
Xbox Countdown Sale 2023 now live with over 1,400 discounts
The Xbox Countdown Sale 2023 is now live — and it’s a big one — with over 1,400 discounts across games, bundles, DLC packs, and more.
Some random notable and decent priced sales from what I saw (USA pricing) :
- Alan Wake 2 ($48)
- Mass Effect Legendary Edition ($6 !!!!)
- Modern Warfare III ($49)
- Diablo IV ($42)
- Sifu ($16)
- Mortal Kombat 1 ($42)
- Dredge ($18)
- Nier Automata ($16)
- Final Fantasy 7,8,9 - 60% off (as opposed to their eternal 50% off sale price)
- Gotham Knights ($14)
- Street Fighter 6 ($40)
- Elden Ring ($36)
- Resident Evil IV ($30)