Next time specify whats up, because the PS4 version is not (not available to purchase, even).
At this point all I can hope for is that it is available for purchase by 3:00AM PDT.
Sorry...was up briefly

Next time specify whats up, because the PS4 version is not (not available to purchase, even).
At this point all I can hope for is that it is available for purchase by 3:00AM PDT.
I had to ask. it was still in those shipping boxes so I was the firstWas it on the shelf or did you have to bug an employee?
Downloading now on PS4
You figure it out yet? And did you get theQuestions about the Deja Vu mission
How do you recreate the soldier and the tank and the dark background scenes?
pst. use the ps app. worked for me.Still not seeing it on the store. Those that are seeing it, what time zone are you in?
Not seeing it on PSN website or the store on PS4. Don't see it on the Bone store either.
Still not seeing it on the store. Those that are seeing it, what time zone are you in?
Not seeing it on PSN website or the store on PS4. Don't see it on the Bone store either.
You figure it out yet? And did you get the
Easter Island Moai head one too? Those are the only two I need. I'm also trying to find every other secret like the spotlights with the kojima logos and the metal gear logos which I don't quite get yet. I think there is an order to them I've removed a few of them so far.
Which does gaf consider a better buy Left Behind or Ground Zeroes?
I'd still say so. I've spent over an hour and close to two trying to figure out everything. I'm lost at the moment on an empty map cause I've killed everyone and I'm just roaming around trying to piece things together. If you are an MGS fan even if you didn't play MGS1 I'd say it is still a fun the deja vu mission enjoyable for someone who didnt play mgs1, i just watched a playthrough for the story
I dunno. I love Metal Gear as a series, but there are a lot of things I really dislike about the direction from mgs2 to 4, the series has a special place for me. TLoU is one game though, but that one game I consider to be a masterpiece.Which universe do you enjoy more?
pst. use the ps app. worked for me.
I bought it from the Playstation iOS App. I'm EST, there are reports that west coast is downloading it as well.
So is there good "MGS 1-4 in five minutes" video? I played and loved MGS 1 and 2 (well, I played 2, at least), but I never finished 3, 4 or Peace Walker.
I dunno. I love Metal Gear as a series, but their are a lot of things I really dislike about the direction from mgs2 to 4, the series has a special place for me. TLoU is one game though, but that one game I consider to be a masterpiece.
So is there good "MGS 1-4 in five minutes" video? I played and loved MGS 1 and 2 (well, I played 2, at least), but I never finished 3, 4 or Peace Walker.
Damn, bruh. These Walmart employees sure are taking their sweet ass time getting the game out of the back!! I almost expect one to come out with the game and say "Kept you waiting, huh?"
Not 5 mins but these vids are pretty good.
Here's a really dumb question about the opening cutscene...Chico has those in-ear headphone buds, but isn't this the 70's? Did portable tape players even exist then, let alone earbuds?
They are fudging the timeline a bit, but Walkmans and ear buds came out in the late seventies, I believe.Here's a really dumb question about the opening cutscene...Chico has those in-ear headphone buds, but isn't this the 70's? Did portable tape players even exist then, let alone earbuds?
Here's a really dumb question about the opening cutscene...Chico has those in-ear headphone buds, but isn't this the 70's? Did portable tape players even exist then, let alone earbuds?
Good luck.Holy moly, that's over an hour of video!
I was really hoping for the Cliff's Notes... surely I'm not the only one in this position! Heh.
Game is so Damn smooth. can't believe I'm finally playing this
Here's a really dumb question about the opening cutscene...Chico has those in-ear headphone buds, but isn't this the 70's? Did portable tape players even exist then, let alone earbuds?
So is there good "MGS 1-4 in five minutes" video? I played and loved MGS 1 and 2 (well, I played 2, at least), but I never finished 3, 4 or Peace Walker.
Holy moly, that's over an hour of video!
I was really hoping for the Cliff's Notes... surely I'm not the only one in this position! Heh.
Good luck.
This is the same series that offered up a digital app on the PS3 to keep track of names, dates, places, timelines, conspiracies, body doubles and clones and neurotoxins and holy shit is the world of MGS hilariously impenetrable for those of us joining in late.
For what its worth I loved every bit of MGS 4 even though I knew nothing of the world's intrigues. They tend to echo past moments so while you my not know all the details you can pick up a great deal from context and dialogue.
Its like starting to watch a soap opera - after a short while all the various intrigues will make sense. They'll make *a* sense anyhow ;p
Exactly, any mgs fan knows there's always little activities to obsess over, and bee-lining the critical path is not the way to play this series at all. Its about discovering every detail.Well, I've been playing twenty minutes now, and haven't done anything except loot at various objects and have miller comment on them through the radio lol. Having fun just doing that. The reviewer who beat this game in 25 minutes was obviously doing it wrong, and missed half of what makes mgs games fun IMO.
You know, I have beat MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, and MGS4 and I still don't have my head wrapped around the entire story. Trying to completely understand the Metal Gear universe, its stories, characters, their motivations, is not something that comes easily. I am just saying the story doesn't exactly make sense to me, but I love the world, I love what I do understand, and that is why I play all the games to completion.
Damn, bruh. These Walmart employees sure are taking their sweet ass time getting the game out of the back!! I almost expect one to come out with the game and say "Kept you waiting, huh?"