Deputy Moonman
It's not possible to be on as many shitty teams as I'm on. This game hates me.
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Happy New Year! I need to balance my negativity with some positivity. I'm afraid that I'm scaring everyone away. This was pretty sweet last night. For the record, I did not stay up for the new year. Had to be at work at 6am which means waking up at 445am.
Yep. They did say that changes were coming "next year," but who knows when that will take place. So one thing that I didn't even know existed is that we can queue for solo/duo or as a team/open playlist in the settings. I may need to change it over to solo and see how that feels. I don' t recall facing off against many full teams but I'm sure there were a few. I think the bigger issue right now are the cheaters. Apparently they're prevalent.Lol you're fine, unfortunately the game as it is right now is kinda of a thing where I think the flaws really start revealing themselves after a few weeks of playing. I still stand by my opinion that it's pretty much in a glorified beta state. This month I'd really like to see a roadmap of what they're planning to do.
Flag spotting/display needs reworked. So basically, the flag carrier's location is invisible if you are holding it and no one sees you. If someone sees you, youre spotted for a few seconds. If you sprint with the flag, youre visible to all. If you flag toss/run, youre showing the enemy team where the flag is.
So in the end: Flag spotting of carriers needs to be nixed - its overkill. Theres virtually no advantage to simply carrying the flag in Infinite. Youre going to get spotted, especially on the cramped 4v4 maps. Holding the flag and being sneaky needs to be an option.
Also in One Flag CTF the carrier is displayed to everyone at all times for some reason. Bug?
"Let’s highlight some changes we’ve made since the initial debut, based on feedback from the community and our own internal goals for how we want these events to operate and evolve.
Where players were only able to progress 7 tiers of their Event Pass in the week of the first Fractures: Tenrai event (November 23-30, 2021), players can now progress 10 tiers per week. By design, you will still have to participate in multiple weeks to obtain everything in the Tenrai Event Pass, but we hope this extra buffer will help expedite progression for highly engaged players.
We recognize the frustration that many players felt where they would have to work through multiple non-Event related Challenges or burn through Challenge Swaps in order to get an Event Challenge to show up in rotation. We felt this too and have made adjustments to ensure that players are always making progress on at least one Event Challenge as well (provided you have active Event Challenges remaining for the week). What this means is that Event Challenges have been tuned to appear in your Challenge rotation sooner and they will have a higher weekly cap (originally 7, now 10).
Further, we also agreed with feedback around the actual content of the Event Pass regarding the amount of Challenge Swaps and XP Grants that made levelling up feel less rewarding. The great thing about these events are the cosmetics, that’s what everybody’s excited about and wants to pursue, so we’ve replaced all XP and Challenge Boosts above Tier 10 onwards with cosmetic items. That’s a total of 11 new cosmetic items that will be available completely free.
Content that was originally slated to be featured as premium offerings in the store for the remaining weeks of this event has now been added to the core free event pass. Please note that no content changes were made from the first week of Fracture: Tenrai – these changes only apply to week two onwards. Any premium store purchases made during week one will remain exclusive to the week one store – they are not being added to the Event Pass."
It's lack of content, that's all it is.The lack of modes, maps, co-op, forge, Firefight, progression system, etc is severely dragging this game down. Not surprised at all people are bailing, going by Steamcharts it's had a pretty dramatic drop since launch.As I suspected post launch our Halo crew of 15+ strong have already all but dropped Infinite with the exception of myself and 1-2 others. The other 2 are just clearing out campaign achievements and I jump in for the occasional fill of multiplayer with none of my friends really playing PvP at all anymore. Apex Legends continues to be the better Halo game. It has that roaming outdoors terrain with some indoor combat that we loved in previous Halo games and modes. Infinite is just missing that entire "classic" map and modes design that Bungie nailed time and again. We know Max and his team can deliver that but it's the executive push from 343 to again focus on esports or large scale encounters of BTB/Warzone.
The 4v4 maps are far too CQC with clambering everywhere and inherently designed with that core esports style play in quick play, slayer or ranked. The rotations in playlists/matchmaking just never pulls up Behemoth CTF for example. There number of maps around the style of play from Zanzibar, The Pit, Standoff etc just isn't there under 343.
