The following are 4 noteworthy things that are being made unobtainable when Legion launches, so you may want to do them now:
-A Room with a Moose - get your very own moose mount from killing Archimonde on heroic
-Warlords of Draenor Challenge modes and their rewards
-Khadgar's Legendary ring questline
-Heirloom trinkets for leveling up in Legion (Probably being removed, but not confirmed)
Other noteworthy things:
-Gold rewards from the Garrison and Shipyard are being removed
-The mounts that drop from Mythic Blackhand and Archimonde will be changed from a guaranteed drop to a ~1% drop.
The new expansion is Legion, a journey to the Broken Isles on Azeroth to fight against the Legion invasion brought by Gul'dan. New class - Demon Hunters (tank/melee dps), class overhauls for almost every spec, and spec specific artifact weapons. Not scheduled to be released until late Summer 2016.
More details on Legion here:
Artifact Overview
Class change preview
Promo site
Original OP:
Previous OTs
OT1, OT2, OT3, OT4, OT5, OT6
GAF Players Google Document
GAF Players
Opening Cinematics
Warlords of Draenor
Mists of Pandaria
Wrath of the Lich King
The Burning Crusade
World of Warcraft
Patch Trailers & Reveals
Warlords of Draenor: Patch 6.2 - Fury of Hellfire
Mists of Pandaria: Patch 5.2 - The Thunder King, Patch 5.4 - Siege of Orgrimmar
Cataclysm: Patch 4.1 - Rise of the Zandalari, Patch 4.3 - Hour of Twilight
Wrath of the Lich King: Patch 3.1 - Secrets of Ulduar, Patch 3.2 - Call of the Crusade, Patch 3.3 - Fall of the Lich King
The Burning Crusade: Patch 2.1 - The Black Temple, Patch 2.3 - The Gods of Zul'Aman, Patch 2.4 - Fury of the Sunwell
Classic: Patch 1.11 - Shadow of the Necropolis
Expansion Reveals
Legion Gamescom 2015 Reveal
Warlords of Draenor BlizzCon 2013 Reveal
Mists of Pandaria BlizzCon 2011 Reveal
Cataclysm BlizzCon 2009 reveal
Wrath of the Lich King BlizzCon 2007 Reveal
The Burning Crusade BlizzCon 2005 Reveal
Official Sites
Official US WoW site, Official EU WoW site
Community Websites
MMO-Champion - WoW and Blizzard game news
Wowhead - WoW database
Simple Armory - great armory website to easily view your achievements/pets/mounts
Openraid - community event planning website
WoWProgress - guild and character rankings
Arena Junkies - PvP rankings
GuildOx - character rankings (good for looking up % of players with a mount or achievement)
Curse - Addon resource
WoW Interface - Addon resource
|OT6| Wall of Shame
-A Room with a Moose - get your very own moose mount from killing Archimonde on heroic
-Warlords of Draenor Challenge modes and their rewards
-Khadgar's Legendary ring questline
-Heirloom trinkets for leveling up in Legion (Probably being removed, but not confirmed)
Other noteworthy things:
-Gold rewards from the Garrison and Shipyard are being removed
-The mounts that drop from Mythic Blackhand and Archimonde will be changed from a guaranteed drop to a ~1% drop.

The new expansion is Legion, a journey to the Broken Isles on Azeroth to fight against the Legion invasion brought by Gul'dan. New class - Demon Hunters (tank/melee dps), class overhauls for almost every spec, and spec specific artifact weapons. Not scheduled to be released until late Summer 2016.
More details on Legion here:
Artifact Overview
Class change preview
Promo site
Original OP:

Chilton on WoD big bosses said:It's Blackhand for 6.0 and Grommash for the final raid tier.

"Oops! I meant you save Grommash from a demon and now you are bffs."
Previous OTs
OT1, OT2, OT3, OT4, OT5, OT6
GAF Players Google Document
GAF Players
Opening Cinematics
Warlords of Draenor
Mists of Pandaria
Wrath of the Lich King
The Burning Crusade
World of Warcraft
Patch Trailers & Reveals
Warlords of Draenor: Patch 6.2 - Fury of Hellfire
Mists of Pandaria: Patch 5.2 - The Thunder King, Patch 5.4 - Siege of Orgrimmar
Cataclysm: Patch 4.1 - Rise of the Zandalari, Patch 4.3 - Hour of Twilight
Wrath of the Lich King: Patch 3.1 - Secrets of Ulduar, Patch 3.2 - Call of the Crusade, Patch 3.3 - Fall of the Lich King
The Burning Crusade: Patch 2.1 - The Black Temple, Patch 2.3 - The Gods of Zul'Aman, Patch 2.4 - Fury of the Sunwell
Classic: Patch 1.11 - Shadow of the Necropolis
Expansion Reveals
Legion Gamescom 2015 Reveal
Warlords of Draenor BlizzCon 2013 Reveal
Mists of Pandaria BlizzCon 2011 Reveal
Cataclysm BlizzCon 2009 reveal
Wrath of the Lich King BlizzCon 2007 Reveal
The Burning Crusade BlizzCon 2005 Reveal
Official Sites
Official US WoW site, Official EU WoW site
Community Websites
MMO-Champion - WoW and Blizzard game news
Wowhead - WoW database
Simple Armory - great armory website to easily view your achievements/pets/mounts
Openraid - community event planning website
WoWProgress - guild and character rankings
Arena Junkies - PvP rankings
GuildOx - character rankings (good for looking up % of players with a mount or achievement)
Curse - Addon resource
WoW Interface - Addon resource
|OT6| Wall of Shame