Are PS even trying anymore? This isn't impressive Jim 

Same cost as before. 60 for PS+ and 60 for PS Now. The difference here is that the subscription falls under one banner. You really think anyone is subscribing to PS Now and not PS+?120$ to stream PS3 games???
Is this a Joke??
Disappointing at the lack of local PS3 emulation.
And Grubb was 100% right on the money with his tiers.
locking classic games to a obscenely expensive tier and still having the balls to make PS3 titles streaming only?
You can buy PS2, PS4 and PS5 games separatedly, so there is no reason to think PS1 and PSP games will be only inside the subscription. For PS3 yes because they can't be emulated properly on PS4 and PS5 so they are streamed only.
To put PS1 and PSP games on the PSN store to be purchased outside the subscription would give them extra revenue and profits. A PS1 or PSP game purchased separatedly from the store would give them more revenue and profit that from the sub. Why wouldn't them include them in the store? It doesn't make sense.
I assume they thought than to only sell them in the store wouldn't be worth it, but instead that would be a good selling point for the top subscription to give it more value. But now they implemented it as downloadable games for PS4 and PS5 they'll want to monetize them as much as possible. So it would make sense to include them in the store too.
Dude GT4 is seen by many fans as the peak in the series. GT5, GT6, and (as of now) GT7 do not offer what 4 does. it has the best singleplayer campaign and one of the most expansive and unique car lists, as well as being the first game to have the more realistic physics GT was known for (before then GT had far more arcadey physics)
Over 15 Just Dance games on PlayStation Now to bump up the number is really great /sPS+ Extra sounds really great, 400 PS4/5 games right out of the gate, nice.
Ewww.Dude GT4 is seen by many fans as the peak in the series. GT5, GT6, and (as of now) GT7 do not offer what 4 does. it has the best singleplayer campaign and one of the most expansive and unique car lists, as well as being the first game to have the more realistic physics GT was known for (before then GT had far more arcadey physics)
I and a bunch of other fans do.Who thinks GT4 is the tops? Driving physics were wonky... and this coming from somebody who has done IRL drifting for 18 years.
New games on Gamepass..........400 ps4 and ps5 games? That is more than double gamepass catalog.
Over 15 Just Dance games on PlayStation Now to bump up the number is really great /s
For me, it's disappointing that with this announcement, purchasing BC PS1/PS2 games seems like it won't be an option going forward.I'm trying to reconcile the disappointment some are expressing here. What was it that folks thought they were getting with this? Why does this suck? It isn't amazing news, no, but it isn't bad news either. It is a service restructure which doesn't change anything for those who choose not to change.
Yes, they were different and not crossbuy, were different ports/emulations since PS4 wasn't BC and its PS2 games included trophies etc. But this is the exception, in all the other cases you bought a game one and have been able to play it for free in all the consoles capable to run it.i doubt it, i hope im wrong tho.
The PS2 Classics available on PS4 are not the same as those on PS3, and those that overlap are considered diferent games.
What is your source to claim that? Where Sony did announce that they are going to remove the PS2 from the PSN store?For me, it's disappointing that with this announcement, purchasing BC PS1/PS2 games seems like it won't be an option going forward.
I was really hoping they'd start to let us purchase those games, I'm not enticed by a subscription model.
Even doing that you are getting more out of your money. Games in Gamepass are discounted.You make it sound like people that sub to Game Pass never pay for a retail game on top of their subscription. Evidence points to not only do they buy new 3rd party games but they also continue to purchase 1st party games. Hasn't that been an argument for a long time that Game Pass does not cannibalize Xbox game sales?
LolI don't buy Microsoft games? They dont have enough quality wise from internal studios that I give a shit about. And I buy their games that I do play on PC via steam where I can shop around greenmangaming and the likes.
I only play with digital baby. Besides doubt I can find it less than 18euro with shipping.
Its actually pretty simple tbh.This really should have just been one simple service tier.
But, you know,
Lol no. Why you think that? It’s subscription only.
Even doing that you are getting more out of your money. Games in Gamepass are discounted.
How do the emulators run on Series X? I might have to give this a try. If games run well it's funny to think that the XSX is a better console for older PS games.
Sir, it says here that you intentionally locked yourself into Sony's shitty pricing schemes and then complained about Sony's shitty pricing schemes on the internet?
Only teasing. Ratchet's great though, pick it up when it's better priced in 3 years.
Not that hard to imagine if you upscale the internal res via PPSSPP. instead of looking insanely crunchy it looks crisp as fuckHard trying to imagine playing a PSP game on my 55" LG OLED
LOL I never claimed that, WTF are you talking about?What is your source to claim that? Where Sony did announce that they are going to remove the PS2 from the PSN store?
Yes, PS4 wasn't BC with PS3 so the PS2 games for PS4 were different emulation and porting. PS5 ran the PS2 games for PS4 because was BC witth PS4, but isn't with PS3. Probably after trying on PS3 many of their publishers weren't interested on renewing/porting them to PS4. Maybe they hought it wasn't worth it.You can buy a very very limited selection of PS2 games on PS5 because there was a limited selection on PS4 and they're considered "PS4 games". We're talking about around 50 games vs. over 300 that were available on PS3 as Classics, it's not the same.
All the games included in the Sony subscripttions always have been in the store to be purchased separatedly, and to don't sell separatedly would be to leave money on the table. They sold them where possible. I'm 99% sure they will sell them.They're not going to be available for individual sale because Sony will make more money overall forcing people into the highest tier of their subscription service. Same reason Nintendo are charging people $30 a year to play select N64 games.
Believe me, I'd absolutely love for it to happen, but it's not going to. We waited an entire console generation and never got it, it ain't happening. Subscriptions for bulk content is the new way.
Yes, I think only a small portion of players would buy them. But Sony has a 111M MAU and growing userbase and only a small portion of them will pay for the Premium tier. So I think will make sense for them to include them in the store.The series fans are always going to find reasons to play old games, sure - you will find me replaying Crash and Spyro on PS1 even though I love the remakes. Doesn't apply to the general public, they're not buying Gran Turismo 4.
Microsoft don't have Sony games, so there's not compelling there for Sony gamers.This is the right way to think about it.
It becomes even more compelling on the Microsoft side if, like me, you have limited time to play. So it's not even as much about dollars versus quantity, or even quality! It's about how much can I get out of the money I spend versus the time I have to enjoy the money spent. If there are even five games I want to play on Game Pass in a year, and I'll likely pick up two or three Sony first party titles, there's little reason for me to have this and Game Pass.
Especially, again, in the era of crossplay and free-to-play multiplayer titles.
That’s what everyone is expecting, though? But games won’t release day one in the service.They're definitely heading towards day one releases. I'm ignoring all denials, explanations for why it just can't work for Playstation's "special" games. It's all nonsense.
Sony will adopt the movie theater release followed by digital/streaming availability model that's currently used for movies. They may try to make that window larger at first, but it's coming. Jim Ryan saying he sees live service games as their own subscription is pretty much a tipping of his hand on where they will go.
All the games included in the Sony subscripttions always have been in the store to be purchased separatedly, and to don't sell separatedly would be to leave money on the table. They sold them where possible. I'm 99% sure they will sell them.
I don't do a lot of PS2 on it, but PS1 runs great. You can run a good selection of Gamecube and Dreamcast as well. The PS2/DC/GC gen stuff is YMMV depending on game, but it's coming along pretty nicely.