B!TCH said:Not saying anything but those are a lot of plush toys for a grown man. I don't know how old you are but you look too old to be playing with those.
he doesn't play with them, he just uses them as bait
B!TCH said:Not saying anything but those are a lot of plush toys for a grown man. I don't know how old you are but you look too old to be playing with those.
B!TCH said:Not saying anything but those are a lot of plush toys for a grown man. I don't know how old you are but you look too old to be playing with those.
I don't really PLAY with them.B!TCH said:Not saying anything but those are a lot of plush toys for a grown man. I don't know how old you are but you look too old to be playing with those.
SpoonyBard said:The Halloween episode was posted 3 days ago:
"You don't know what shit is."
Willy Wanka said:
SleepDeprived said:
Oh man, so funny :lolSleepDeprived said:
Yaceka said:One of his worst videos ever.
I'm really starting to get sick of AVGN. I'm a huge AVGN fan (been a fan since he was on Youtube) and I've seen all of his episodes many times. But lately (all of 2008) he's been doing horrible videos. I honestly think he's run entirely out of creativity and turns to excessive swearing. If you look back on some of his older videos he'd swear a lot, but at the same time he'd have actual jokes relating to the games. Now it seems he just shows a funny/out of place scene from a game and ruins it by swearing/yelling out of no where for no reason whatsoever.
Guy: "You killed me..."
Zelda: "Good."
AVGN: *makes a retarded face* "Good."
AVGN: *laughs and continues with making his obnoxious faces* "You killed me! Good."
AVGN: "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...!" *while he swears he gives out the "finger" and waves it around*
It's either his excessive swearing or his out of place skits. They're usually so stupid that they've gone beyond the point being funny, and actually make me embarrassed to be watching it. 99% of the time it seems as if they're just filler because he couldn't think of anything else to do, and he adds them in thinking they'll be funny (via the out of place/excessive swearing).
I'm sure no one will agree with me (as I consistently hear positive messages towards his show), but I thought I'd put my opinion into this thread.
The only reason I even watch his videos is because he will sometimes point out hilarious game flaws/glitches. Even though he'll usually ruin the chance to make a quality joke at them I find it a big enough redeeming factor to keep watching.
I just realized how long this post is (way longer than I intended...). I guess I'm just going insane from boredom and needed something to do.
ianp622 said:I don't think his reaction there was the funniest either, but it doesn't ruin the game content or the rest of the video.
Yaceka said:One of his worst videos ever.
I'm really starting to get sick of AVGN. I'm a huge AVGN fan (been a fan since he was on Youtube) and I've seen all of his episodes many times. But lately (all of 2008) he's been doing horrible videos. I honestly think he's run entirely out of creativity and turns to excessive swearing. If you look back on some of his older videos he'd swear a lot, but at the same time he'd have actual jokes relating to the games. Now it seems he just shows a funny/out of place scene from a game and ruins it by swearing/yelling out of no where for no reason whatsoever.
Guy: "You killed me..."
Zelda: "Good."
AVGN: *makes a retarded face* "Good."
AVGN: *laughs and continues with making his obnoxious faces* "You killed me! Good."
AVGN: "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...!" *while he swears he gives out the "finger" and waves it around*
It's either his excessive swearing or his out of place skits. They're usually so stupid that they've gone beyond the point being funny, and actually make me embarrassed to be watching it. 99% of the time it seems as if they're just filler because he couldn't think of anything else to do, and he adds them in thinking they'll be funny (via the out of place/excessive swearing).
I'm sure no one will agree with me (as I consistently hear positive messages towards his show), but I thought I'd put my opinion into this thread.
The only reason I even watch his videos is because he will sometimes point out hilarious game flaws/glitches. Even though he'll usually ruin the chance to make a quality joke at them I find it a big enough redeeming factor to keep watching.
I just realized how long this post is (way longer than I intended...). I guess I'm just going insane from boredom and needed something to do.
Mason said:No, I completely agree. His schtick got old really fast and most of his videos are pretty crappy these days. I usually try to catch the ones like this that detail games I'll never get around to playing myself just to see what they're like. I don't find the douche who does the videos funny at all.
Every time I watch these videos, I imagine a bunch of 12-year-olds watching them in their parents' basement and thinking it's the most irreverent and funny thing ever... he's swearing and drinking beer!... it makes me embarrassed to even be watching them.
