March Climber
I'm fine with legitimate criticisms about the topic or game at hand.I think I should be allowed to air my grievances about Soulframe. It is only my opinion. I get that you have issues with people being overly critical and negative and I understand that, but from what I have seen, it feels like a big case of making the graphics look pretty while the animations and everything else don't have the same kind of attention. I also don't know if it is just YouTube compression, but a lot of these games have the same smeary look with poor image quality/visual clarity. For me personally, it makes these game look a lot flatter and muddier than I like.
I'm not the only one who has pointed out concerns for this game. People are talking about how the camera is too close to the character or the blinding lights. This game is still probably in pre-alpha so these things can change. It is just harder to ignore more and more of the photorealistic games without improved animations/physics and interactivity more and more. I know for others it isn't an issue but for me it takes me completely out. My comment is more of a me issue so don't take it too hard.
What I'm not a fan of is when people will use this as a reason to prop up an argument about the industry as a whole, such as these two posts:
I think developers have lost all passion and care to do anything different or interesting. Everyone is using the same templates. This generation seems to regress in terms of animation quality, interactivity, and creating game worlds with attention to detail. I am noticing more post-apocalyptic, empty, procedurally generated, and lifeless worlds with less complex NPC's and dynamic gameplay. These games are extremely unfocused, janky, too big for the resources they have, and all feel like console versions of mobile games. I'm tired of super detailed textures with clunky character animations and lifeless, static worlds.
I’m back playing 8/16/32/64 bit games and having a blast. Games today outside a handful of the huge budget stand outs like your Zelda, Elden Ring, Spider-Man II and RDRII are so devoid of any sort of innovation or artistic class or polish it’s actually unbelievable. The games industry has let a ton of talent leave for Hollywood and replaced them with DEI hires who aren’t half as talented or experienced in the craft.
I will just put these two posts here as an example, but it is clear that you and others had grievances to air about more than just Soulframe. This game just happened to be the selected punching bag in sight in order to air them.
I'd rather we just tell it like it is than try to paint one thing as another as I'm okay with people shitting on this game. I also think this game looks janky with bad melee combat that seems somewhat unfinished (makes sense from a developer known for making okay shooters), but to make it the beacon of all that's wrong with game development is giving this game and this team far more importance and impact than they have actually had on the gaming industry as a whole.
That's why I had suggested a new thread be made, as this keeps happening to