Nothing right now, and there's nothing on the horizon I'm really looking forward to. Possibly Smash?
Kirby: Triple Deluxe? Mario Golf: World Tour? Yoshi's New Island? Layton v Phoenix Wright? Surely there's SOMETHING out there beyond Smash?
Nothing right now, and there's nothing on the horizon I'm really looking forward to. Possibly Smash?
How far are you?
technically dragon quest 6. But haven't played it for a while.
Kinda burned out on DQ though. It's my 4:th DQ on the 3DS.
Checking this thread for ideas on something new to play.
Just got to Lorule. Did most of a dungeon there, where you have an NPC follow you. Got them almost to the top, exited a door by accident and when I went back the NPC was gone. After a lengthy WTF moment, I finally found them...all the way at the bottom of the dungeon ><
Guess I'll try again tonight.
Soul Hackers.
It's good but I'm a little bit disappointed. I know that it's a remake but boy does it look like a old game.
I really want to play Kid Icarus: Uprising, but am kind of apprehensive due to what I have heard about the controls. My hands cramp after playing just about anything on the 3DS, so I am not sure if Kid Icarus will be a good idea..
Sucking every bit of life out of the Bravely Default Demo.
Ah, yeah. That was tricky, when they go back to their original spot. Happened to me a few times. I thought that was a neat dungeon on the whole, though. That was the one I did first, too. You definitely have a lot of really cool and clever dungeons ahead.
Should I get Luigi's Mansion?
Loving the shit out of A Link Between Worlds after not touching my 3DS for ages.
Awesome! I think they did a really great job so far of making the dungeons require a bit of thought without being frustrating (disappearing NPCs aside). Loving the fact that it runs @ 60 fps as well, although it made playing four swords afterwards feel pretty rough.
Gaf, I need advice. I just added funds to my 3DS, and now I have to decide what to get. I'm for sure getting Dual Destinies (tried the demo and loved it), and I'm saving some money for Bravely Default. I want one more, but I can't decide between ALBW and Donkey Kong 3DS. I keep hearing how great ALBW is, but for some reason what I've seen of it hasn't grabbed me. On the other hand, a platformer like Donkey Kong could be fun, but I'm not to sure how good it is.
What say you gaf, keeping in mind I like both styles of games equally.
Gaf, I need advice. I just added funds to my 3DS, and now I have to decide what to get. I'm for sure getting Dual Destinies (tried the demo and loved it), and I'm saving some money for Bravely Default. I want one more, but I can't decide between ALBW and Donkey Kong 3DS. I keep hearing how great ALBW is, but for some reason what I've seen of it hasn't grabbed me. On the other hand, a platformer like Donkey Kong could be fun, but I'm not to sure how good it is.
What say you gaf, keeping in mind I like both styles of games equally.
Gaf, I need advice. I just added funds to my 3DS, and now I have to decide what to get. I'm for sure getting Dual Destinies (tried the demo and loved it), and I'm saving some money for Bravely Default. I want one more, but I can't decide between ALBW and Donkey Kong 3DS. I keep hearing how great ALBW is, but for some reason what I've seen of it hasn't grabbed me. On the other hand, a platformer like Donkey Kong could be fun, but I'm not to sure how good it is.
What say you gaf, keeping in mind I like both styles of games equally.
How is it compared to the Snes version? Or the gba version?Just got over the 40 hour mark in Harvest Moon a New Beginning last night. I wasn't expecting the town building mechanic to add that much to the game but it seems like every other week in the game I'm unlocking some big new feature. Definitely like it more than HM64.
How is it compared to the Snes version? Or the gba version?
How is it compared to the Snes version? Or the gba version?
I'd like to know this as well. I liked the SNES one (even though winters were boring as fuck), but the GBA one not so much. In the latter, you had all your tools from the beginning and leveled them like in a RPG, eliminating many reasons to explore the countryside and interact with the village.
Gotta say right off the bat though, I can't stand the series' new look. But with RF4 cancelled in EU, I'm again considering this title.