
Developer: Yuke's / Visual Concepts
Release Dates:
October 27, 2015 (NA)
October 29, 2015 (AUS)
October 30, 2015 (EU)
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Netflix-style Story: Former wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin opens cans of fighting powers to eliminate the darkness that is corporate WWE. Will he be able to grab the World Wrestling Championship belt? With various flash backs through the 90s/00s wrestling era, he unlocks the key to his glory.

Well, some of these aren't new but they kinda are if you've only played WWE 2K15.
- 2K Showcase: You can now relive moments of nostalgia when wrestling was at it's peak and beyond.
- MyCareer: Wrestle your way through the ranks of NXT and into WWE history. Just don't be all racist and you'll stay there.
- Create a Wrestler (CAW): Let's face is: WWE 2K15 serious was lacking in this department. I wouldn't even say that was a feature of 2K15 it was so minimum. This time, it's (possibly) back! I mean, they built Dr. Tracksuit with it.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger: He's in the game.
Well, that's not a huge list. But they're claiming they revamped the gameplay. And the graphics will look better.
For example, this elf has better graphics now:

*Note: Whoever uploaded that screenshot called it "seth_rollins"screenshot.jpg".
*Note-Note: That's not our champion and savior, Seth Rollins.

This list is pretty long since there's 120 playable wrestlers from WWF/WWE history. I've listed a few, but here's the full list.
Bad News Barrett
Daniel Bryan
Eva Marie
John Cena
Seth Rollins
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin & "Stunning" Steve Austin
Summer Rae
Triple H
Adam Rose
Brie Bella
Brock Lesnar
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger
Kevin Owens
Nikki Bella
Ric Flair
Roman Reigns
Sting (Current, Late 1990s and Classic)
Ultimate Warrior
Bam Bam Bigelow
Big Show & The Giant
Diamond Dallas Page
Dolph Ziggler
Kevin Nash
Lex Luger
Randy Orton
Titus O'Neil
Andre the Giant
Chris Jericho
Dean Ambrose
"Macho Man" Randy Savage
Sgt. Slaughter
The Rock
The Undertaker (Current, Early 2000s and The Ministry)
Billy Gunn
Bret "Hit Man" Hart
The British Bulldog
Cactus Jack / Dude Love / Manking
D-Lo Brown
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Ken Shamrock
Shawn Michaels
Big E
Bray Wyatt
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
Xavier Woods
Season Pass trailer for more nostalgia!

The score to beat WWE 2K15 is averaged at 61. If it beats that, then you can tell your friends (and yourself) 2K16 is better than last year.
IGN - 8.8/10
WWE 2K16 takes a big step back towards being the exhaustive suite of wrestling wish-fulfillment it’s expected to be, but that, for me, is not the reason I’ll keep playing. I’ll keep defying gravity as Adrian Neville, and defying expectations as Dolph Ziggler, because WWE 2K16 is as close to a fusion of performance and competition as a wrestling game has ever gotten. That’s what I come to wrestling for, and that’s what 2K16 delivers.
IGN Spain - 8.6/10
WWE 2k16 solves almost every problem that the previous game had, making it one of the most enjoyable wrestling games of the last few years.
GamesRader+ - 80/100
With a huge (and mostly up-to-date) roster, a Stone Cold-obsessed Showcase mode and a fine-tuned MyCareer, the WWE 2K series finally delivers the best wrestling game since Here Comes The Pain.
GameTrailers - 82/100
WWE 2K16 strikes the perfect balance between technical wresting and Attitude Era brawling. Minor online issues hold it back, but the moment-to-moment flow of each match, the huge roster, and the stellar tribute to Stone Cold Steve Austin all combine to make this a must-play for anyone remotely interested in the WWE.
God is a Geek - 85/100
WWE 2K16 is the team back on their way to greatness, and a definite turning point in how wrestling games should be made.
Attack of the Fanboy - 3.5/5
WWE 2K16 is an improvements over WWE 2K15 by adding many of the lost features missing from last year's game. However, it is far from a flawless video game. It is a step in the right direction so hopefully everything turns out perfectly in WWE 2K17.
Game Revolution - 4/5
With the new limited reversal system and a much higher overall production value, WWE 2K16 is the competent fighter we always knew it could be. The fuller roster and a wealth of creation modes mark this year's installment as a notable comeback for the series. Only the submission system, the occasional glitch, and the some issues with the UI for creation modes hold WWE 2K16 back. Otherwise, WWE 2K16 crushes its predecessor with the impact of a Stone Cold Stunner.
Cheat Code Central - 90/100
WWE 2K16 does so many things right that a little forgiveness is in order. Everyone involved seems to recognize that mistakes were made with WWE 2K15 and went out of their way to send the series in the complete opposite direction. The disconnect between character's appearances and occasional stiffness speaks more to a lack of polish than effort, and the result is a generally positive experience that helps renew faith in yearly WWE installments. In fact, WWE 2K16 is so comprehensive, I imagine people will have trouble finding reasons to upgrade to WWE 2K17 next year.
Wrestling, Inc. - 8/10
All in all, there were significant improvements and fixes to this game. Last year's edition was an all-time bad pro wrestling game, and WWE 2K16 is more than solid choice. I enjoy the realism of the game, but sometimes the gameplay gets too slow due to selling, which may end up being a good thing, since you can't spam German Suplexes anymore. I'd recommend this purchase, even if you were jaded by last year's terrible output.
Tech Times
WWE 2K16 is not without its flaws. The visuals are a little out of date, there are more than a few glitches to be found, and while Showcase and MyCareer are great concepts, the mission objectives can be a little repetitive.
Still, the presentation, attention to detail and in-ring action are better than they've ever been. If annual franchises are supposed to improve each year, the difference between 2K15 to 2K16 is like comparing Dink to Doink.
Windows Central
Rough edges aside, 2K16 packs so many things to see and do. Steve Austin's 2K Showcase mode is fantastic, and reason enough to play the game if you enjoy the storyline aspect of wrestling. After knocking out 2K Showcase, the My Career and WWE Universe modes will easily keep wrestling fans busy until 2K17 comes along. Let's hope next year's game maintains the same momentum and genuine attempts at progress as 2K16.