The best adaptation joke made me laugh so much that i turned black like wesker...
What joke?
Feel sad for you if you actually believe the anderson girlfriend/wife power fantasy movies are better adaptations, or welcome to raccoon city.
Especially in the case of the latter, because why? They made some sets and have characters with names from the games?
They had all those things and it was still an insane train wreck from start to finish, you might as well not have named characters if you're just going to murder their characterisation completely; I dunno who that retarded ass rookie cop was supposed to be, but it definitely wasn't Leon. Even if not very good, "black" wesker is infinitely superior to any of the joke characters in raccoon city.
Mashing together multiple timelines, gutting the lore/canon, trash script, destroying characters and garbage dialogue leading to inane constant exposition dumps, made raccoon city absolute unwatchable trash and just proves having 'sets and characters' means nothing without proper execution; even the make-my-wife-famous movies from anderson are better and they are also trash.
At the very least the show followed the canon, having proper BOWs and even remarking that wesker died in a volcano, and really only changed what the 'wesker children project' was; the problem with the show was not, not having leon or chris or whatever, since multiple games prove this can be done very successfully.
If you believe the other adaptations are better because of "black" Wesker, then maybe you really have a problem with something else.