I am more excited for this than AC3 itself. I still don't have a vita though 
I just checked and it loads just fine on Chrome for me. So it must be on your end.
Are you experiencing a similar problem to the one discussed in this forum thread?
There was a rather negative preview released recently complaining about the controls, but almost every other impression and preview I've read (with the exception of one claiming framerate issues) have been extremely positive.
an alligator wrestling quick-time-event?! Yes, Aveline had to beat up a gator in an odd and over-exaggerated animation that left my head scratching. The QTE prompts blinked by far too fast for me to notice at first, but after a few tries I sent the gator packing. Avelines prize made me head-scratch even more: an alligator egg. Her guide made a big deal out of this for reasons I cant fathom. I can only assume its an item for bartering or trade.
Great OT!
I'm pretty excited for this game. Hope it turns out well.
Heres a sampler for the OST, by the way.
Oh yes its on my end and yes i am experiancing the same problem. Imgur pictures don't load in any browser. No idea.
What OS are you using? And have you tried the (admittedly not ideal) solution recommended in the thread?
I still want to see a little more gameplay on it. I'm already getting Ragnarock Odessey day 1, not sure if I can swing a second game for the Vita on the same day lol.
This looks really good.Outside of the trailers, offscreen footage of the Rotten Barracks and A Faithful Acolyte missions are the only gameplay videos that I've found. Here's a full offscreen walkthrough of the Rotten Barracks mission at Gamescom if you haven't seen it (skip to 0:51 to avoid the intro and loading).
Looks good but I'm disappointed that the load times seem pretty long.
Gravity Rush had long load times too![]()
PSY・S;43519740 said:Forgot about these. From the dev diary thread.
To play this or AC3 first.....hmmm. Don't we have to play AC3 first to get unlockables in Liberation?
Such a goddamn tragedy that the NA version of the game doesn't have the TRUE subtitle of the game, "Lady Liberty"
Has it been stated that Lady Liberty is the true subtitle? I hope you don't consider it to be the "true" subtitle just because it is the Japanese version.
Looks good but I'm disappointed that the load times seem pretty long.
Anyone know how big the PSN version is?
I'm guessing between 1.8-3.2GB
Anyone know how big the PSN version is?
I'm guessing between 1.8-3.2GB
Gabriel Graziani said:1. I’m actually not sure if it is available all by itself… I know it is available first for PSN users, but I am not sure about all of the intricate details. I’ll check on that!
2 & 3. Everyone gets the same content regardless of preorder status. (Which is a fancy PR-friendly way of telling you that there are no preorder bonuses. Sorry!)
4. AC3 is basically the biggest deal Ubisoft has ever had, so it takes a good amount of the limelight, but both of these games share the spirit and atmosphere that Assassin’s Creed fans have come to love.
Don't worry about the variety in the environments it really only two locations that have been confirmed? Or are these merely the ones we know of thus far?
I suppose two decently sized locations seems like appropriately breadth and scope for a portable game.
It's a pretty huge game lol and Gravity Rush had long load times too![]()
If AC:Liberation is like that, then that's annoying but not too bad. It took around 30 seconds to load the mission in that preview footage but I'm not sure if that's for every mission or if the game was loading up for the first time and once it's started, loads are much quicker.
The AC3/L bundle is also on EU PSN IIRC. The PSVita bundle will also be available in Europe, however it will just have a black Vita.
Absolutely love her outfit. She looks cool as hell.
Can you still get new swords and stuff and find pieces for the ultimate armor set of the game?
Doesn't seem like there are more outfits than the 3 so far.
Or are there?
Video with ALTAIR, EZIO, The PRINCE, CONNORS, AVELINE and... check it out!
Makendal Bodyguard multiplayer character
Agile multiplayer character
So it does seem all the pieces are here.
hope the ducktape is a good brand.
Seriously if this ends up bad, I might just sell my vita, and I never sell my consoles.
Your move ubisoft!
probably grab this vlr and Ragnarok odyssey at target next week.
so, multiplayer confirmed?!
I find it worrisome that it hasn't been flaunted...
But damn, dat multiplayer...
lol this,i wonder how he bears the 'native res' and framerate dips of 3ds games even when sub native on the vita looks better which he keeps yapping about in the vita threads.You should sell it anyway, doesn't seem like you enjoy the system very much.
PSY・S;43519740 said:Forgot about these. From the dev diary thread.
Hi guys, I just came back from an Ubisoft presentation here in Barcelona where they showed a new video of Liberation featuring "exclusive multiplayer" at the end. No footage shown but I asked to the guy there and he told me he had no idea in what consisted.
At least now is official.
Hi guys, I just came back from an Ubisoft presentation here in Barcelona where they showed a new video of Liberation featuring "exclusive multiplayer" at the end. No footage shown but I asked to the guy there and he told me he had no idea in what consisted.
At least now is official.
Are you sure it wasn't "exclusive MP.....SKIN"?Hi guys, I just came back from an Ubisoft presentation here in Barcelona where they showed a new video of Liberation featuring "exclusive multiplayer" at the end. No footage shown but I asked to the guy there and he told me he had no idea in what consisted.
At least now is official.
It was already official, we just have no idea what it is![]()