abstract alien
Great fun on the island gaf!
I am not so merciful.Can't you just ask Isabelle to kick them out of town
so I need some confirmation on this, cause at least this is how it worked in previous AC games:
even if I set my 3DS to my south american region (Uruguay), the seasons are still gonna react according to whatever season's currently in the US, right? since the game is NA?
that's how it always was at least..
i wish.
btw has anyone had their shop upgrade yet? it's been 7 days for me and i've definitely spent tons of cash in there, but so far nothing.
Yes they will, times will be different between people obviously and the weather might vary between towns due to time zones but the weather follows NA for all countries.
How can I make my avatar my town flag?!
Oh my god I NEED that wallpaper. I'm studying to be a librarian irl and I just neeeds it O_O
Your house is stunning!
Haha, I felt that way when I first saw it too! Then a friend gave it to me. It's really the best. It almost looks like my actual house now.
Road project complete!
Whew, that was a couple hours of work. Well worth it though.
lol that was my first thought toogreen hill zone?
green hill zone?
got the game yesterday and I've progressed slower than most. if you wanna visit my town, go ahead.
anyways, here's my FC:
PM me back yours so I can know who you are in GAF
i wish.
btw has anyone had their shop upgrade yet? it's been 7 days for me and i've definitely spent tons of cash in there, but so far nothing.
That was so much fun. Thank you! I promise next time I will be able to play for much longer and you can visit my town.
Added mines - 0087-2316-9562
Anyone else feel free to add.
Do prices for items I sell change? Everything I sell at the re-tail gets me 20% more then at Timmy's and Tommy's. is this always the case?
How do you find this out?My shop is closing for renovations tomorrow!
Added mines - 0087-2316-9562
Anyone else feel free to add.
got the game yesterday and I've progressed slower than most. if you wanna visit my town, go ahead.
anyways, here's my FC:
PM me back yours so I can know who you are in GAF
How do you find this out?
yeah, that disconnect always bums me out
almost winter here, I should have snow
oh well
got you bro..... ; )
anyways, anybody else wants to visit my ultra lame town?
here's mah FC again
But where and when can you catch a shark? I have not seen one yet, are they only available on the Island?
Can't get this to work.You can use this site to help you convert an image into a New Leaf friendly design.
Painstakingly reproduce it in your game.
Talk to Isabelle to change the flag.
They keep showing up on my east coast of the main land. I've captured a hammerhead, a swordfish, and a sunfish earlier this morning.
Oh no, Fire Emblem has crept into Animal Crossing!OK, my fish collectively would sell for 121,800 bells. I better not get screwed over by the RNG again and get at least triple that amount.
Both of you have been added. I'm 1032-1236-7452.
Posted it so many times, I barely even have to check my FC anymore.
I PM'ed you my code and added you, can't visit right now as I'm about to head out but I can much later.
got you
yo you posted my FC not yours bro unless we got twin 3DS's with the same FC...
also..any Lady-GAF wanna add me?? can't have an all out animal crossing sausagefest on my town...lol! several GAF ladiez hittin up my town would be cool...
Oh no, Fire Emblem has crept into Animal Crossing!
Wait, is it really random or does size affect the price?Progress:
Red Snapper - 800 bells
Saw shark #1 - 800 bells
Seahorse - 4,700 bells
Saw shark #2 - 250 bells (didn't get a single one right...)