Datwheezy said:I only got in about 30 mins of CivCity yesterday, but liked what I played so far. I can already tell that OCD is going to take over when it comes to facing buildings the proper way and road buidling :lol
Datwheezy said:I only got in about 30 mins of CivCity yesterday, but liked what I played so far. I can already tell that OCD is going to take over when it comes to facing buildings the proper way and road buidling :lol
I feel better nowWeenerz said:Calculated my money damage, $206.30
Drkirby said:So, any input on the Company of Heroes series?
echoshifting said:Are there any Swarm Arena impressions?
If I really disliked Divine Divinity - is Divinity II a pass? Or is it completely different?
There are so many games I want today
Well, shit. I'm screwed. :lol
It is a pretty good title to get into this genre. Especially for 1$/. Definitely not the best game ever made but should be a good first step to jump into the Caesar series (or any of the other classics)Schmattakopf said:CivCity is okay, but I have to say Caesar IV is so much better.
I'd skip Top Gun.Drkirby said:Well, guess now is a good time to buy some last minute stuff. Picking up these.
Top Gun, $2.49: http://store.steampowered.com/app/38530/
Commandos Collection, $2.99: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4156
Razor2: Hidden Skies, $3.99: http://store.steampowered.com/app/34920/
kennah said:$7.01 in my Steam Wallet.
Thinking either:
CivIV Complete
Samorost2 + all of the Defense Grid DLC.
Puzzle Quest 2.
Dice said:Wait, Grand Ages: Rome and expansion can be had for $5? Is that just for today?
I bought it too, but don't have a computer to run it on with me. The Giant Bomb quick look sold me on it. If you do get it, though, get someone in the UK to gift it to you. It's almost $10 cheaper there.echoshifting said:Settlers 7 is calling my name. Anybody have it? How is it? I seem to recall it doing only so-so on the review circuit.
Note: I'm aware of the DRM and I don't care
To lateSchmattakopf said:I'd skip Top Gun.
That depends on what you enjoy about exploration. If you need a huge open world Divinity II is a bad choice. If, on the other hand, you like finding something new almost every time you venture a bit off the main path then Divinity II is your game. I really loved many of the side-quests you find.JudgeN said:GAF I need your help is Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga worth $20? I enjoyed the exploration of risen so hows this game stack up? Also how the engine performance?
Durante said:That depends on what you enjoy about exploration. If you need a huge open world Divinity II is a bad choice. If, on the other hand, you like finding something new almost every time you venture a bit off the main path then Divinity II is your game. I really loved many of the side-quests you find.
Engine performance is much better with the expansion and the recent patch -- still not outstanding but entirely adequate.
DSc said:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/293/steamge.jpg[/IG]
Total damage - [B]£73.84[/B]
Less money I thought, but looking at that list, I've also bought less than I thought I had. :lol[/QUOTE]
Probably because there are bundles on the list and it's also packing more than one game into some rows.
Nelo Ice said:now that new daily deals are over whats worth getting?
im thinking of picking up these games
sid meiers pirates
defcon(couldnt dl it for free from green man cuz i have 64 bit)
sniper elite
also i got civcity rome when u guys were hyping it:lol
lmao i just snagged this up real quick. Didnt even know what the game was until after the deal ended.Toma said:LOL! They forgot to set back the single prices!! They only changed the pack price again.
Go get it!
(That was actually a deal for 2 days ago)
Drkirby said:To late![]()
GAF! I need your help!
I need someone in UK to buy two copies of BC2:Vietnam for me since its 5 pounds at the EA UK Store (after adding discount code HotUKDeals20%). I will paypal everything that is needed to be paypaled!
Please PM! D:
vazel said:If Amazon keeps having such good deals every year Steam is going to have serious competition.
Dacvak said:I'm buying up, like, 10 gift copies of HL2-EP1-EP2 just because. I have high hopes that we'll get an announce date for EP3 this year, and I feel like I'll celebrate by giving away HL2+eps.
Come on, how bad could it be!Schmattakopf said:You need less impulse.
~Kinggi~ said:lmao i just snagged this up real quick. Didnt even know what the game was until after the deal ended.
shagg_187 said:Off-topic but... copy/paste from BC2 thread:
No, I don't need steam copy since I don't have BC2 activated in steam![]()
Toma said:Still cant believe the low interest when I was participating in that amazon thread a while back. CHEAP GAMES, CHEAP GAMES, I shouted.. And no one cared. Only 1 that fought the fight for justice, to find some others who dared.
.. um yeah.
But yeah. Steam has more going for it than just the prices. Amazon could be a competition but they wont be.