Tricky I Shadow
Somebody on twitter pointed out that · · · · · (aka CQD) is the distress signal sent when the Titanic sunk. Maybe this is what those three letters amount to?
Somebody on twitter pointed out that · · · · · (aka CQD) is the distress signal sent when the Titanic sunk. Maybe this is what those three letters amount to?
I actually really didn't love the puzzles in 999. They were more tedious than anything. Aside from the final, amazing puzzle shift, they didn't add much for me. VLR fixed that for me for the most part. If the only way you can experience the game is on mobile, I say that's fine. It's not as good an experience, but it's better to get the story in some way versus none at all.
That being said, I would super dig a Vita/3DS release of 999.
VN+Something else is what makes me appreciate the genre more. Just getting a decision once every ten minutes or so isn't enough, great hybrid games that string the story along as the ultimate carrot is what turns them up to 11.
You would literally get a better representation of the game by not playing it and watching a Let's Play. Hell, reading a straight transcript of the game would be better than the iOS version.
It's no alternative at all, it's not only missing the puzzles, which morph the game from an above average VN to something really special but it manages to cut out a great deal of dialogue from the puzzle rooms. The iOS version is a scam.
Not related to 4infinity but on the subject of VNs, since Steins;gate is being localized and coming out in August, how good is that game? And should I watch the anime before or after playing the game?
Welcome on board, great to see the "old gang" getting back together![]()
You guys got me hoping for a 999 re-release now
I never actually "finished" it. Got one of the endings and then stopped there since re-playing it for another ending seemed like hassle.
Did finish VLR thanks to the jumping thing though.
Not related to 4infinity but on the subject of VNs, since Steins;gate is being localized and coming out in August, how good is that game? And should I watch the anime before or after playing the game?
I decided against a private twitch chat the people that were joining were the majority of the people watching. I'll probably be in the twitch chat.So what are the plans for Friday?
Are we meeting in this thread or the twitch chat?
Someone mentioned a skype conference call.
So what are the plans for Friday?
Are we meeting in this thread or the twitch chat?
Someone mentioned a skype conference call.
So uh... Any more room in the hype room?
It's just the normal twitch stream, no private chat. redhood56 brought up the idea but decided against it because it will mostly be people from GAF/reddit/ZE fans in the public chat anyways.
B-b-but then I can't say stuff prestream ;-;
So what are the plans for Friday?
Are we meeting in this thread or the twitch chat?
Someone mentioned a skype conference call.
someone set a timer and pm me a chat link
Still the same for me.Is anyone else's counter behaving oddly?
None of the words "scroll" anymore for me - eg ice cream, coin, 50m and 34.0419 have stopped at the letter C in the image.
Will be extremely surprised if it's anything but ZE3, its been a long time coming. I've not been following it closely but the counter thing is a really weird way of announcing something. Hasn't it been going since like 3 months ago? Bit excessive.
Sure, welcome on board
Final prediction:
I think the announcement will be a combination of one or more of the following:
A ze anime adaptation
Personally I am hoping for Ze3 (or the internet will have a meltdown at this point) AND a vita/pc port of the infinity trio of games.
Oh god, if this ends up having nothing to do with the Ze3...someone might as well just drop a nuclear bomb on neogaf because that is what is going to happen haha.
More like an annihilation bomb, right?![]()
Only 2 days now. I don't think we are going to get another word tomorrow, they probably want to give us time to figure it out.