Yaceka said:One of his worst videos ever.
I'm really starting to get sick of AVGN. I'm a huge AVGN fan (been a fan since he was on Youtube) and I've seen all of his episodes many times. But lately (all of 2008) he's been doing horrible videos. I honestly think he's run entirely out of creativity and turns to excessive swearing. If you look back on some of his older videos he'd swear a lot, but at the same time he'd have actual jokes relating to the games. Now it seems he just shows a funny/out of place scene from a game and ruins it by swearing/yelling out of no where for no reason whatsoever.
Guy: "You killed me..."
Zelda: "Good."
AVGN: *makes a retarded face* "Good."
AVGN: *laughs and continues with making his obnoxious faces* "You killed me! Good."
AVGN: "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...!" *while he swears he gives out the "finger" and waves it around*
It's either his excessive swearing or his out of place skits. They're usually so stupid that they've gone beyond the point being funny, and actually make me embarrassed to be watching it. 99% of the time it seems as if they're just filler because he couldn't think of anything else to do, and he adds them in thinking they'll be funny (via the out of place/excessive swearing).
I'm sure no one will agree with me (as I consistently hear positive messages towards his show), but I thought I'd put my opinion into this thread.
The only reason I even watch his videos is because he will sometimes point out hilarious game flaws/glitches. Even though he'll usually ruin the chance to make a quality joke at them I find it a big enough redeeming factor to keep watching.
I just realized how long this post is (way longer than I intended...). I guess I'm just going insane from boredom and needed something to do.
PTCoakley said:His best videos are the more serious ones, like Double Vision. I enjoy when he's not constantly trying to be "on", because he can be quite interesting to listen to when he actually talks intelligently. I honestly wasn't a fan of AVGN until recently, since I thought his original videos were just so rough, but after doing a patch of great episodes in 07 and some of 08, he's back to just cussing and making lame jokes.
i was laughing at that forest scene. who the hell thought of that crap? :lolDiablos said:Oh man, so funny :lol
What a shitty game design... assigning the menu and enter/exit action to the same button? :lol :lol
Dimming the lights in the middle of a forest?
Hahaha, what a shitty game. And the animations... :lol
Shard said:One of the things I like about Mr. Rolfe is that beyond the excessive swearing pandering or the elaborate sketch comedy is that he actually reviews these game or systems and shows the hows and whys of why Game X blows chucks. That being said I don't find him as comedically amusing as Yahtzee, Spoony or even That Guy With The Glasses but he is still rather entertaining.
Shard said:One of the things I like about Mr. Rolfe is that beyond the excessive swearing pandering or the elaborate sketch comedy is that he actually reviews these game or systems and shows the hows and whys of why Game X blows chucks. That being said I don't find him as comedically amusing as Yahtzee, Spoony or even That Guy With The Glasses but he is still rather entertaining.
You don't say?ajvizzgamer101 said:He just posted his Part 2 of CD-i... He reviewed Zelda: Wand of Gamelot.
AtomicShroom said:Don't know about you guys but he seems alot less into it lately. He doesn't seem as angry, and the few bouts of anger that occur seem forced, as if he suddenly realized that he forgot to put in some, and randomly bursts out in rage in-between calm moments.
He doesn't seem to hate playing this garbage as much as he should or as much as he used to for previous games. He's less whiny. He was almost very calm and contained the entire time. And how he could go this whole review without commenting on the godawful 10fps framerate of this atrocity is mind boggling.
Also I'm sorely missing his classic "What were they THINKING!?". It was kind of a trademark and he hasn't used it in a while.
Segata Sanshiro said:You don't say?
AtomicShroom said:Don't know about you guys but he seems alot less into it lately. He doesn't seem as angry, and the few bouts of anger that occur seem forced, as if he suddenly realized that he forgot to put in some, and randomly bursts out in rage in-between calm moments.
He doesn't seem to hate playing this garbage as much as he should or as much as he used to for previous games. He's less whiny. He was almost very calm and contained the entire time. And how he could go this whole review without commenting on the godawful 10fps framerate of this atrocity is mind boggling.
Its nice to read comments every once in a while, but this particular one is becoming very repetitive and tiring. But I only feel its worth addressing because it is so untrue. Lets look at the facts.
