new word "34.0419", no counter change.
Does anyone know what this guy worked on in the past?
Dang, this new number is a tough one to crack. Closest I'm getting is that the sixth root of 34.0419 is 1.800? Lol, gonna keep working on this...
Edit: Oh, it could refer to a latitude. Nevada test site is 37.07 N though...
Does anyone know what this guy worked on in the past?
Checked his Linkedin, apparently he's a 'localization specialist' from January 2011 until present. He also has other role like Project Lead, but iirc that's related to Sorcery Saga
It's happening people
If been looking at GPS coordinates as well, is 37.07 N mentioned in the game?
You know, i don't think so, but i haven't played the games in a while. Wonder if someone else can chime in?
Edit: oh yeah, sigmaaldrich, I order crucibles for my experiments from them all the time lol. Yeah, the 'sigma' seems pretty telling...
R-spondin 2 also known as roof plate-specific spondin-2 is a protein that in humans that is encoded by the RSPO2 gene.[1]
R-spondin 2 synergizes with Wnt to activate beta-catenin.[2][3] RSPO2 has been proposed to regulate craniofacial patterning and morphogenesis within pharyngeal arch 1 through ectoderm-mesenchyme signaling via the endothelin-Dlx5/6 pathway.[4]
Not yet, but it's definitely good news. let's find out what 34.0419 means first. I checked the link you posted, it's a large German chemical company.
edit: Just so there's no confusion, the sigma in the name is pure cooincidence. I don't think 34.0419 has anything to do with them.
Yeah, they're a huge supplier in the bioscience world. It won't have any relevance here, but it does result in the occasional amusing coincidence...
Gene ID: 340419
RSPO2 R-spondin 2 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
source: (thanks reddit)
possible, very far-fetched connection to ZE-series:,
What the...?! Wasnt expecting that. So does that mean Tubocurarine is actually a real thing?
Unlikely to be relevant, in my opinion. There are thousands of genes somehow implicated in morphogenesis (meaning, broadly, in developmental growth). This one has no real ties to the series that I can see.
Maybe its in 999 somewhere?
Edit: I found out on C-R (and reddit)34.0419 is a line of latitiude that runs through.... Nevada
Maybe its in 999 somewhere?
Edit: I found out on C-R (and reddit)34.0419 is a line of latitiude that runs through.... Nevada
No it doesn't? I just checked multiple maps and 35 latitude just barely scrapes the bottom of the state. There's no way 34 is in Nevada.Maybe its in 999 somewhere?
Edit: I found out on C-R (and reddit)34.0419 is a line of latitiude that runs through.... Nevada
Someone also worked out what the latest number was as a fraction
Sorry guys for going in too fast with the Nevada thing.
443600/13031 = 34.0419001
1/216 = 0.00462962962
The answer to the first fraction is rounded up.
Spoilers for ze3 Alice ending:Alice says she finds the coordinates for the myrmidon headquarters...i can't remember if they mention what they are in the game? I don't think they do
Looks like it could possibly be the latitude of the room it's going to be revealed in at Anime Expo. 34.0419 runs through LA Convention Center:!3m1!1s0x80c2c7c76a01ef3d:0xf629c020e23429b5
Nice, this sounds promising. Has anyone in here been to the LA Convention Center before? Is there a room 216 or something like that?
If you go to my link, you can see the room layout of LACC. It also has a floor selector in the bottom right. Here's an imgur album for those that can't see the map
Looks like it could be the latitude of the room it's going to be revealed in at Anime Expo. 34.0419 runs through LA Convention Center:!3m1!1s0x80c2c7c76a01ef3d:0xf629c020e23429b5
It does when viewed in conjunction with everything else. There's just too much evidence pointing to ZE3 for it not to be it, unless Aksys is pulling some elaborate troll, which would be extremely unfortunate. (I don't feel that's the case.)Now that seems pretty likely to me, but it doesn't point the finger at it being a ZE3 game yet though.
I just want confirmation man!
The room where ZE3 will be revealed.The location of the room it will be revealed in doesnt really reveal/point to anything about the actual teaser itself though, it sounds unbelievably precise.
another Uchikoshi RT with ZE3 in it
If it is ZE3 do you think Uchikoshi has started work on the game? Even if he has it would be sometime before a release.