Hey never even thought of giving Sinbad amiibo lights. Thanks Diggeh!
Hey never even thought of giving Sinbad amiibo lights. Thanks Diggeh!
Hey never even thought of giving Sinbad amiibo lights. Thanks Diggeh!
fellow michigan hunters check the weather reports for your area we are supposed to get storms early friday morning
Ugh, Brickseek is telling me that my closest Target has 12 Jigglys on hand with 11 "saleable". Wonder if an employee is holding one for themselves. The second one has 16, all saleable.
I wonder if I'd be able to go buy one today, lol.
It's the day before amiibogeddon everyone, what are your orders looking like?
For me:
Lucina 2x (1 shipped)
Robin 2x (1 shipped)
2x Jigglypuff (2 "shipped")
1x Ness
Best Buy
2x Splatoon 3-Pack (preparing order)
1x Wario (preparing order)
1x Charizard (preparing order)
1x Lucina (preparing order)
1x Robin (preparing order)
1x Pac-Man (preparing order)
1x Greninja
No! :-( Hopefully it's not too terrible. I'm going out to search for Charizard and Wario for my sister. I bought her first amiibo the other day and now she's hooked.fellow michigan hunters check the weather reports for your area we are supposed to get storms early friday morning
No! :-( Hopefully it's not too terrible. I'm going out to search for Charizard and Wario for my sister. I bought her first amiibo the other day and now she's hooked.
Edit: Don't mind the rain, just hate driving in it, like that snowstorm for Rosalina. T_T
Damn, if only I was up when Dark Pit and ZSS were in stock. I'm sure that Amazon JP + Tenso would be a lot cheaper than my Amazon UK order, ah well.Ganon, ZSS, Dark Pit & Palutena all available @ Amazon.co.jp
Ugh, Brickseek is telling me that my closest Target has 12 Jigglys on hand with 11 "saleable". Wonder if an employee is holding one for themselves. The second one has 16, all saleable.
I wonder if I'd be able to go buy one today, lol.
Every single Target in my area has one less Puff sellable than available, except for one. Hmm. Seems to be the general trend for the rest too.
Also, my usual store is getting 32 in. Nice. In fact, it's the only store in the area getting near that many, most are getting 16 with a couple getting 24.
Oh, and does anyone have the DPCI for Silver Mario?
Every single Target in my area has one less Puff sellable than available, except for one. Hmm. Seems to be the general trend for the rest too.
Also, my usual store is getting 32 in. Nice. In fact, it's the only store in the area getting near that many, most are getting 16 with a couple getting 24.
Oh, and does anyone have the DPCI for Silver Mario?
207-00-5037 for silver mario
I'm heading there tomorrow, I'll definitely keep an eye out for you!Any Michigan gaffers going to TRU and able to get an extra Greninja? I'm gonna be out of town for work and won't be close to a TRU until Saturday morning.
Uhh, so my Target doesn't have anything according to Brickseek.
Does that mean I can't get it tomorrow?
I'm heading there tomorrow, I'll definitely keep an eye out for you!
Just checked brickseek for my Target, they have 16 Jigglys, 8 silver Marios, and 4 of everything else EXCEPT there is no Robin and Lucina.
Dangit. This is gonna be the first wave where I'll have to pay eBay prices. I've missed all the preorders for Robin/Lucina.
You still have a shot at amazon when it goes up, so don't quit just yet.
Seems like my Target has 15 Jigglys, but only 3 Robins, 3 Lucinas, and 3 Splatoon 3 packs... Looks like it's gonna be an early morning. Anyone have a guess on how early I should get there?
No one?Is anyone else going to Nintendo World tonight? I am planning to head there after work. I hope that won't already be too late.
So is it possible to go to walmart at midnight for silver mario?
Nintendo World Line
It's the day before amiibogeddon everyone, what are your orders looking like?
Nintendo World Line
well for rosalina i went there 30min early and was 3rd in line but there was also a bad snowstorm this time around im going there after i leave meijer at midnight and seeing fi there is a line and if there is im jumping in.
Nintendo World Line
Damn, that's close at the corner of 48th and 6th already. That is making me reconsider lining up.