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Tim Rogers / Action Button Nearly 6 Hour Review of Tokimeki Memorial

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

Buckle in nerds.

Action Button Reviews TOKIMEKI MEMORIAL (1994 / 1995 / 1996, PC Engine CD / Sony PlayStation / Sega Saturn, Konami)

Presented with an introduction, six separate stories, and an epilogue.

00:00:00 - introduction
00:27:18 - "The First Dating Simulator?" (No, actually)
01:07:42 - intermission #1
01:10:00 - let's talk about the game
01:49:23 - intermission #2
01:52:02 - Let's Play Tokimeki Memorial (playthrough #1: no-research shiori attempt (failure))
03:14:28 - Let's Play Tokimeki Memorial (playthrough #14: no-guide shiori attempt (success))
04:14:39 - intermission #3
04:17:03 - The Point: "The Itch The Freak Scratched" (or, "Myself Isn't Here")
05:18:20 - The Bottom Line
05:32:32 - The Post-Review

We of course encourage you to watch each segment of this video in order. However, if you'd rather not do that, we do officially condone watching these stories in whatever order you like, at whatever pace you like. If you have only time in your life to watch one segment of this video or any individual Action Button video, as always, we recommend "The Point." Furthermore, we strongly encourage you to consider this video a mini-series. We do not think it best to watch this in one sitting. Thank you for watching!

We'll see you next time, for CYBERPUNK 2077."
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10 hour review for Tetris or he's a fraud.

JK; at that length are these more like analysis i.e what Matthewmatosis and AesierAesthetic do? Either way I'll give this a look, I've only heard of this game in passing.


Tokimeki Memorial is one of the most important dating sims ever made, especially the sequel.
Yeah but it's a dating sim so spending any amount of time on it, let alone 6 hours, is ridiculous and should immediately result in a person having their right to vote revoked.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
10 hour review for Tetris or he's a fraud.

JK; at that length are these more like analysis i.e what Matthewmatosis and AesierAesthetic do? Either way I'll give this a look, I've only heard of this game in passing.

He goes super in depth and share tons of anecdotes. Most times (as with this) he plays the game many times, across most, if not all, releases and the subsequent releases. His style is certainly not for everyone.


If you spend 6h listening to Tim Rogers talking about a visual novel

You should rethink your life

Joking, but not really

He is cool, but dude, 6h
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10 hour review for Tetris or he's a fraud.

JK; at that length are these more like analysis i.e what Matthewmatosis and AesierAesthetic do? Either way I'll give this a look, I've only heard of this game in passing.
If you want an idea, read some of the reviews he's written at ABDN:
Someone once described his writing style as a "stream of consciousness" and that's kind of how his videos go as well: extremely indepth while always growing tangential tentacles that (usually) eventually end up back at the point he was making.

If his text reviews pique your interest then the videos would probably appeal to you as well unless you have OCD and hate missing out on some text he flashed for a split second onscreen because you'd rather just listen than watch him for the 2-6 hrs each of his videos might take.

Edit: video -> videos
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Wasn’t this guy a massive SJW cunt who wrote for Kotaku?
While he does seem to exhibit some minor political correctness (eg. "craftspersonship"), I've never found him to be insufferable in the way that some SJWs are; he has his own beliefs but isn't preachy about them.

The most notable quirk of his in my experience is his insistence on replacing "Hell" with "Heck", something to do with his Catholic upbringing if I'm not mistaken.

I do wonder if you might be mistaking him for someone else who also wrote for Kotaku.

Edit: politically -> political.
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Not 6 hour reviews of video games.

Rare example of an avatar reflecting it's owners state.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I skipped to the last 1.5 hours and .... this is honestly really good lol.

When he started overlaying metallic skeletons over the girl's face, and talking about the ethics of wiping her memories on each sweatshop-esque playthrough, I knew it was getting serious.


