how much is it in the US? if it's $20 or so then i'd bite just so i don't have to wait for it to be deliveredkharma45 said:
how much is it in the US? if it's $20 or so then i'd bite just so i don't have to wait for it to be deliveredkharma45 said:
1-D_FTW said:Did it last week. Just drag and copy the folder over. Done.
The game's more linear than I'd like, since I'd like options to sneak through back alleys and avoid firefights in some cases (maybe that happens later in the game and I just haven't seen it), but if it's 8 hours, I'll bite on the Joe DLC. What's your opinion on the Jimmy one though? He looks like a cool character, with the evil bald head and glasses, but it sounds like there isn't so much content then?jaundicejuice said:Everyone needs to buy Mafia II. It's not even a year old and it's 75% off. Buy it!
It's an awesome game that easily sets a bar for mature cinematic story-telling, it's a brilliant interactive mobster flick. They did such a brilliant job of nailing this utopian, idealised version of the 1940's and 50's New York. Mafia II is set in an open world but it's more of a linear, tightly scripted action game, filled with a lot of really cool set pieces, with the open world of Empire Bay acting as more of a hub between missions or place for car chases to happen. If you've got a really good rig some of the fire fights and explosions are beyond impressive.
It took me twelve hours to beat Mafia II when it first came out and I enjoyed it from start to finish. You don't need to play the first Mafia to enjoy Mafia II, I didn't even though I received the first game for free by pre-ordering Mafia II on Steam. It's such a fun game, I'm currently replaying it on Hard and then I'm going to play through the Joe's Adventure DLC which adds another 8 hours worth of content to the game for 10$.
There is a demo for you to download if you're curious. I highly recommend this game, this is the only game in the sale that I've shilled for, but it's worth it.
At the very least I think bobsrevenge will agree with me.
Maleficence said:Are you a Nigerian prince?
tahrikmili said:I already have Company of Heroes on disc.. Is it redeemable on Steam?..
1-D_FTW said:Damn you. I hate Joe. But that's some quality content for 2.50. Sold. My only purchase of the day.
The Joe DLC took me about six hours and I had fun the whole way through. There is a mixture of side missions and story missions, but definitely not enough story missions. The ones present are all excellent though.Blizzard said:The game's more linear than I'd like, since I'd like options to sneak through back alleys and avoid firefights in some cases (maybe that happens later in the game and I just haven't seen it), but if it's 8 hours, I'll bite on the Joe DLC. What's your opinion on the Jimmy one though? He looks like a cool character, with the evil bald head and glasses, but it sounds like there isn't so much content then?
Blizzard said:The game's more linear than I'd like, since I'd like options to sneak through back alleys and avoid firefights in some cases (maybe that happens later in the game and I just haven't seen it), but if it's 8 hours, I'll bite on the Joe DLC. What's your opinion on the Jimmy one though? He looks like a cool character, with the evil bald head and glasses, but it sounds like there isn't so much content then?
jaundicejuice said:It supposed to be really great DLC, but it centers around Joe...sooo, yeah.
Nabs said:took less than 40 min to dl far cry 2. i am impressed.
Hey man, Merry late Christmas.Nabs said:Stallion Free is a mad man.
Sanjay said:Soon you will be like,
Originally Posted by SapientWolf:
Everything and everyone is trying to kill you. Your guns suck, you have malaria, and you're constantly being hunted by packs of armed men in jeeps. It's like a slapstick comedy with one joke and it goes on for about 15 hours.
Blizzard said:The game's more linear than I'd like, since I'd like options to sneak through back alleys and avoid firefights in some cases (maybe that happens later in the game and I just haven't seen it), but if it's 8 hours, I'll bite on the Joe DLC. What's your opinion on the Jimmy one though? He looks like a cool character, with the evil bald head and glasses, but it sounds like there isn't so much content then?
Hell, when I switched PCs I just flat out copied 90% of my old C drive to a directory on my new C drive and everything Steam ran fine without any complaining.I NEED SCISSORS said:Hmm, my 512GB HDD is nearly full. If I buy a new 1TB internal drive, how easy is it to move all my Steam stuff over to it and change the target drive?
Pick up Joe's DLC, skip Jimmy.Easy_D said:Fuck yes! I was sad when I couldn't buy Mafia 2 for whatever price they sold it for on Amazon so this deal makes me a happy guy. Which DLC is worth it? Not talking price-wise, but is it worth my precious time?
Thanks for all the impressions. Eh, I might as well drop $5 and get both for a rainy day.jaundicejuice said:Sorry, I haven't played any of the DLC for Mafia II. My decision to purchase Joe's Adventure was based off of all of the reviews I've read, which were overwhelmingly positive and mentioned that 8 hours of story based content were added for 10$. also, I like Joe. From what I've read Jimmy's Vendetta adds all of the typical open-world activities you would expect to find in the peripheral of the main game and that's about it, it isn't as structured or story-driven as Joe's Adventure.
Thanks dude. And yes I am aware it's also on Amazon for $5 but I prefer the Steam dl.vocab said:You missed it......twice.
Amneisac said:In my grumpy spirit, I can't see any reason to pay $20 for Divinity when I still haven't finished Risen, The Witcher or Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition. Is there anything about this game that makes it more special than any of those?
Because you haven't looked at the thread I made about it over a year ago!~Kinggi~ said:Divinity 2 looks kinda amazing, how come i havent heard anything about these games? Are they any good?
2029TheLegendary said:The fuck? General steam issue. For the age requirement I think I accidentally left it as 2011 and now Im locked out of M rated games. How long does that last?
Just restart Steam.TheLegendary said:The fuck? General steam issue. For the age requirement I think I accidentally left it as 2011 and now Im locked out of M rated games. How long does that last?
kharma45 said:Na it's not.
Wellington said:Thanks dude. And yes I am aware it's also on Amazon for $5 but I prefer the Steam dl.
About that... said:Settlers - Ubisoft DRM = no go.
Nabs said:So who picked up Bionic Commando? We have a few people we play with, and we can get a game going if you ever want to try out multiplayer. Tons of fun.