So happy! Finally completed my wetsuit collection

That red and white striped one is annoying to find!
Is that all of them?
Moving my flowers was the first step in my landscaping. I haven't picked fruit in a week in preparation, totally forgot I had a new fruit I was waiting for.
Oh well.
What hybrids are people trying for? I think I'm going to get a whole field of black roses going. Does beautiful ordinance help hybridization? I can water them on my own.
My first step is chopping I am all the trees in a certain area. Using the map, running routes I would ideally like to run between landmarks, houses etc, I dig holes to outline paths, planting trees to indicate where to walk. I would start from your house, note where retail, town hall or main street are, taking note of any neighbours en route, and go from there. It's incredibly compulsive once you get started! I am worthy of my username.
I, of course, have just noticed a huge flaw in the work I spent hours doing today. I have my tenth neighbour moving in from the campsite tomorrow, so somewhere a nice orchard I had planned, or an awesome flowerbed of hybrids, is gonna get brutally violated by what appears to be a viking hippo. :/