Info about pitch:
What Chris Avellone thinks about it (original writer for PST)
Why you should back it ? Because there is no such thing like too much isometric RPG.
If you think "But they are already creating WASTELAND 2 ! Those scumbags"
If you are on NeoGAF for longer time you should already know how games are created. Creation of game is not process that involve writers from start to end same as 3D artist will be jobless in pre-production (design part of production).
Their motives are known and you can read it here.
In summary to keep their team intact they need second project to work on as pre-production. When Wasteland 2 will hit our PCs they will start full production of Torment.
You may not believe me as i am mare NeoGAF user but you can ask anyone working in industry that motives are clear and completely logical.

Info about pitch:
- Single player, isometric RPG. Spiritual successor to Planescape: Torment
- Story writters: Colin McComb and Monte Cook. Two of the three primary writers for Planescape setting.
- Music: Mark Morgan, who composed Planescape:Torment music.
- Based on new Numenera setting combining sci-fi with fantasy
- No DRM, Linux, Mac, Windows. Engine used Unity.
- The game will be available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish.
- "just as PS:T strove to defy RPG tropes, so too will Torment – including some tropes that were established by PS:T "
What Chris Avellone thinks about it (original writer for PST)
Why you should back it ? Because there is no such thing like too much isometric RPG.
If you think "But they are already creating WASTELAND 2 ! Those scumbags"
If you are on NeoGAF for longer time you should already know how games are created. Creation of game is not process that involve writers from start to end same as 3D artist will be jobless in pre-production (design part of production).
Their motives are known and you can read it here.
In summary to keep their team intact they need second project to work on as pre-production. When Wasteland 2 will hit our PCs they will start full production of Torment.
You may not believe me as i am mare NeoGAF user but you can ask anyone working in industry that motives are clear and completely logical.