۝ Welcome to the Ultra Street Fighter IV Official Topic, anything and everything you want to know about the game will be posted here ۝
Announcement Trailer ⇔ Decapre Trailer ⇔ Official Trailer
۝ Release Dates ۝
Digital upgrade on PS3 - June 3rd, 2014
Digital upgrade on Xbox 360 - June 4th, 2014
Full versions, retail and digital on PS3 and Xbox 360 - August 5th, 2014
Full version, retail and digital on Steam/PC - August 8th, 2014
Full versions will be $39.99 for the consoles, $29.99 for PC and Upgrades will be $14.99.
Full versions will also contain every single DLC costume since original SFIV included so it will be the definitive version.

The Official strategy guide will be released on August 5th, 2014 by Brady Games for $24.99. Or you can Youtube everything but hey it's your money.
Pre-order from Amazon, Gamestop and directly from PSN and get goofy looking getups for the "new" characters.
Pre-order Costumes Trailer

۝ New Characters! ۝

Rolento, Hugo, Elena and Poison joins the cast. Being from another fighter nobody plays anymore, they want in on the fun.
Decapre is the only "new" character. The evil twin of Cammy had enough of her BS and wants scrubs to use her instead.
۝ New Stages! ۝
And by new I mean Capcom's meaning of new. Ripped straight from another game they've made! As with the "New Challengers", these stages are also from Street X Tekken.
۝ New Gameplay Mechanics! ۝
☀ Double Ultra Combo - Now players can choose to use both Ultra Combos during a match at the cost of less damage. Unless you're a Deejay player, you'll need all the damage you can get there.
☀ Delayed Wakeup - Scared of crazy muh fuggahs rushing you down? Just play dead for a split second. It might just save your life.Then you get up and unleash some demons on them. Or get knocked down again.
☀ Red Focus Attack - At the cost of two meters, three for cancelling, you can use this nifty new badass tool to absorb multiple hits of non armor breaking stuff and even at the lowest level, your opponent will be like, ow, and stunned.
Examples below. It can be charged up to three levels as like the regular focus attack but has the same problems like getting thrown and is prone to armor breaking moves.

Like I said, even at the lowest level you can put a hurting on your opponent. This opens up what you can call easy mode into Ultras. Examples below once again.

۝ New Modes! ۝
☀ Elimination - An upgraded version of Online Team Battle Mode. Think King of Fighters.
☀ Online Training - Now you get to beat up or get beaten up by someone indefinitely until you both get tired of each other and call it a night.
☀ Edition Select - Edition Select Trailer - For offline versus play only. You get to choose which edition of characters to play as. Something something Tiger Uppercut ow.
۝ Various other little things -
‣ Players can upload both online and offline matches directly to Youtube on their own channel. But Only in 480p. Capcom isn't made of money you know.
‣ Network simulation is added to training mode to help online warriors practice against Dahbomb and God's Beard like internet lag. Up to 20 frames of lag can be simulated.
‣ Save and reloading states lets you pause and reload certain conditions you see fit for training purposes.
‣ Training Mode Fight Request is added just for the hell of it.
‣ Button configuration during character select is added to help shave off precious tournament time and the likes.
And finally......
۝ Changes
Every single character has gotten buffed or nerfed in some way. Full change list can be seen here.
For example. Ryu can now focus attack dash cancel into his second Ultra.

NeoGAF Username followed by consoles and gamertags
‣ Moi -

‣ biosnake20 -

‣ Kirblar -

‣ MiniBossBattle -

‣ Retro_ -

‣ QisTopTier -

‣ The Mango Sentinel -

‣ Wunder -

‣ "God'sBeard!" -

‣ CountBlackule -

‣ jbug617 -

‣ Horseress -

‣ Beckx -

‣ Huw_Dawson -

‣ direct_quote -

‣ Tik-Tok -

‣ Lyte Edge -

‣ irfaanator -

‣ RedEther -

‣ El Sloth -

‣ BobbyRoberts -

‣ BakedYams -

‣ Onemic -

‣ kevo_huevo -

‣ xCobalt -

‣ Bizazedo -

‣ Soulstar -

‣ Vice -

‣ FSLink -

‣ Moaradin -

‣ ReBurn -

‣ JrBaconCheeseburger -

‣ Mike M -

‣ MetroidPrimeRib 360 -

‣ RyudBoy -

‣ SephirothRK -

‣ Exr -

‣ KHlover -

‣ Y0j1mb0 -

‣ Valkerionseven -

‣ kodecraft -

‣ Wynnebeck -

‣ GrayFoxPL -

‣ kasane -

‣ howdyjacker -

‣ Spiderjericho -

‣ CcrooK -

‣ YesManKablam -

‣ Kintaro -

‣ Aku-Audi -

‣ poopninjamvc3mk -

‣ The Flash -

‣ Smedwicks -

‣ Emperor bohe -

‣ Skilletor -

‣ Kyored -

‣ GuardianE -

‣ Masamuna -

‣ joe1138 -

‣ shinshoryuken -

‣ ShinAmano -

‣ Maligna -

‣ Orpheus Telos -

‣ Nakazato -

‣ Flying High -

‣ the_log_ride -

‣ Tekniqs -

‣ Geniuzz -

‣ Siktastic -

‣ Imm0rt4l -

‣ Kimosabae -

‣ Troubled Bat -

‣ Shackzam -

‣ N4Us -

‣ dem0neyes -

‣ Relix -

‣ TONX -

‣ Owensboro -

‣ Item Box -

‣ Tesseract -

‣ BumblebeeCody -

‣ RS4- -

‣ KakesuSora -

‣ Obscura -

‣ BentMyWookiee -

‣ Tansut -

‣ hitsugi -

‣ Coy -

۝ Yours truly streams fighting games. My Twitch Channel. I will be streaming lobbies for the game regularly at nights.
Single lobby streaming is at 1080p while Dual lobbies are 900p.
Fast internet speed and an adequate PC setup are recommended.
۝ Also other streams which are sure to be streaming the game.
Team Sp00ky TS Sabin
EG PR Balrog
A big thank you to......