May. 2012 is flying by. I'd like to point out again: May. It's a bit of a shocker. Luckily, there's a crop of games in last month's 45 releases that was actually pretty OK.
You can buy any of these games via xbox.com by clicking the link associated with each game, or on the Games Marketplace on your Xbox 360. Simply enter the marketplace and scroll up to Indie Games, where you can check the top rated titles, the games that have just come out, or browse to find the games mentioned in this thread. Indie Game trials last eight minutes, which is often enough to establish what you think about it. Even if you dont buy any of these games, at least trial them, tell people what you think, get more people trying them.
Go. Play. Enjoy. Tell us what you think! Tell all your friends! Get them to tell all their friends
Go. Play. Enjoy. Tell us what you think! Tell all your friends! Get them to tell all their friends
- HELP! Xbox LIVE Indie Games arent available in my country!
Yes they are! Xbox LIVE Indie Games are available in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. If youre outside those countries you can still play these games by setting up a Gamertag for free for one of those countries. Its incredibly simple, and absolutely worth doing.

The Gold award, for the absolute best game that came out last month.
Color me surprised that I'm placing Crystal Hunters in the top spot. This is a game that many will probably overlook due to the awful, awful cover art. I didn't even want to continue past the title screen. But I did. And I discovered that this is definitely a well-developed little puzzler.
Crystal Hunters is a top-down room-based puzzler in the vein of the NES classic series The Adventures of Lolo. The object is to get to the stairs in each room and continue on to the next, while collecting the crystals hidden throughout them. Blue crystals are simple pick-ups, while red crystals give you a handful of bullets to shoot at enemies. Some enemies can be turned into boxes to be pushed onto switches, or into the vision of projectile-firing enemies who would otherwise burn you to a crisp.
There are mirrors that can be pushed to redirect laser beams, as well as enemies to run from. The game rates your performance based on time and amount of deaths at the end of each level. It's graphically sound and aurally pleasing. It's the best game released in April.

The Silver award, for games that are great, but hey, only one game can be the Gold award winner.
Apparently MegaCity has been available on the iPhone for some time. I'm not much of a smartphone gamer, so it escaped my radar. However, it's a pretty fun game on the XBLIG service in its own right.
You're job is to layout a city using the pieces given to you on the left side of the screen. The placement of your pieces will determine how well you're doing. Blue squares will give you a positive score, while red squares will detract from it. For instance, a landfill sits in the center of a 3x3 block of red squares, negatively affecting everything around it. You can offset this by placing blue squares on the affected areas, counteracting it.
Getting a certain amount of points will allow the board to scroll and open up new areas for you to sprawl your metropolis onto. It's a lot of fun, if a little simple once you reason out the base concept.
Septipus has seen quite the mixed reaction on NeoGAF. I'll admit, I didn't have nearly as strong a reaction to it as everyone else here seemed to. I thought it was alright.
This game puts you up against the evil Septipus, stealer of follicles and mustache creator extraordinaire. You'll spend the game exploring caves with floaty controls, avoiding spikes and collecting keys. It's clearly not for everyone, as evidenced by last month's thread, but it warrants a look if for the sleek presentation alone.
I'm having a huge problem with my feelings for Retribution. On one hand, it's easily one of the single most impressive games to ever grace the XBLIG neck of the woods. On the other, it's a complete and total ripoff. I settled on giving it a Silver for being so well developed, despite it's entire lack of originality.
It's Super Stardust HD on XBLIG. It's a twin-stick shooter set on a globe where you blow asteroids and enemies up. There's several selectable weapons and a boost function. Get the PS3 version if you can instead, but if you can't, this will fill the void nicely. You know, if there's a void of twin-stick shooters on the XBLIG service I'm somehow unaware of.