BTB is a shit show, it's chaos. I suspected as much with the increase player count and cluttered map designs. Going in as a 2-4 player fireteam and being forced on international servers much of the time equates to just not wanting to play.
The gameplay/sandbox is solid AF, fun and competitive. Basically everything else in terms of decisions of maps, modes, matchmaking systems etc are antiquated and require polish or reworking. The foundation is there, the game came in HOT HOT HOT. It's really disappointing to be so close but it's really not what I want out of Halo. Friends will ebb in as content drops and flow out just as quick as Infinite doesn't hold the same addictiveness over time the classics do.
Lately I find myself loading up MCC over Infinite. I filter out CE and Reach, sometimes Halo 4 too. The classics are just that good. The map updates given for free on Halo 3 are very well done and play just as good. More of that would have been nice in Infinite instead of being left out again as it was with Halo 5.
I/we have left out AI monitoring a captured FOB requesting campaign coop, PvE modes and a more classic playlist/maps while we play other games.
It's lack of content, that's all it is.The lack of modes, maps, co-op, forge, Firefight, progression system, etc is severely dragging this game down. Not surprised at all people are bailing, going by Steamcharts it's had a pretty dramatic drop since launch.
I find it a little curious that MS hasn't put out any PR about player #s yet. Was fully expecting a "Infinite is the most played Halo ever" post by the end of the year.
Oh yeah, the lack of PVE modes is definitely disappointing, especially because unlike Forge we don't even have confirmation Firefight will be coming...I agree about the content lacking. It's more than that though, it's the decision making. They have a great game on their hands, just the direction around what and how things are implemented needs to change as well when delivery new content. I have no doubt Infinite will/has dropped off, it just doesn't have the systems or content to make it the go to daily played game for myself or XBL friends.
Going crossplay you have to wonder if Infinite achieved the same levels as say Halo 3 players, launch and post launch. In the coming months I'm curious how many go back to MCC vs Infinite. It would make a nice comparison.
PvE content to me was their golden ticket out of this cycle of Halo under 343. It allows them to take fresh approaches in terms of mechanics, curated encounters, dynamism and content drops and more. I'm still really surprised one of the goalposts for Infinite was never Battle Royale or PvE. Again I think this is the biggest mistake under 343, larger than MCC being fucked for years.
I stopped playing because desync problem became so severe. Like others have mentioned it’s more often than not a game of chance and I just hate being killed through the walls and other cover.
I think alot of the 'game of chance' comes down to the design of the maps themselves. Almost all of them are so cramped but with so many entry ways to every spot - there is zero room for error. If you make one tiny fuckup, or didnt account for the enemy at that third doorway, youre screwed and you lose. You have to make decisions so quickly in Infinite. Sometimes youre able to somehow manage all of that properly during the chaos, but when you cant, it becomes frustrating.
I feel like the core Infinite gameplay is good and is true to Halo - but I think a different style of map more open, more room to breathe like Longshore or High Ground would make Infinite play so differently.
Ive seen you post similar thoughts about Infinite and H5 in the past and the more ive played and analyzed both of those Halos, the more I see what youre talking about. It leans far too heavy into esports coms play.It's all twitch esports McDonalds instant gratification bullshit firmly and always centred on go with your team and mic comms always if you want a shot at winning.
Ive seen you post similar thoughts about Infinite and H5 in the past and the more ive played and analyzed both of those Halos, the more I see what youre talking about. It leans far too heavy into esports coms play.
Have you ever listened to coms in a "professional" Halo match? Its absolute dorkfest calling out all locations at all times - the players sound like a panicked mess - they dont even have time to take a breath. I will never play Halo to that extreme. Sure, I call locations here and there - but my core group of friends never have in our 20 years of playing the series.
These maps as theyre designed almost require those type of coms to be consistent. Im not necessarily calling these current Infinite maps bad or poorly designed - they just have that frantic play im not always looking for in Halo. Hopefully they give us maps with more classic Halo flow.
