Metalic Sand said:Ughh the stalker games are $10 each. Not $2.50 like they should be. Not buying a bundle that has a game i already own.
Call of Pripyat is still 75% off. That's how I'm looking at it and I'm not sure if I can pass that up.
Metalic Sand said:Ughh the stalker games are $10 each. Not $2.50 like they should be. Not buying a bundle that has a game i already own.
SalsaShark said:Isnt this around 5 us dollars ?
IrishNinja said:hey salsa - if youre stuck and can't get it sorted by a matter of dollars, message me and ill gift it to you. we can always work out the difference later, be a shame to miss a sale you've clearly been waiting on, man.
I NEED SCISSORS said:Why don't you ask a Gaffer in the UK to buy it for you and then pay them back when you can. Then you get the game cheaper too.
SalsaShark said:Isnt this around 5 us dollars ?
Because Ubishit never released a SDK.SonOfABeep said:why hasn't anyone modded Far Cry 2 on PC to be a good game yet?
YianGaruga said:I could need some Steam friends by the way:
I currently have 2.![]()
This is my case, though i still have to finish the first one(i've barely started it, actually) so i'll wait for the next sale.wormstrangler said:Even if you already own STALKER:SoC, CoP is still easily worth $5.
I bought the bundle even though I already own the original (on disc).
shagg_187 said:Is Hitman bad on PC?
thats not cheap enough compared to the price of these other gamesVolcynika said:Was $19.99 on a daily deal, $15.99 if you owned LP1 for that day.
UrbanRats said:STALKER goes on sale costantly.
I paid 12.50 for it earlier in the year. Game is easily worth triple that. Considering the game's been out less than a year. These people wishing for 2.50 are some cheap sob's.Proc said:Call of Pripyat is still 75% off. That's how I'm looking at it and I'm not sure if I can pass that up.
2 isn't on sale at all, ever! Right now it is at full price, and has been the entire sale. I know people say its bad, but damn youd think GSC is actively trying to keep people from playing it. Crazy euros.Metalic Sand said:And its always a sale with STALKER 1 then 2 or 3. Never just 2/3. Everyone already owns 1!
Ubi never released Mod tools so its a nigh impossibility.Marc :D said:This!
Anyone know of a mod?
Added you, name is the same, SgtPepper.YianGaruga said:I could need some Steam friends by the way:
I currently have 2.![]()
YianGaruga said:I could need some Steam friends by the way:
I currently have 2.![]()
Chriswok said:
:lol :lol
Holy shit, some of the reviews.
YianGaruga said:I could need some Steam friends by the way:
I currently have 2.![]()
The_Technomancer said:Is Supreme Commander 2 any good at all?
for £3 you have a game with more content then most pc games out there, very healthy multi and lots of hat collecting.sestrugen said:is team fortress 2 worth it? Don't want to buy into the hype and would love a healthy multiplayer community
Dambrosi said:I only want STALKER: Call Of Pripyat *UBISOFT READ THIS -> (already own SoC, love it - just like everybody else) <- UBISOFT READ THIS*, but I'm £1 short in both my PayPal and bank accounts.
One measly pound. And the banks are all closed until January 3rd.
I'd say "fuck my life" but I've gotten a lot out of this sale already, so I can't grouse too much.
However, if there are any Kind souls who'd take it upon themselves to help a bro out, I wouldn't look unkindly upon such offers.