Grimm Fandango said:If I had to choose between the Witcher and Dragon Age, what should I go with? I greatly enjoy the Elder Scrolls games, KOTOR, and Mass Effect.
Artofwar420 said:If anyone doesn't have Defense Grid and is the least bit interested in Tower Defense games, GET IT NAO.
fresquito said:Everybody should buy Defense Grid. Seriously, if you don't buy it, you don't deserve to be called a gamer!
Wallach said:Defense Grid is fucking great, buy that shit.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:Defense Grid is one of the best tower defense games I've ever played. Get on that.
dani_dc said:Got Defense Grid during the Thanksgiving sales and the game is great.
gregor7777 said:Defense Grid is without any hyperbole the best game in the TD genre on any platform.
It's an absolute steal at $2.00. I've put like 30+ hours into it already, and it has awesome DLC (some free).
bestami said:Buy Defense Grid people. It is awesome.
:lol1-D_FTW said:$8.75 - Men of War: Gold Edition
$3.60 - Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
$4.99 - Tomb Raider: Anniversary
$5.00 - The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut
Total damage for the day = 22.34.
And I'm now officially part of that group. I had to look in my library to see if I owned The Polynomial. I did.:lol
scitek said:I bought Burnout Paradise again. I already beat the shit out of it on PS3, but it's been a couple of years. I love that game.
demosthenes said:So is Witcher like Fallout?
1-D_FTW said:And I'm now officially part of that group. I had to look in my library to see if I owned The Polynomial. I did.:lol
Grimm Fandango said:Eh let's say price isn't a factor.
Chriswok said:Men of War looks like Company of Heroes. Is this basic visual judgement call accurate?
Sipowicz said:they can suck my cock then. i was just about to buy it as well
Chriswok said:Men of War looks like Company of Heroes. Is this basic visual judgement call accurate?
Salaadin said:Today was the day.
The day I beat Steam.
I dont want half the games on sale and the other half I already own.
Like a fool, I ask gaf if I should double dip on Lara Croft GoL.
And now I just bought it.
Screw you, gaf. Screw you all.
I love you
Dambrosi said:Hold on, guys. All yesterday's Daily Deals are still discounted.
I thought it might just be a misprint, but I went to Super Meat Boy's page to confirm, and it's now 50% off. As are FEAR Complete, Deus Ex Collection and Titan Quest Gold, with a lot of others at 25% off too.
So it looks as if, even if you miss the Daily Deals, all is not lost! A much better way of doing things than last time, IMO.
Chriswok said:Men of War looks like Company of Heroes. Is this basic visual judgement call accurate?
Witcher's story was good, but I enjoyed the story in Dragon Age as well. DA:O is far more traditional so I can see why people prefer Witcher's. A breath of fresh air, really.Minsc said:It's really not! Witcher's story is so much better than Dragon Age, though I guess the combat could make or break it. If you hate the fighting in Witcher, Dragon Age is probably better. I found the combat in The Witcher enjoyable, so there's no contest Witcher >>> Dragon Age (which got very boring toward the end while The Witcher got very interesting towards the end).[/B]
This sums it up quite nicely, in my opinion. I'd add that DA:O is a little more polished as well.teiresias said:From the little I've played of Witcher (and from what I've READ - never played - about Dragon Age), it seems like Witcher is much more like Diablo in the combat sense, and Dragon Age is more tactical (at least on the PC version). That probably would drive your decision. Personally, I think Witcher's world and mood feels more unique and interesting than Dragon Age. I'll play both eventually though.
maybe your friend has to own itMr_Zombie said:On the front page it says that if you own "any Tomb Raider game" then Lara Croft & tGoL should be -76% (that is 3.60 euro). Well I do own Tomb Raider Legend, as well as LC&tGoL and when I want to buy the game for a friend it says that it's 5.10 euro :/
Godspeed. Game almost has a perfect demo too.gregor7777 said:Figured I'd do a little marketing for Defense Grid. We need to make sure there is a sequel.
In case anyone was wondering if it was good. :lol
Look on this page and the last.xyla said:Hows Iron Grip: Warlord ?
The Four Pack looks mighty attractive.
Holiday bonuses might as well be renamed "Steam Holiday Sale Bonuses"MetatronM said:I have a retail copy of The Witcher, but I wonder if it's worth double dipping on to have it on Steam.
Hmm...I must ponder this.
Definitely grabbing Burnout, though. The holiday bonus check I just got today at work isn't helping to curb my spending. :lol
It's worse when you know you own something already and still want to buy it.1-D_FTW said:And I'm now officially part of that group. I had to look in my library to see if I owned The Polynomial. I did.:lol
1) In combat do you prefer focusing mainly on one person in a more shallow yet free-flowing style, or balancing multiple people with frequent pausing and more strategy?Grimm Fandango said:If I had to choose between the Witcher and Dragon Age, what should I go with? I greatly enjoy the Elder Scrolls games, KOTOR, and Mass Effect.
Grimm Fandango said:If I had to choose between the Witcher and Dragon Age, what should I go with? I greatly enjoy the Elder Scrolls games, KOTOR, and Mass Effect.
webrunner said:That wouldn't be beating steam, that's just steam having pre-beat you before![]()
:lol :lolWallach said:Since when the fuck do I own Bioshock 2...? God damnit.
Durante said:So, has Disciples 3 been patched to a state where it's worth 7.50?
Grimm Fandango said:If I had to choose between the Witcher and Dragon Age, what should I go with? I greatly enjoy the Elder Scrolls games, KOTOR, and Mass Effect.
Wallach said:Since when the fuck do I own Bioshock 2...? God damnit.
Dice said:2) Do you prefer jumping between focused locations, or running around an open world?
>:|SilverLunar said:Hmm, not sure about the Witcher... too gritty for my taste