with E3 in full swing, I thought a short E3 update was in order:

- It's very unlikely that the game will be revealed at E3 / during E3 week, don't get your hopes up
- I’ve found nothing that points at Aksys being at E3 and there’s the old argument that the announcement of a niche game would be overshadowed by the big games
- The counter ends at the exact time (13:00) that the Aksys Anime Expo panel (July 3) begins at, a reveal in 18 days seems like a safe bet
- Having put in a lot of time, I don’t think that the words/numbers part of the teaser is solvable at this stage. This will change during the last week, when the last word/number is added to the site; it's best to save some energy for then and look at things with a fresh mind.