You're welcome!
8 hours here. I haven't beat the first biome yet.

I'm having a lot of fun just pissing around exploring and soaking it all in. Lots of systems that I didn't understand, so thanks for the tips OP.
I've tried the first biome boss 3 times. The first two times I didn't know wtf I was doing - didn't even fully realise that was the first boss (I suspected though).
The third time I nearly beat him.
In case you guys thought my 11 hours were impossible, an Omani friend of mine beaten the game in 8 hours

Not that I can't do it myself I think I can now get close to 5-6 hours if replaying the game is something I enjoy, and I don't. I usually do my games once and move on, try to play all side missions before taking the final main mission then done. No trophy hunting.
will be soo hard for me "
Estimated trophy difficulty: 8.5/10 (entirely skill-dependent, experienced players might find it to be a 7/10, some won’t beat the story and will find it to be a 10/10)"

Returnal Trophy Guide & Roadmap. A guide on how to get all trophies and unlock platinum in Returnal on PS5.
I think most people are suffering because they're aiming down sight. You need to use hip fire all the time and aim only occasionally when nothing around you. And while fighting use a combination of changing your running direction, sprint sometimes to change spot, use environment for cover, use melee attack because it's so power.
The developers troll people who like to turtle up, wear a tonnne of armour, and carry a great shield; as such being clunky is an option but not a requirement. All soulsborne games can play fast if you want them to...sekiro being the best at it for sure but me thinks you have not given souls a proper chance based on the reasons you gave. you may have other reaosns and thats fine, but the ones you gave dont compute. The story is also the most amazing part as it is only uncovered cryprtically. ALthogh it is somewhat open to interpretation owing to that; and I admit at times I wonder if the developers are trolling the story seekers by not exactly having one, I still think you can get lost in the world and feel like you are in a special story. Several you tubers make their living off the story of souls games LOL.
I dont think the rigth stick shows much more than doors immediate in the area. A better way to do it is to press the center pad, and go to the map menu. Then look for the symbol key and look for arches that are open, not closed etc. THe main path is white square arch for example, the blue triangle is optional (but really those tend to be thebest places to go for loot and interesting things item wise.) I admit the final orange waypoit didnt dhow for me outisde the first run I did. I wasnt sure how to get it back...may be you have to acheive something in the level first before the final waypoint is visible.
I was taking my time on my very first run and almost got to the final boss....the game crashed and I lost all progress except for two upgrades. I was pissed. Not even sure if I was wearing a different suit or not. I mean its one thing if you do something to deserve a death but in this case it was harder to take as I hadnt. I did some suicide runs to try differnt things and learn from death so to speak and that was ok .....died from a fall once more after going slow again (I know you get a second chance at falls if you have enough health but I didnt at that point.) Gotta say I have a love/hate feeeling for this game and perhaps other rougelikes etc. I can always handle souls deaths as its easy to farm souls back etc, but losing weapons and armour is tough to take. Does indeed take me back to the arcade days where one quarter is all you got to beat the game and feeding quarters to learn the game is the only way other than to watch others....butthat spoils it for you. I d rather suffer and figure it out mostly myself but this thread it greeat as it is sensitive to spoilers.
Had some hiccups. Still, only spent about 3 hours so far and half of that was serious and actually trying to succeed. I think with the tips in this thread things will go a lot better tonight ! Off to go play ....might stream on twitch or maybe not LOL...might be too embarrassing ;P
See I can easily tell a game I won't like, and souls games are one of those. The only "somehow" good to my taste was Sekiro, but I somehow forget about it and now it's kinda old to my taste.
Also I've done my best to avoid any kind of spoilers, but hope this help people. I'm starting to consider making a stream of the 1st biome now on youtube, but not excited in doing so. It should take less than an hour to beat the whole area.
Blatant stealth brag thread.
I'm gonna fucking kick this games ass today.
Go get it!
Nah you can only find the sun pieces after beating the last boss. There not there in act 1 and act 2.
Its the 3rd act of the game. When she says, I need to reignite the sun After the house scene after beating the last boss.
All the parts are open to find them throughout the level, nothing needs to be unlocked or beat bosses to find them.
In Helios you can change the return from the echoing ruins to the overgrown ruins.
Well, I finished the game, then closed the console. You're telling me that I should finish the game again and then go back to act 1 and then act 2 to collect all of these then beat the final boss for the 3rd time? Massive pass. Saw the ending on youtube, not worth it at all.
I'm somewhat stuck on the first boss, but at least now I can get him to the third phase some times.
Buy a figurine (1 extra life) get a large life pack, finish everything in the biome before heading to fight him. Use Hollowseeker, or the carbine. When he's shooting at you try to change you direction and also dash through his red wave/bullets. His purple bullets will hit you if you try to dash through them, like purple waves later on the game. When you dodge his melee attack, hit him 1-2 times with a melee attack because it deals massive damage.
Good luck!
Finally defeated the first Boss on the 3rd attempt, all were done with the Electropylon Driver, immediately thought of Anarchy (exotic weapon from Destiny 2) when I first got it.
I don't like those guns myself, but can see them working for some other fighting styles/players.
Ah, I see. This is one of those games after I beat I'll come back to. It's just so fun to play!
Hope you enjoy it!