Tim is good, really good, the only good thing that happened to me by visiting kotaku.
He has many references and his reviews are in depth, he generally plays the games a lot too.
Tim is good, really good, the only good thing that happened to me by visiting kotaku.
He has many references and his reviews are in depth, he generally plays the games a lot too.
His "Let's Mosey: A Slow Translation of Final Fantasy VII" opened my eyes and made me appreciate the guy, i mean i saw Kotaku and said "Oh fuck those SJW cunts" but seriously his work and videos on Kotaku is the only good thing to come out of that shit hole and i'm glad the guy's independent now and is successful enough to do what he loves, also he's worked in the industry (Sony Computer Entertainment Japan) and speaks Japanese and lived there for a long time and he isn't ashamed of his editing work on Yaoi mangas or his stanning for Cloud X Aerith, overall a great guy in my book.

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He keeps outdoing himself isn't he ? 😆 Either that's peak fanboyism or peak autism or both, I've yet to make up my mind about it. But hey, he is quite funny and Tokimeki is certainly a big thing in Nihon so hey, I'm gonna see for myself.

Hoping he doesn't rail on the game for 6 hours by analysing how mysoginistic this title is, that would be peak masochism in this case 😅

Anyway, I'm not going to watch that in one setting, maybe in bite-sized sessions or in the background when doing other stuff. I mean, 6 hours, c'mon...


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I respect him being able to produce 6 hours of video out of a single game, specially if its funny or entertaining.

But 6 hours... Man I could beat games like the classics DOOM or Call of Duty and you'll still be watching that video. :goog_relieved:

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
He keeps outdoing himself isn't he ? 😆 Either that's peak fanboyism or peak autism or both, I've yet to make up my mind about it. But hey, he is quite funny and Tokimeki is certainly a big thing in Nihon so hey, I'm gonna see for myself.

Hoping he doesn't rail on the game for 6 hours by analysing how mysoginistic this title is, that would be peak masochism in this case 😅

Anyway, I'm not going to watch that in one setting, maybe in bite-sized sessions or in the background when doing other stuff. I mean, 6 hours, c'mon...

He brings up objectification in the final segment (though, the context of which is done well). Outside of that, he states that his intention isn't for the viewer to watch in one sitting; that it should be digested over multiple. Some of it can be skipped--He does 2 full game let's plays in the middle, which is where most of the length comes from.


He's funny, but at some point he's going to say "I recognise the absurdity of talking about a video game for 6 hours" yet still do it.

Doesn't make it ok.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
He's funny, but at some point he's going to say "I recognise the absurdity of talking about a video game for 6 hours" yet still do it.

Doesn't make it ok.

Personally, I hope the trend continues. I would love for his Cyberpunk 2077 review to be 8 days.
I’d say the same thing for anyone spending 6 hours of their life watching someone on YouTube review a video game. I have better ways to spend my time. Like actually playing a video game.
Dude give it a chance if you're interested in the game in question, i confess I've no interest in this game but i love FFVIIR and watched the 3 hours video he did on it in 2 settings, 2 hours while i was at the gym and the other while having lunch the next day.

It was very entertaining, also at least watch the video i posted above about the translation of FFVII, it's 10 minutes long.


I'm glad someone takes this so called "art" seriously. This is the kind of analysis you only see on film and books. I'm glad some people is putting the effort, something like the AVGN was OK 10 years ago but it's time to let the medium grow up. I mean, how many collectors / e-celebrities are there that've been gaming for decades, hold a huge library of japanese games and won't even bother to learn katakana to play their own damn games?


Just made it through his final play through. Funny how he made all those charts and graphs and still he is save scumming time get the ending he wants.

By the way, you can pause the video and watch it again later. You don’t have to watch it all at once. He even mentions this repeatedly. Not sure people realize this, given some of the comments itt.
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Gold Member
I do hope he'll review Dragon Quest V or Dragon Quest IX. IX would be interesting because he was in Japan when it got released and when it was popular (afaik). So he probably had the full Streetpass and multiplayer experience.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I do hope he'll review Dragon Quest V or Dragon Quest IX. IX would be interesting because he was in Japan when it got released and when it was popular (afaik). So he probably had the full Streetpass and multiplayer experience.
Sounds like Rondo of Blood next.
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