Yeah. Not at that money. But for msrp maybe I would under the spur of the moment. At least for FE card... or Zotac. I have a soft spot for Zotac.
What I say =/= not always what I do lol.
I might not like what nvidia is doing and don't agree with them, but that card is still essentially a 16gb 4080 for a better price than 4080 (depends) and my 3080 10gb is so limiting it hurts.
Devs have no idea how to code. Indiana jones goes 1 mb above my vram limit?! BUM 3fps, fuck you. That's awful coding.
So I didn't exactly "want" to get one. I was kinda hoping that MSRP FE would materialize on nvidia website and push me to get it. If you know what I mean

It actually seems like a better deal than 5080 since it's like 10-15% slower.
And yes. It's a piece of shit. Maybe for the best that I couldn't get it. But hey - At least 3700x to 5700x3d should be a decent upgrade... right?!
Hell my cpu is from 2019 and gpu from 2020... It's a miracle this thing is still working so well.