Bullet Club
The Zelda 64: Dawn & Dusk intro cinematic that plays at the start of a new game. This is an expansion to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time that is compatible with both the 64DD and flashcarts.

ROM version release (v1.0)
Zelda 64 - Dawn & Dusk ROM Patch release.
See README.md for more information on the expansion and its development.
This should be playable on flashcarts.
EDIT: Emulators might have issues with this ROM. A fix is being worked on, please wait a little bit.
This release contains the following in Assets:
- Japanese NTSC 1.0 ROM BPS patch (DawnDusk_J_1.0.bps)
- Japanese NTSC 1.1 ROM BPS patch (DawnDusk_J_1.1.bps)
- Japanese NTSC 1.2 ROM BPS patch (DawnDusk_J_1.2.bps)
- USA NTSC 1.0 ROM BPS patch (DawnDusk_U_1.0.bps)
- USA NTSC 1.1 ROM BPS patch (DawnDusk_U_1.1.bps)
- USA NTSC 1.2 ROM BPS patch (DawnDusk_U_1.2.bps)
Use software like FLoating IPS (https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/1040/) to patch your ROM.
See PLAYING.md for more information on how to play.
Release ROM version release (v1.0) · LuigiBlood/zelda_dawn_dusk
OUTDATED, please check v2.0 Zelda 64 - Dawn & Dusk ROM Patch release. See README.md for more information on the expansion and its development. This should be playable on flashcarts. EDIT: Emulators...