So played a lot more fo the Multiplayer the last few days and yea it had a ton of potential but goddamn I couldn't agree more with complaints leveled at the game.
My biggest issues include the desync, lack of collision, lack of damage feedback on vehicles, and vehicle physics. Those 3 alone just make me not want to play.
I've been killed behind walls and around corners so much by weapons that shouldn't be able to do that. I've had tons of multi round clipping matches with both of us clipping through each other in melee fights, and the vehicles feel like toys. They're beyond light weight feeling and handle like shit. Also so fun just having your vehicle suddenly explode when you thought it had a bit more life. I've also run up to many vehicles thinking they are functioning only for them not to be. These are an insane step back from every single other Halo game made.
I completely agree. I'm really trying to enjoy Infinite multiplayer but it just ain't happenin'. I feel like I'm forcing myself to play it at this point. It sucks because Halo Infinite was my most anticipated title in a LONG time, the only game I'm really enjoying on my Series X at this point is FH 5.So played a lot more fo the Multiplayer the last few days and yea it had a ton of potential but goddamn I couldn't agree more with complaints leveled at the game.
My biggest issues include the desync, lack of collision, lack of damage feedback on vehicles, and vehicle physics. Those 3 alone just make me not want to play.
I've been killed behind walls and around corners so much by weapons that shouldn't be able to do that. I've had tons of multi round clipping matches with both of us clipping through each other in melee fights, and the vehicles feel like toys. They're beyond light weight feeling and handle like shit. Also so fun just having your vehicle suddenly explode when you thought it had a bit more life. I've also run up to many vehicles thinking they are functioning only for them not to be. These are an insane step back from every single other Halo game made.
Oh I've been waiting for this...
Sweet I'll check it out later when I'm trying to fall asleep with covid. Not being sarcastic. I tested positive and feel like I have had a really bad sinus infection for days. Very annoying.
EDIT: who am i kidding? I went ahead and watched it. I could have done without as much of the profanity, even though I'm guilty of yelling obscenities on neogaf when i'm angry lol, but his analysis was 100% spot on. He judged every aspect of the game fairly and was not afraid to unload on 343. What they did with the customization and cosmetics is a an absolute embarrassment. I don't think anybody at 343 checks neogaf out anymore, but they should be completely ashamed of their game as a live service vision. People didn't mind Halo 5 because it was still possible to unlock everything without paying and there was still a progression system. Infinite scrapped all of that for moneyhatting.
I think this is like most of us. The gameplay just made it a fun and solid game. Most of the other elements fall to average TBH. A quick checklist of how I feel after having a month with the game -Joe's an acquired taste but he's an OG, and usually extremely hard on games. Frankly I'm kinda surprised the final score wasn't lower, lol. But I think his enjoyment of the campaign salvaged it, cuz like he said if he was just reviewing the multiplayer he would've completely buried it due to the live service/monetization fuckery.
Hey everyone, happy new year! Hope everyone had a safe and awesome holiday break.
The 343 Team is largely back in action this week and I know many of you are very eager to get some updates on a number of topics. We are working on a broader info update and driving towards being able to share more details and a roadmap to help answer your questions and manage expectations.
That exercise is going to take some time to flesh out but please know it’s in process - there’s just a lot to dig into and it’s a rather complicated web of work items / dependencies / priorities, etc… so we want to be sure to share informed, accurate information.
In the meantime, we want to first and foremost provide a situation update on the state of BTB in Halo Infinite. As you know, we’ve been dealing with some frustrating issues with BTB nearly since launch and despite a few attempts at solving and mitigating before the holiday break, we were not able to get this fixed. While BTB has remained playable, there are matchmaking issues that increase with more players and larger fireteams have a low chance of successfully joining into a game together.
A strike force continued to work on this over the break and we’re optimistic to say we believe we have a fix in hand for the core issue. This went into QA last week and so far it’s looking positive - we are not seeing this issue occur internally using this build.
Next steps are to continue testing and then move into the certification process as we prepare to release a hot fix / patch for this issue. It’s a little too soon to give an ETA yet but please know our goal is to release this as soon as we can while ensuring it doesn’t have any other unintended impact to the retail product. It won’t be this week, but we hope it’s not too much further out and we’ll share an update as soon as we have line of sight on a release date (once we clear ‘cert’ we are then ready to ship).
