In comparison, Goldeneye Wii is still quite brilliant to play, easily the best single player FPS of this generation and a top 5 title in terms of multiplayer (in my opinion). Maybe the difference in quality lies in Nintendo's involvement? They have a huge number of people in the credits.
Weren't there plans for an exclusive Wii U Skyfall game at one point? It was supposed to come out in 2013.
I might be crazy... but I kinda dug Bloodstone.
It had it's flaws, but it felt good to sprint around doing slick melee kills (some of the best for the genre imo).
Weren't there plans for an exclusive Wii U Skyfall game at one point? It was supposed to come out in 2013.
Even if it's parroting what many others here have said I have to say, what the hell happened?! I expected at least a solid game after Goldeneye Wii/Reloaded, oh well.
I might be crazy... but I kinda dug Bloodstone.
It had it's flaws, but it felt good to sprint around doing slick melee kills (some of the best for the genre imo).
Its a bad game when its working, but there are plenty of moments that make you wonder how it even got cleared for release. Enemy AI frequently freaks out, causing soldiers to endlessly sprint against walls (often firing their guns at the ground). At one point, the framerate dropped to unplayable levels, except it wasnt during a firefight I was just walking around. The visuals are cheap, with doorknobs drawn onto textures like this was a Nintendo 64 game. As I entered one room, enemies materialized out of thin air and dropped to the ground in front of me. These troubles carry over to its simple multiplayer mode, which features lag, terrible character animations, and an upgrade system that cant even clear the poor mans Call of Duty bar.
For England, James?
I might be crazy... but I kinda dug Bloodstone.
It had it's flaws, but it felt good to sprint around doing slick melee kills (some of the best for the genre imo).
The minute they announced Moonraker as a level people should have been sceptical.
Activision are dropping the ball in a mighty way. It actually makes me pine for the days of EA's Bond games, all better than any of the actual movies coming out at that time.
The minute they announced Moonraker as a level people should have been sceptical.
see I call BS on this cause the moonraker level on the original Goldeneye is great.
People just judging by the movie.
Seconded. Although I was secretly hoping for Thunderball. Great locations, potential underwater battle sequence...
*Sigh. Just read through the IGN review, have absolutely no desire to pick this one up now. Really too bad man, lot of Bond fans will be let down by this.
So sad.
Think they can fix the Wii U version for December?![]()
Should have done a World is Not Enough remake, didn't Eurocom do that one for N64?
Yeah, I thought the same. I didn't enjoy Reloaded at all, so I wondered why Goldeneye Wii was so revered. Maybe I should get my hands on a copy...
EDIT: Thanks for the videos G-Fex
All of EA's bond games weren't good. Their ps1 stuff sucked, and eurocom actually made two of the better EA games with the n64 version of the world is not enough and nightfire. Everything or Nothing was great as well.
I didn't play much of From Russia with Love because Connery sounds so bad with his old man voice. They should have used a voice actor like the Scarface game did. That uses Al Pacino's likeness, but had the awareness to realize how he sounds nothing like he used to.
It's among the best SP experiences for sure and I have played plenty on PC and tried some on PS3. Didn't try the HD versions though so can't comment on that. If they took out the stealth elements and CoDified it then that'd be crap though.well its your opinion ,its a nice fps but best single player fps this generation? u need to play some more games son
btw i have played both the wii and the s3 version with move controls and i still dont know how the wii version is the best fps this generation and the hd versions are crap,thats bs dude
This. I know, budget and all but still.Goldeneye Wii/Reloaded was so great, what happened?
Has anone in this thread played it?
I literally buy almost every game that comes out for PS3,
I agree with you. The Ps1 Bond stuff was mostly terrible. Bond shined on other formats though (in my opinion).
Eurocom are clearly talented developers. Nintendo should buy them and put Eurocom to work on a NEW Wii U-exclusive FPS franchise. (In addition to a HD remake of Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy, along with a sequel.)
I blame Activision. Everything they've done with the Bond license has been terrible; outside of Goldeneye Wii, which of course had a ton of Nintendo people working on it and showed clear indications of a decent budget and lots of polish.
However, as stated in my earlier post, I also hate what the Bond movies have become. In a way Activision are only doing justice to the hopelessly awful source material. With 007 Legends they've gone one step further and transgressed against the classic Bonds, those movies which actually could make great games. And that's a sin that this Bond fan can't see himself forgiving them for.
Lastly, I agree with you on another point - The World is not Enough (N64 version!!) showed that an awesome FPS could be made from a terrible movie. If only we could see more tie-ups with Nintendo. Therein may lie the answer to our Bond woes.
Wait, seriously? How many games do you own and how do you pay for them all?
I'm sad cause now cause of this shitty cash in there probably won't be wanting to revisit the old films.
Has anone in this thread played it?
Will wait for sale on PC version. Bummer it seems to have turned out poorly after Goldeneye was delicious fun.
Goldeneye Wii/Reloaded was so great, what happened?
Goldeneye Wii/Reloaded was so great, what happened?
I think they should just go the Everything and Nothing route and just create their own story with it (not saying EoN's story was good) that way we could at least get a functioning fun game.
they did that with Blood Stone.
Will wait for sale on PC version. Bummer it seems to have turned out poorly after Goldeneye was delicious fun.
Bummed. Still gonna rent.
Well, this explains the game quality more than it should.
touche, that had been completely emitted from my mind xD
You know what would have been great? If they had uncancelled Raven's Bond game instead of making this. That game could have been good, such a disappointment.
Edit: Yeah, Blood Stone was surprisingly fun. Decent plot and acting, just felt unpolished. Weirdly, it still has a MP community!