
Wii Version JPN |OT| —— Wii Version EU/AUS |OT| —— Wii Version NA |OT| —— N3DS Reviews Thread

Original game developed by: MonolithSoft
Port developed by: Monster Games
Published by: Nintendo
Platform: New Nintendo 3DS
Release Dates: April 2, 2015 (JP, EU, AU) / April 10, 2015 (NA)
Genre: RPG
StreetPass: Yes
amiibo: Yes (Shulk)
eShop download file size in blocks: 29,500 blocks (3776MB / 3.7GB) [= you need a card bigger than the default 4GB!]
Dual Audio: No, the Western versions only have English language audio and the JP version is Japanese-only. No text-language options in-game either (defaults to the system language setting).
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So how is the port? Does it rurn well?
Yes, don't worry about framerates. If you've watched a trailer with stuttering, that was the video. It runs about as well as the Wii original, even better (!) in some infamous cases. The only difference is the lower resolution. Some people say the stereoscopic 3D doesn't add much but I guess that'll be up to you in the end.
What's new?Shulk amiibo support, a 3D model viewer and a soundtrack jukebox feature. You can use the Shulk amiibo (once per day) to unlock models and songs in Collection Mode to view/listen to. The jukebox also allows you to keep listening while the N3DS is in sleep mode (sadly it only works with the currently selected song, you can't create a playlist). StreetPass gives you tokens, just like scanning an amiibo does. They are used for the unlocks. You can also cash in some Play Coins to get tokens.
What's different?Essentially nothing. The game is uncompromised in gameplay terms. The only notable difference is the absence of the Japanese audio due to space limitations. You'll have to make do with the brilliant English voice work in the Western versions. And since this is based around the Classic Controller layout, you don't have the option of selecting Arts while moving the character around like when using the Wii Remote & Nunchuk.
As has just been discovered by (and relayed via GoNintendo), an annoying gameplay bug from the Wii game has been fixed in the N3DS version.
So how does this Collection Mode work exactly?***UPDATE***
As has just been discovered by (and relayed via GoNintendo), an annoying gameplay bug from the Wii game has been fixed in the N3DS version. said:It’s about the bug that made your characters weaker than their status screen showed. Your characters have an auto-attack, which ranges between two fixed points. For example, using made-up stats: Say Shulk's has an auto-attack power of 1200-1600 points, at least the status screen says that. But the bug didn’t make it possible to deal more damage than 1299, because it always just took the minimal possible damage and added 99 points to it. It was never possible to deal 1600 in that situation, only with critical attacks and special attacks. Not even gems worked.
The 3DS version has remedied this issue, making it possible to deal out somewhere within the full range of your character's abilities. This means you could use your auto attack and hit 1600 points, 1200 points or anywhere inbetween in our hypothetical example.
Collection Mode lets you unlock music and models with tokens. These tokens are attainable through StreetPass (2 tokens), tagging your Shulk amiibo once per day (3 tokens) or trading in five Play Coins (1 token). Turning the game on for the first time grants you 10 tokens to do with as you please, by the way.
So after you got yourself some tokens, you got a choice to either spend one token for a random unlock (which might include one that you already have unlocked) or three tokens at once which guarantees you a new unlock. Initially, only 6 songs and 6 models are available but you make more of them available by progressing through the game.
Can I import my save from the Wii game somehow?So after you got yourself some tokens, you got a choice to either spend one token for a random unlock (which might include one that you already have unlocked) or three tokens at once which guarantees you a new unlock. Initially, only 6 songs and 6 models are available but you make more of them available by progressing through the game.
No. Wizardry such as this is sadly not possible. So no straight jumping into New Game Plus for you. Or me.
Does it have multiple save slots?Yes, it does indeed! It has three save slots. Just like the original game on Wii.
Why is this not on Wii U in HD?Because they wanted to bring it to a handheld and make it portable. That's it. Please refrain from port begging. We've had enough of that leading up to release. Also read this, where they explain more about the port.
Why should I buy/play this then?Because it's one of the best games of the last generation. That you can now play on-the-go! Freaking Xenoblade in your pocket! Tell your friends! (and get hype for Xenoblade X!)
Wait what, Europe gets a special black case?Yup, Europe gets a black case and a black platform banner. Australia gets the same black platform banner but sadly has to live with the standard white case since AU uses the same slim cases as North America and Japan which both get Xenoblade 3D in standard white cases and white platform banners.
Does the cartridge look any different?Mine arrived this morning
No. Same ol' white/grey-ish cart. Here's a pic:
Pretty much the same as before D:
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Play as everyone!
You might be fooled into thinking it's perfectly normal to just play Shulk throughout the whole game because he has the Monado and stuff but you'd be, for one, wrong and also deprive yourself of some of the pretty cool variety, depth and fun of the combat system and especially the affinity system. So, switch out your party members and especially your party leaders you play as everyone and get to know everyone's Arts and what they're good at.
Affinity! It's important!This connects to the "play as everyone" part. Affinity between party members is built-up by fighting together (and also while completing quests). This means your two active party members will build affinity with you, the party leader. This means you're encourage to try all the different character combinations so everyone builds up affinity with everyone else. And if you know you're about to finish a sidequest and need to build affinity between certain characters, make sure to add them to the party in the needed configuration. It's all about dem <3
Look at the menu, there is a Tutorials screen, use it!This might be one of the most helpful menus nobody uses. The Tutorials section is home to all those pop-up tutorial windows you encounter during the game. And not just the ones the game shows you automatically, it has additional ones, as well. They are very detailed and have pictures! They're ideal to freshen up your knowledge about a certain mechanic you forgot about or to read up on how exactly a certain character's Arts worked, for example. Seriously, check this area every now and then. Something might have been added that you missed or forgot about.
There is fast travel, I hope you know this!You can travel to any landmark you have discovered at any time (and if you select "Area Map" you can also travel TO any region FROM any region, not just within the current map region). Someone mentioned this is a common thing people miss early on so excuses now! lol
Sidequests. Accept them all, don't obsess over them.Basically this:
Talk to people!Advice:
Accept every sidequest you come across. Don't go out of your way to complete any of them. Just complete whatever comes naturally through exploration and the main story. That's enough EXP and rewards to keep you ahead of the curve.
Think of this as a huge version of Majora's Mask. NPCs have schedules (though far less complex) and everything is on a 24h clock (ofc. without an end point). It will prove useful to walk through towns in the morning, afternoon, evening and at night to check for different NPCs who might have something worthwhile to say (=sidequest). Generally, talk to everyone who has a proper name multiple times. Some quests only open up once you built up more affinity with an area by doing the menial tasks, such as the basic "kill 4 of this monster type" quests.
The Collectopedia, be aware of it, use it!Under the "Items" menu, the option Collectopedia is a screen you should go back to on the regular as you pick up stuff and kill enemies in new areas. You have to manually "donate" one of the items that it's asking for, it doesn't fill out by itself. Completing a category nets you a (relatively) high level gem and completing a whole page (there is a whole page for every zone) is rewarded with new gear. Since people hate menus, I wager this is extremely easy to miss for many of you.
It's this screen here:
Selling/Not Selling MaterialsIt's this screen here:

One of the first things the game suggests to you upon entering Colony 9 is selling the stuff you just picked up. Don't. You don't need to do that at all, plus it will interfere with your early Collectopedia progress. You'll hardly ever be strapped for cash and your inventory is huge (though sadly not infinite). Only sell materials when you really need some cash to buy some new Art Books or something. Make sure to not sell quest-related ones (marked with an "!" or rare materials which are marked with a shiny symbol. And always check your Collectopedia before selling anything. You might have just picked up a material that you needed to fill that last spot on the current page.
Skill Trees/Skill Linksalvis.exe made a list of materials needed for quests.Here's a list of materials that are OK to sell.
Don't overlook this. It unlocks after a while and lets you link certain character-specific passive skills together for enhanced effects. You'll use your Affinity Coins here so go for those perfect (B) prompts and make some <3 <3 <3.
Gem CraftingNote: You don't need to read or understand this before you start playing or even within the first few hours. Get to know the other stuff first since this isn't available to you right out the gate anyway.
Gem Crafting isn't super well explained in the game but it's really important for late-game awesomeness and getting the most out of your characters. Here is a handy guide that explains how everything works together. It's a highly recommended read.
And I guess I missed this, so go ahead and check it out, too!
Gem Crafting isn't super well explained in the game but it's really important for late-game awesomeness and getting the most out of your characters. Here is a handy guide that explains how everything works together. It's a highly recommended read.
And I guess I missed this, so go ahead and check it out, too!
Not even going to rep Man God's Godly Guide to Gem Crafting? Come on now.![]()
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Shulk's amiibo is compatible with the game. You can scan it to get three tokens to cash in for a chance to unlock new models for the 3D model viewer or new music for the soundtrack playlist.

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Europe-only: If you purchase Xenoblade Chronicles 3D from Nintendo eShop before 9th April 2015, you will receive a download code for a HOME Menu theme. The download code will be displayed on your receipt, and the HOME Menu theme can be used on all Nintendo 3DS family systems.
The theme is also available to buy on the Japanese theme shop.
And this theme can be bought by anyone in PAL regions and Japan:
Australia/New Zealand retail:
And they're both also available for purchase on the North American theme shop:

The theme is also available to buy on the Japanese theme shop.
And this theme can be bought by anyone in PAL regions and Japan:
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NintendoAUNZ said:An exclusive Home menu theme for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is available with pre-order!
And they're both also available for purchase on the North American theme shop:
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Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is getting matching cover plates for New Nintendo 3DS in Japan (No. 059), Australia and Europe (No. 025). By now, you'll have a hard time finding them, though. But you could still get lucky on launch day.
Specifically for Australia:

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NintendoAUNZ said:These #Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Cover Plates will be available exclusively at @EBGamesAus in limited quantities on 2/4

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Iwata Asks: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
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Iwata Asks: Xenoblade Chronicles Wii
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Vol. 2 - The Story:
Vol. 3 - The Development Process:
Iwata Asks: In Conversation with Tetsuya Takahashi and Hironobu Sakaguchi:

Official NA Website
Official JP Website
Official UK Website
NintendoLife interview with Hiro Yamada (Nintendo SPD) about porting the game to N3DS (Recommended!)
GameSpot interview with people from Monster Games and Nintendo SPD and Takahashi himself. Also highly recommended.
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Official Nintendo uploads of ACE performing songs live from the Xenoblade 3D NicoNico stream:

Big shoutout to L~A for initially recording and uploading these right away on Saturday, too!

Smooth McGroove doing Gaur Plains

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