I agree that AVGN is best when its just me and the game, but sometimes I need to do what I can to keep the videos fresh. It keeps it from getting boring for me, and it makes it something unique than just the same old game review done again and again. If the guest characters are really not your cup of tea, then heres a handful of NEW AVGN videos (2008) that dont have them.
Zelda timeline
Virtual Boy
DoubleVision: 1 & 2
NES Accessories
Indiana Jones Trilogy (Costume only)
Superman 64 (Costume only)
Deadly Towers
Dick Tracy
Dracula (Costume only)
CDI: 1, 2, 3
Wizard of Oz (Cowardly Lion)
Mario 3 (Satan, SMDC2K)
Star Trek (Klingon)
Batman 1 & 2 (Joker)
Battletoads (Kyle Justin)
Frankenstein (Franken-Nerd)
See? The majority of the videos are still the same basic game review style.
FACT: The newer videos are longer. Before the Friday the 13th video (October 2006), they had an average run time of 7 minutes. Now, they are usually between 10-15 minutes.
The newer videos also have more critique of the game. Heres some example of the old and better videos from 2004/2006.
DR. JEKYL AND MR. HYDE - Barely played the game at all.
TMNT: Didnt play past the 3rd level. (Showed clips of 4th level)
BACK TO THE FUTURE - Barely played past the Cafe.
TOP GUN: Didnt play past 2nd level.
DOUBLE DRAGON 3: Didnt play past 3rd level.
In the newer videos, I make greater effort to complete the games. More in-depth commentary. More analysis. More content.
I put a lot more time and effort into making the newer videos. Before Friday the 13th, they would each take about 8-12 hours total time. (That includes the gameplay/script/recording/editing) But now, the process takes about 30-40 (average) hours, each video.
The old videos had a TON of cursing!
Examples from the 2006 videos:
KARATE KID - Opens with the Nerd repeating FUCK over and over!
TMNT: Most of the video was Fuck! Get up there! Fuck! and analogies to animal feces. How could you forget the whole end rant? It suckin fucks! It fuckin sucks! It fuckin Blows etc.
TOP GUN: One of the most classic bits. ASS! FUUUUCCCK!!
POWERGLOVE: I coudnt even begin to discuss this videos excessive use of the F-Word! It probably has the most to date
Bottom line: all the videos had cursing. If you actually think the newer ones have more, I would like to see an actual count to prove it. I guarantee there was more profanity years ago then theres been lately. But it would also be nice to see a detailed comprehensive curse count that takes the length of the videos in consideration. I would like to see the average FPM (Fucks Per Minute). If anything, it would be hilarious.
If you like the old videos better, thats fine. Theres nothing I can do to change that. After 60 game reviews, youre not going to think its as original as you thought it was when you first saw it. Because you saw it 60 times! Unless I have the ability to erase your memory and start over, what youre asking me for is something that is impossible. If you watch the newer videos, like Dick Tracy or the CDI series, youll see they are the same basic game reviews that youve wanted. I couldnt imagine what more or what less it is you expect.
Criticism is fine, but when it has absolutely no basis in fact, its rather frustrating.
The old videos had a TON of cursing!
Yaceka said:Guy: "You killed me..."
Zelda: "Good."
AVGN: *makes a retarded face* "Good."
AVGN: *laughs and continues with making his obnoxious faces* "You killed me! Good."
AVGN: "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...!" *while he swears he gives out the "finger" and waves it around*
*character falls through ground thus leading to death*
What the fuck is this shit?!
[/spoiler]I know it's a bad example, but it's 1:21AM (I'm dead tired) and I'm not very creative right now.
Yaceka said:I've always hated the excess use of swearing. The problem is, I felt the use of swearing was more justified in the older episodes while in the newer episodes he'll swear for apparently no reason whatsoever making it seem really forced.
To prove my point I'll go back to an example I used previously:
It's just an opinion. I may like something while others may appreciate other things. That's something the AVGN should learn to understand. Instead of trying to stand up for his work (which is what he's doing now, and will lead him no where) he should just tell the haters, or the people giving suggestions (myself included), to fuck off if you're whining about show (as it's his and he can do whatever he wants).lopaz said:That bit was awesome >: (
Tr4nce said:Can't believe you just said that. The Guy with the glasses sucks big time. He's trying to be funny in a forced kind of way. I don't think he's funny at all. Blegh.