Boxed is the right way to go with the Wii U. Because I'm lazy and inpatient I just bought it digital myself. 90% left to go...
Game UK has the downloadcode for ~ 40. Is there a cheaper way to get the game digitally?
Is this game hard to find? Looked for it today and couldn't find any copies at stores.
Is the code working only in uk?
Should I get this boxed or download?
I want it.
I am in germany and bought pikmin this way. So i would say they work across europe.
Don't think so. Did you try online?
I like the box/smooth Wii U discs.
I like the faster load times of the digital.
If money is no object.
Good to know, thanks.
It is for me!
I must admit I am tempted to get a copy of Super Luigi U boxed just to have it.
So, for those who have put some time in into TF and played DKCR, how is the difficulty relative to the first game? Reviewers obviously have been complaining about the difficulty, but I doubt many of them put much time into DKCR if they played it at all.
Pfft, I wish Nintendo has better servers. 33%. I would have been playing for over half an hour if this was a Steam game.
So, for those who have put some time in into TF and played DKCR, how is the difficulty relative to the first game? Reviewers obviously have been complaining about the difficulty, but I doubt many of them put much time into DKCR if they played it at all.
If you beat DKCR your skills are going to transfer over so well that it will likely feel easier than it actually is, but it's never at a point of being too easy either.
Obviously it comes down to personal skill and I can't assess yours so it's hard for me to be much more specific than that, but personally I found it to be a very well balanced game with a more gradual curve than the first one. Also, as with any good platformer, the mistakes are always 100% your fault. I never found myself wasting as many lives on a single level as I did in Returns though.
Granted, I've yet to do any of the Kong levels.
So, for those who have put some time in into TF and played DKCR, how is the difficulty relative to the first game? Reviewers obviously have been complaining about the difficulty, but I doubt many of them put much time into DKCR if they played it at all.
The bosses are very well thought-out in this game. Very clever all the way through.
The choppiness in the loading screens is just retarded. How this went through the infamous Nintendo cert is beyond me.
Boxed. Game is nearly half the hard drive of a Wii U (assuming you don't own a Basic set, which means you couldn't download this without an external anyway).
In addition to this, why would you want to risk buying a digital download retail Nintendo game at full price given their crappy account system?
The difficulty is maybe just a tad easier in this game but it just feels better this way. I'm only in world 3 tho and finishing returns prob just made me better. Also I play strictly coop.
Nobody should fear its difficulty BC the store now sells do many diff items and coins are plentiful.
I like that I can use my coins on figurines cuz I'll never use items.
So, for those who have put some time in into TF and played DKCR, how is the difficulty relative to the first game? Reviewers obviously have been complaining about the difficulty, but I doubt many of them put much time into DKCR if they played it at all.
I'm 3 worlds in and the game essentially keeps telling me "oops, you died. Next time you'll know to jump there." Does that ever let up? Because basically having infinite lives doesn't make up for poor level design.
Yeah, I've played through DKCR a few times, got all the puzzle pieces and played through about 80% of mirror mode. I thought the difficulty there was nearly perfect. It's just hard to tell whether these complaints about difficulty are coming from people who thought DKCR was fine, or from people who would have complained about that one being too hard as well.
Should I get this boxed or download?
I want it.