I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Let's discuss some underrated or unheard of games! Doesn't matter when they were released, just tell everyone about a game (or games) you love but don't usually see praised or even mentioned over the internet.
Doesn't matter if the game's not the best thing ever too, if you enjoyed it I'm sure it must have some nice qualities and other people over here will be able to enjoy.
Might be a cool way of discovering new games, right? So... yeah! Let's start with a free one:
Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue
A pretty short but also pretty sweet metroidvania, featuring two hee hos, a fire one and an ice one, that turn what could have been your typical metroidvania into one with an Ikaruga style of gameplay.
You might like this one if...
You like SMT. You'll recognize a lot of things from the series, from demons to music.
You like metroidvanias.
You really liked Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth. That game has the same style of gameplay as this one with the Ikaruga polarity thing. Synchronicity Prologue has more elements than just ice and fire IIRC tho, but those are used as special attacks and the main ones are still ice and fire.
The Hex
Another short one. This one's an adventure game with point & click elements. Honestly I don't what to say about this that wouldn't spoil, aside from it being very surprising, fun and original.
Don't think it's some kind of Monkey Island game, heavy on puzzles, item collection and conversations. Game has a bit of that but it's more about the story than anything else.
One mroe thing: if the game tickles your interest, try to play it without knowing anything about it or it's story. Spoilers could really kill the experience.
You might like this one if...
You like short and not difficult adventure games.
You want to play something special/very original.
You clap whenever you see references to other games.
You enjoyed the other dev games, Pony Island or Inscryption.
Dragon's Dogma
Yeah, I guess most people here have already heard of this one. I'd still like to mention it, since I think a lot of people might have passed on it thinking it was some kind of japanese Skyrim while it's not. Game has some flaws, like the overall lack of variety in content and a very small world (compared to what we might be used to nowadays).
I still think the game has a lot of great things, like the combat (specially against the bosses), the pawns, the exploration (nothing is copied and pasted here) and the overall sense of comfyness and adventure. Class system's pretty good too, as you have 9 different classes with each being different than the rest in how they play, kinda like Monster Hunter.
It also has a DLC, Dark Arisen, which imo elevates the game as it adds a very meaty dungeon at the end with lots of new enemies and bosses.
You might like this one if...
You don't mind games with not a lot of story.
You like Monster Hunter.
You like ARPGs.
You think souls combat could use being a bit more complicated/developed.
You enjoy and appreciate the little things and details in games.
You like combat with that "hmph" feel to it when you land a hit. If you know, you know.
Doesn't matter if the game's not the best thing ever too, if you enjoyed it I'm sure it must have some nice qualities and other people over here will be able to enjoy.
Might be a cool way of discovering new games, right? So... yeah! Let's start with a free one:
Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue
A pretty short but also pretty sweet metroidvania, featuring two hee hos, a fire one and an ice one, that turn what could have been your typical metroidvania into one with an Ikaruga style of gameplay.
You might like this one if...
You like SMT. You'll recognize a lot of things from the series, from demons to music.
You like metroidvanias.
You really liked Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth. That game has the same style of gameplay as this one with the Ikaruga polarity thing. Synchronicity Prologue has more elements than just ice and fire IIRC tho, but those are used as special attacks and the main ones are still ice and fire.
The Hex

Another short one. This one's an adventure game with point & click elements. Honestly I don't what to say about this that wouldn't spoil, aside from it being very surprising, fun and original.
Don't think it's some kind of Monkey Island game, heavy on puzzles, item collection and conversations. Game has a bit of that but it's more about the story than anything else.
One mroe thing: if the game tickles your interest, try to play it without knowing anything about it or it's story. Spoilers could really kill the experience.
You might like this one if...
You like short and not difficult adventure games.
You want to play something special/very original.
You clap whenever you see references to other games.
You enjoyed the other dev games, Pony Island or Inscryption.
Dragon's Dogma

Yeah, I guess most people here have already heard of this one. I'd still like to mention it, since I think a lot of people might have passed on it thinking it was some kind of japanese Skyrim while it's not. Game has some flaws, like the overall lack of variety in content and a very small world (compared to what we might be used to nowadays).
I still think the game has a lot of great things, like the combat (specially against the bosses), the pawns, the exploration (nothing is copied and pasted here) and the overall sense of comfyness and adventure. Class system's pretty good too, as you have 9 different classes with each being different than the rest in how they play, kinda like Monster Hunter.
It also has a DLC, Dark Arisen, which imo elevates the game as it adds a very meaty dungeon at the end with lots of new enemies and bosses.
You might like this one if...
You don't mind games with not a lot of story.
You like Monster Hunter.
You like ARPGs.
You think souls combat could use being a bit more complicated/developed.
You enjoy and appreciate the little things and details in games.
You like combat with that "hmph" feel to it when you land a hit. If you know, you know.