We know there are a number of other topics you’re eager to hear about - including some issues with instances of cheating. The team has been working on a patch for mid-Feb that looks to address this and other things, and we’ll have more details to come as we get closer to release. We are actively triaging and still working to get as much as we can into this Feb update while still ensuring no negative impacts or regressions to other parts of the game.
For now we are opting to slipstream the BTB fixes given the broad scope of impact on all players. That’s not to say issues like cheating or wonkiness with the ranked experience aren’t important, but they have other dependencies and are on a bit longer timeline than this BTB fix which is nearly ready to go.
Thank you for your patience and continued support. While we were blown away and humbled by the reception and launch of Halo Infinite, we’ve got a lot to get after now as a live service studio. We will continue to make improvements and address feedback everywhere we can - though some things are going to take more time than many of you, and us, would like. Thank you - please keep the feedback coming - we’re in this together with a great foundation to grow and evolve upon. Stay tuned for more details.
Ugh, they keep saying these things like it's gonna take work, gonna take time, etc... and I get that but dude, the 2022 game deluge is gonna start very soon. They're going to have massive competition before they know it, and that's to say nothing of the fact that there's a monster waiting for them at the end of the year in the form of MW2 which is most likely going to just destroy everything (assuming Activision doesn't collapse by then...) Would have really liked to at least seen a roadmap by now but it sounds like they're still working on that too? IMO it should've been ready to go at this point, cuz as I said the honeymoon phase is over and it would've at least shown some people why they should stick around.Not much here but 343 believes they have a fix to the BTB issues (soon) and are also working on some anti-cheat measures to be implemented mid-February.
Forum Farewell
<p>Over the years, the ways and places which players engage with each other and with development studios has continued to evolve. Nowadays, there are more platforms and opportunities than ever to participate in communities of all shapes and sizes. For years, these Waypoint forums have served
Not much here but 343 believes they have a fix to the BTB issues (soon) and are also working on some anti-cheat measures to be implemented mid-February.
Forum Farewell
<p>Over the years, the ways and places which players engage with each other and with development studios has continued to evolve. Nowadays, there are more platforms and opportunities than ever to participate in communities of all shapes and sizes. For years, these Waypoint forums have served
If I had to guess I think the first 6 month will be spent polishing, then after that new content. It's just frustrating because this is supposed to be a live service with an engine that's been modified to make changes/content delivery easier, yet it still seems like it's gonna be a struggle, just like in Halo 5.Cheaters rampant for another month at least. PC optimisation given the middle finger. No mention of desync. No mention of region/server selection, fucking joke still. Didn't even take out BTB challenges, why they haven't developed their slipspace engine/system so sustain staff literally have app controls to just tick box such trivial things as challenges is beyond me. The next season is going to be an interesting one. Is it just actually the polish the game needed or will they deliver new content such as maps, modes, coop more than just the existing campaign etc? My gut tells me this thing is a hot mess and they're struggling post launch.
Considering the launch of just campaign, esports 4v4 and BTB with so much left out it's pretty damning against 343 and their development woes with each game release. It's not unreasonable from the player perspective to assume little has been learned or planned well going forward around the new engine/pipeline. Factually less has been delivered. After MCC how this studio bombs another 6 years development is just infuriating to think about. To have a brilliant underlying game not realised to its full potential and not looking like it will be for another 6-18 months is even more infuriating.If I had to guess I think the first 6 month will be spent polishing, then after that new content. It's just frustrating because this is supposed to be a live service with an engine that's been modified to make changes/content delivery easier, yet it still seems like it's gonna be a struggle, just like in Halo 5.
Honestly, if anyone asked me if they should play this right now I'd likely say to just hold off until holiday, or play the free multi at most (without spending any $$$).
