Thanks a lot Conrad
Soory if it took some time, I had ~14500 turnips to sell.Sure, I'll get you once Koren is out.
Wow, wow you still up, Conrad? I want to unload my turnips. My FC 1160 9737 0246
Added you if you're still there.
Koren no worries, just a request from the GF I had no idea where it came from! Heh. >_<
Yeah I should be around still.
Open now.
It's that time of the week again! lol.
My turnips are 612 right now. Makes a change from it always being the GF with the good price for once! XD
If anyone is interested in selling post here, I'll just grab the first 3 that post.
Hee usualy it's 10%, but I think I slipped up and overtipped by a bag, thank you Conrad![]()
Heh thanks I appreciate all the tips guys.
Added the above guys now! Gate open.
Heh thanks I appreciate all the tips guys.
Added the above guys now! Gate open.
Yea its crashing as someone tries to join, not sure whats up sorry. Gates open again though.
Yea its crashing as someone tries to join, not sure whats up sorry. Gates open again though.
Stop all devices that are using your bandwidth (such as downloads, consoles, etc.), reboot your router and reboot your 3DS (you have to actually turn it off, not use the deep sleep). It helps a lot.My luck continues... I was in... i was selling my first batch, and Resetti lol
Edit: Maybe try limiting to like 1 or 2 people?
Got the golden turnip trader badge thanks to you, Conrad![]()
Conrad Link can I get in the deal lol =D
Stop all devices that are using your bandwidth (such as downloads, consoles, etc.), reboot your router and reboot your 3DS (you have to actually turn it off, not use the deep sleep). It helps a lot.
The netcode is awful, I think a packet loss or any network lag can trigger Resetti. I usually even turn my Wii U off (I use it as a browser in my living room) when travelling.
Ugh the crashing ruins this for me, really annoying for host and the sellers. Sorry all.
Thanks again Conrad. Glad to have my turnips out of the way for the week again
By the way - did you make the Daniel Bryan shirt yourself or did you download it off a QR code from somewhere?
Conrad, thanks for putting up with my disconnects. It has never been this bad before. Are you still around?
I sold about half my crop before Resetti. Whoever saved while I was there let me save 1.5m. If you are done, sorry I didn't leave a tip yet.
Added you three.
My FC is: 4425-1493-6043
Gate open in a sec.
Conrad are you still going? Can my wife and I get in on this? FCs are 4871 4170 0170 and 3711 7239 3957
Ok lmk when you're ready I just entered your FCPeople in atm, if you're still around when they're out sure thing!
I will be afk watching Nintendo Direct soon though lol.
Ok lmk when you're ready I just entered your FC
Edit: we gotta leave well be back later. How many hours until your retail closes? I should be back on about 4 hours. Hopefully we can still make it, if not thanks for the offer anyway!
Doh sorry, was watching the Nintendo Direct.
Retail closes in 2.5 hrs, sorry couldn't get you in.
Free now if anyone else is interested, still got turnips 612.
Reply here I'll grab the first 3 or if 3 don't bite at once just whoever is waiting.
Oohh me me me.
FC is 4227-1217-9117
Doh sorry, was watching the Nintendo Direct.
Retail closes in 2.5 hrs, sorry couldn't get you in.
Free now if anyone else is interested, still got turnips 612.
Reply here I'll grab the first 3 or if 3 don't bite at once just whoever is waiting.
I'll jump in this round.. adding your FC.
My 3DS Friend Code:
People in sorry, will get you when they're done if you're still around.
I'll be here for at least an hour.. so just post again when I can jump in !
Just in time, as I was opening the gate for someone else heh.Come on in.
K, adding you now.
Anyone else before I open gate again?
kinda late but still open? if i can sell a few id be happyPeople in sorry, will get you when they're done if you're still around.
kinda late but still open? if i can sell a few id be happy
0259 1115 6640
thanks just waiting on gates.Ok adding you now.