It's out tomorrow? Cool!
It's been out for 13 hours now :B
It's out tomorrow? Cool!
Shoot, I must be late to the party!It's been out for 13 hours now :B
Can't wait to play it. But first I need to try and get it to run. I keep getting the logo and get kicked back to steam.
This trouble shooting is why I prefer console gaming.
These games really needed a better developer. Both this and Age of Empires II HD are technological nightmares. How can ancient games with a few added bells and whistles run so sluggishly on modern hardware?
Anyone playing this at the moment? Thoughts? It's been so long, I don't remember if I preferred AoM or AoE2.
I really want some casual "Age of" multiplayer, but at some point a patch was released for AoE2 HD that gimps my FPS in multiplayer only, making it unplayable.
Anyone playing this at the moment? Thoughts? It's been so long, I don't remember if I preferred AoM or AoE2.
I really want some casual "Age of" multiplayer, but at some point a patch was released for AoE2 HD that gimps my FPS in multiplayer only, making it unplayable.
I played a bit of it and enjoyed it. My body is not ready for the multiplayer though![]()
Senator Soufflé;111943978 said:Playing through the campaign slowly. Had to turn lots off or it started stuttering pretty badly. This is on a 3 year old laptop but I expected better.
Game itself is still amazing. I may be a tad nostalgic over it but playing Troy missions currently and thoroughly enjoying it.
I don't play these kind of games online, so I can't really comment on multiplayer. Played some LAN, which worked grand though.
Multiplayer is TOUGH starting out because there's a decent chance you run into someone that's been playing on voobly/ranger prior to the Extended Edition release. I got owned a couple of times. Finally got my first online win earlier today though so I feel a little better now lol.
But even if you never play online games vs the bots are still fun IMO. Some people hate playing against a CPU in games like this though.
So how is it?
So how is it?