Bronze Award winners dont represent the best games out this month, but every one of these has some really unique aspect to it that more than makes it worth trying, or is more than good enough to warrant a trial. Its for games that are worth talking about.
- Quiet, Please! is a point-and-click adventure game in simple, 8-bit-esque platforming clothes. Take an object from one area, interact with it in another and unlock more stuff to move around and explore.
- Vidiot Game is a game of weird. Seriously, there's no other way to describe it. One scene I'm a frog falling down a chute toward a computer. Another has me scratching off lotto tickets. Wondering how you'd react to a dead horse or rabid dog? Pick an option and see what happens.
- Fish Bait is a brick-breaker with stupid graphics and cool design ideas. The enemies come down like in Galaga and stick to your ship, slowing you down. Crowded genre, but not a bad entry.
- Cylinder could run a bit smoother, but it's not bad. It's a match-3 or more puzzle game set on a Cylinder. The graphics evoke Tron. The music is thumping techno.
- Firing Range 2 is another stationary shooter where you fire at targets for points. The outdoor environment is nicer than the first game's boring concrete room.
- Insane Zombie Carnage might be pretty good, but I couldn't really figure out how to play. I kept killing enemies but nothing happened. It controls pretty well but I just couldn't reason it out.
- Honey Badger - Slayer of Memes is a Punch Out!! style game where you throw down with internet-famous folks like Star Wars kid and the Leave Brittany Alone thing. It's not amazing, but definitely worth a laugh.

Some games are bad. Really bad. So bad that they dont even deserve a functioning link to the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Seriously. No links. There are a lot of bad games on Xbox LIVE Indie Games, but this section is reserved only for games so atrocious or fundamentally flawed that they actually anger me.
- I feel like Gingerbread Holiday gave me diabetes. Not because it's so damned sweet. Because it's that damned bad for you.
- Watch out world! The developer of Skyfish II: Eat Your Peas has figured out parallax scrolling!
- Bricks is a brick-breaking game with no music. The internet does this better every day for free.
- Learn Basic Italian? È stupefacente che un mucchio di merda questa grande è ritenuto opportuno rilasciare. Non preoccupatevi di questo. Non potevano nemmeno fare la bandiera italiana al corretto proporzioni in Microsoft Paint.

A small section for games that have been updated somehow, either with new content or with a brand new price! This section will only bother with games that are worth buying, so if its in here, assume that its excellent and that you should own it.
I haven't picked up on any, but if anyone wants me to add stuff in here, please PM me or post it below so I can edit it in.

Did you skip out on Chaosoft's EvilQuest? For shame! The game was really quite good.
Here's what Dark Octave said about EvilQuest back in February, when it won the Gold award:
This month the gold award goes to Evil Quest, an RPG by Chaosoft Games. This is a story of evil and revenge. It isn't the prettiest or best sounding game this month, but it has a charm about it that shouldn't be glossed over by anyone into RPGs. It's classic gameplay takes me back to the days of Soul Blazer and Legend of Gaia. There's a deep inventory system, an arsenal of magic spells and huge boss battles to test them with. Then there is the fact that you play as the bad guy without the option or pressures of being good. Feels nice for a change.
Have fun, and if youre playing an Indie Game you love, dont forget to tell people about it, because its only through you that the service thrives.
Previous threads, where all the older stuff lives:
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of March 2012 | Super Ninja Warrior Extreme
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of February 2012 | Picbox
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of January 2012 | EvilQuest
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of December 2011 | Orbitron Revolution
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of November 2011 | Volchaos
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of October 2011 | No GotM
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of September 2011 | The Fall of Gods
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of August 2011 | Train Frontier Express
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of July 2011 | Protect Me Knight
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of June 2011 | Rainbow Runner
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of May 2011 | Sequence
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of April 2011 | LaserCat
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of March 2011 | Solve It - Pack 1
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of February 2011 | Ninja360°
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of January 2011 | Bonded Realities
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of December 2010 | Score Rush
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of November 2010 | The TEMPURA of the DEAD
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of October 2010 | radiangames Fluid
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of September 2010 | Hypership Out of Control
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of August 2010 | Gravitron 360
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of July 2010 | PLATFORMANCE: Castle Pain
The best Xbox LIVE Indie Games of June 2010 | Old School Racer
The (old) XNA Indie Games Official Thread