I've been saying leadership needs a shakeup for ages now... frankly one of the main reasons I still have a little bit of hope is Staten, because he actually knows what he's doing. Ideally he would replace the people who are higher above him.Considering the launch of just campaign, esports 4v4 and BTB with so much left out it's pretty damning against 343 and their development woes with each game release. It's not unreasonable from the player perspective to assume little has been learned or planned well going forward around the new engine/pipeline. Factually less has been delivered. After MCC how this studio bombs another 6 years development is just infuriating to think about. To have a brilliant underlying game not realised to its full potential and not looking like it will be for another 6-18 months is even more infuriating.
I've said the studio decision makers needed a shake up before, when I ask myself that question now with Infinite post launch I find myself still answering yes they need a restructure. The story, the engine, the missing elements, the cheaters, the Q&A etc. Honestly I really thought they'd pull through after the last 10+ years of 343. I'm not sure I really have it in me to stick around for things to develop with Halo. They've abandoned classic Halo for 2 major releases in a row now. I have no interest in the story they're telling, the multiplayer is reminiscent of going for your 50 on USA servers from 15 years ago and the MCC flash backs of parties and lobbies not working forcing game restarts is PTSD inducing.
Probably a little harsh but the more I look at Infinite or try to play it the more I just play Apex with friends or MCC solo instead.
Another look at Kelly's new armor. Weird how hard Blue Team's being pushed in the merch yet they're nowhere to be found in the actual game. I think they're either gonna be in DLC or plans changed and they were cut from the main game (or both?)
Im sure yall know - but if you set up a custom game and add bots - they have all kinds of armor not unlockable or shown up in the store yet. Theres a Halo 1 (Mark V?) kinda helmet that looks pretty awesome. From the leaks it looks like thats coming in a February event.
I agree with the general points of many of the recent posts here - you guys still skew a bit too negative in my view though. Im still having a blast with multiplayer. The gameplay thats there is really top tier. The actual shooting and moving. I tried playing things like BF2042 and the gunplay is night and day different (worse). I wish it played more like Halo 3 but whats there is still really damn good. I find sometimes I get in the zone in Infinite and im untouchable - its like im seeing the game in slow motion or something busting out overkills - doesnt happen often though
My beef with Infinite is needing more content particularly lots more maps - which it will, its just waiting sucks. Its tough competing/comparing Infinite with the MCC and its 10+ years worth of game content and map selection. Infinite could really turn into something special with the right variety of maps.
Was on twitter again and saw this. Going through the thread of course there are people that are like omg he shouldn't be that high or he's fine right where he is, but the point is that no one should win 16 games and get nothing out of it. If the game is too stupid to match better players that's not his fault. But clearly the game is matching him with comparable players, so it just exposes how terrible 343's ranking system continues to be. My gripe is that wins aren't counting enough, because even if you're the best player out of both teams and completely dominate, if you don't win the game you don't get shit. So which is it? Wins? Contribution? What a terrible system.
Interesting about USA hosted games - and not being able to select. Im in the US so I didnt realize it was an issue. I think I remember Halo 5 or MCC not allowing people select server regions for a long time as well for whatever reason - didnt they eventually allow for selection?I do come off quite negative. That's the effects of having decades of USA hosted Halo games to just get the same again with Infinite. No player is wanting devs to choose servers for them when games like Apex just let you choose servers, as do many PC games by default. It tarnishes the whole game to constantly see the worst aspects of the matchmaking, skill matching and engine latency smoke'n'mirrors in your battles. I'd play more ranked if more Aussies were on, they're not going to be on when 9-10 games are internationally hosted and player/party choice is removed. It's a double edged sword. I got into Diamond easily enough and the BS I'm dealing with from latency and cheaters is just too much to want to play and grind your way up. Roll into that the maps and my mantra of esports taking away classic Halo and it's just why my friends don't play. I'm not grinding out randoms matchmaking on international games. I did that shit in Halo 3 enough for 50s across a bunch of playlists.
While I agree their ranking system needs to be transparent around the calculations behind it I doubt that player is a good representation of what the masses experience. He's top tier already, even within Onyx.
Where does he think he's ranking up to? Being the top of the heap means you have further to fall not go up.
Last day for Halo 3, this came up in my shorts feed. Halo 3 staying Halo 3 i see haha