I picked up rebirth again after a break. Wife has to go to work so I'm chillin all by myself. :> This is my goty, easy. I've got over 100 hours on it. I have to be closing in on the end but i'm not sure. Even after I beat it, I'll be going back for the hard mode at some point. Anticipating that is pretty interesting because it really makes me want to prepare while in the first playthrough.
Finally after 3-4 trys Horizon Forbidden West clicked and i'm loving it. Gonna finish it up early in the new year.
This is another one I went back to recently. It's pretty good, and I do get sucked in over the course of longer sessions. Same issue as rebirth, though: The game is too long for me and just enough. So I have to take extended breaks at the risk of really dropping the game.
I like open world fluff not necessarily to complete it all, but because you need that available to set your own pace at any given time, which is one of the nice things about open worlds. So when I really like them, it's more rare that I'll mainline the story and more common that I'll shelve it for a bit and come back.