Fox Mulder
That Meta Knight amiibo looks way better than the Smash version imo
and i'll actually be able to find it now.
That Meta Knight amiibo looks way better than the Smash version imo
I updated the OT with the new Kirby amiibo and fixed AC Wave 4/Isabelle dates. Imgur was having captcha uploading issues so I couldn't upload them!
I'm so sad we didn't get a Star Fox line. I wanted Slippy and Peppy as well as new versions of Fox and Falco. Kirby is cool too, but Kirby games happen so often that it was going to happen eventually. We don't know when Star Fox will get another chance.
Bayonetta, Corrin and Cloud amiibo weren't dated
PROBABLY gonna be announced at launch alongside Smash NX
i dont know where else to put this but i figured id toss it to the amiibros. got an email from bby with a Bravely Second: End Layer demo code. quote to reveal, whoever claims it please let everyone know
Heh, I tried using it and it said that the promotion hasn't started yet.
I wouldn't mind having it though.
Also anyone have a good place to get a Wolf Link Amiibo for a reasonable price or do I have to wait for a wider distribution later on?
well i guess thats why =p. sorry, i guess itll be whoever redeems it first.Codes can only be redeemed between 12:00am EST 3/7/16 through 2:59am EST 3/10/16.
wolf link amiibo arrived![]()
*throws twilight princess HD to the side* ;p
at least no more waggle waggle in this version
It's got a nice weight to it, which I really like in my amiobo. And it being basically free with TP is a nice additionWolf Link best amiibo so far? it's amazing
So I recently got a Wii U, and I'm still not really sure what the fuck amiibos do. I never really concerned myself with it. All I got is the 8-bit Mario one and that just does the mega mushroom thing when I'm making a Super Mario Maker level. Do the other ones even have any significant gameplay impact?
I can't find the standalone wolf link amiibo anywhere. Is it out yet?
After looking at the Robobot amiibo more, I think I'll be getting Meta Knight as well as Kirby. Really not feeling DeDEdee or Waddle Dee.
It may be in OP, but I'm on mobile 90 percent of the time, and all the images crash my browser; was there a date for that line?
June 10th alongside the game
Zelda line is obviously the next big thing. America is amiibo land and Zelda is huge here.
I also kinda expect a service amiibo game to be made as well soon.
I imagine the Zelda line will likely launch with Zelda U and use the designs from that game. So it could be an E3 reveal like the Animal Crossing ones were.I'm surprised that a Kirby line of amiibo were announced in the most recent direct, and not a Zelda line for the 30th anniversary.
Guess they will save 30th anniversary 8-bit Link amiibo announcement for E3.
I'm surprised that a Kirby line of amiibo were announced in the most recent direct, and not a Zelda line for the 30th anniversary.
Guess they will save 30th anniversary 8-bit Link amiibo announcement for E3.
but I'm on mobile 90 percent of the time, and all the images crash my browser
I imagine the Zelda line will likely launch with Zelda U and use the designs from that game. So it could be an E3 reveal like the Animal Crossing ones were.
Like Zalman said, I'm expecting it to be announced for the holiday season. Too early to announce it now.
I check the OP on desktop but it's the sad truth </3
My local TRU is getting a good amount of Mega Yarn Yoshi amiibo for the 20th.
I refused to buy into this. Then I bought Zelda TP HD and used/saw the wolf link amiibo.
Son of a bitch. Now I'm about to get Smash Bros for the 3ds since I have some friends that now have a 3ds. I already have it for the wii u, but i'm thinking of getting into the amiibo game for it. Is the amiibo stuff in smash brothers actually cool?
You generally don't get Amiibos for just one game, from a non-collecting standpoint ... they have better value across multiple games. The Amiibo usage in Smash Bros. isn't really worth getting an Amiibo or multiple Amiibos just for Smash Bros., IMO, but when you combine using your, let's say Link, in other games like Hyrule Warriors and Super Mario Maker and Yoshi's Wooly World, then the Smash Bros. "train your Amiibo and make him super good" mode is pretty cool.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. The shulk amiibo is cool, but that only works in one game.
On my wii u i have mario maker and smash bros, so it seems like I would get good use out of the amiibos?
ShulkOn the contrary ... the Sheik Amiibo does something unique or semi-unique in these games:
And your Sheik Amiibo can be used for generic bonuses that any other Amiibo can be used for in Amiibo Tap, Captain Toad and Pokkén Tournament. So there are lots of uses for it! It's one of the most versatile Amiibos, actually.
- Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+ (unlocks F-15SE plane with Zelda paintjob; Zelda Amiibo does this, too)
- Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash (unlocks a Sheik-posed Chibi-Robo figure)
- Hyrule Warriors (grants one high-level item per day in Hyrule Warriors, which only Legend of Zelda series Amiibos do)
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (restores hearts; Zelda Amiibo does this, too)
- Super Mario Maker (unlocks Sheik skin and sound effects for Mystery Mushroom powerup)
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS (allows you to train, level up and upgrade a CPU-controlled Sheik, savable only to the Amiibo)
- Yoshi's Wooly World (unlocks a Sheik costume for Yoshi)