104 or 105 this Friday at PM 05.15 EDT (in New York) / PM 02:15 PDT (in L.A.) / PM 10.15 BST (in London)
not sure about the next word, best guess would be this Friday, Saturday or Sunday (see my last post for more detailed breakdown)
i dunno. There were originally 10 words from the leaked pictures. So probably not one for each day. But aksys can do what they want...
Does it look as if the word "ice cream" has moved a little further to the left (not sure?) for some people?
The words must be random then. I wonder what shotgun could mean? It doesnt seem especially ZE-ish.
The words must be random then. I wonder what shotgun could mean? It doesnt seem especially ZE-ish.
1.(firearms) A gun which fires loads typically consisting of small metal balls, called shot, from a cartridge.
2.(slang) The front passenger seat in a vehicle, next to the driver; so called because the position of the shotgun-armed guard on a horse-drawn stage-coach, wagon train, or gold transport was next to the driver on a forward-mounted bench seat.
3.(US) A one-story dwelling with no hallways or corridors, with the rooms arranged in a straight line. Mostly heard in the southern United States.
4.(American football) A play formation in which the quarterback is a few feet behind the snapper when the ball is hiked, ideally allowing for an easier pass play.
Jesus, if it's anything other than ZE3 at this point, people are gonna flip.
ZE spoilersIt would be a sight to see.
^ to be sure
This is going to be amazing. I just know it.
Regardless of what happens in the end and what this turns out to be, it'll be amazing.
What if its ZE3 AND something else? I dont think those mysterious Uchikoshi tweets are for nothing.
That's true () but weirder things have happened. I wonder if something will happen on May 5?
It's 0105 now.
When we only get to weeks and we start out on 0004 that means the countdown ends on July 3rd. Anime expo is July 2nd-5th.That's odd. Should be 104 shouldn't it?