called the series 'The LEGEND of Zelda'. How can a story not be legendary when it has the word Legend in the title? There's even a romantic angle {*light spoilers*}, which is surely just one step before Nintendo copies Skyrim completely and allows you to go around town whoring and marrying any fine young lady you choose.

Ok, let's face it. The Wii cannot be upgraded post release to allow HD technology. Although as we have learned Nintendo mastered time travel, this is one feat of engineering that has so far alluded them. But fear not! Even though this is the only point on their list which has not adequately been met by Nintendo's talented developers, we have a solution to that. It's called Dolphin, and it does wonders in the quest to HD-ify the game's content. Check out this neoGAF link for tips on how to set up.
The Legend of Skyword Sword Cinematic Trailer {*light spoilers*}
To be honest I couldn't quite decipher IGN's commentary here, being written by clear retards, but the one thing I could say is that the game still doesn't have voice acting. It has yelps, though, and also probably grunts. As far as I guess, they meant scale or something. And well Skyword Sword has HUGE scale - you can like parachute off of your bird from the sky and land right in the middle of the action, bullets flying over your head and your allies dying left and right as you singlehandedly overcome the trench and launch a bombchu into the hatch, killing all your foes. And on top of that, you can skewer pumpkins and launch them into the sky (or at the face of that creepy kid with the snot hanging from his nose). How is that not cinematic? Shit just got real.

And you can check out more screens at your friendly local game website!

Skyword Sword Music Medley Trailer {*Light Music Spoilers, but awesome Music*}
Skyward Sword E3 2011 Trailer {*Definitely Some Real Spoilers*}
Skyward Sword E3 2010 Trailer {*Barely any spoilers at all*}
Skyward Sword Origins Trailer {*REAL spoilers*}
Skyward Sword Harp Trailer {*REAL spoilers*}
Skyward Sword Pumpkin Fun Video {*No Spoilers, but it's how the thread got its name*}
Obviously, watch these at your own risk but I put up a warning depending on how spoilery it was. I am on a blackout but I had a friend tell me which ones were really bad. I trust him.

Welp, that's all there is to this topic. I want to close this with a little shout out to people who made my life easier.
Special Thanks
To brandonh83, for doing character portraits, banner and footer, as well as working tirelessly tinkering at it like a mad scientist until satisfaction. I would have done none of this, so he's the reason the thread isn't totally ugly.
To Andrex for all the banner titles, I used most of them and I was totally just going to go the simplistic route for it like I do all my topics. I suppose Zelda deserves more, so it got more.
Thanks guys for the help.