It's now entirely possible that outside of the dev team you have played this game the most of anyone in the world, not sure if that says more about our low player count or your dedication
I think you currently hold the most #1's don't you?
Nah just those two right now, I really shouldn't be playing with everything I have to do this week so I just hopped on for a few runs of each to see where I stand
I tend to go decently hard, but usually don't put in the insane amount of time to hold top positions (While I do love chasing scores, it's more for my own level of play than figuring out an entire level route to the tee). Those #1 scores for example were just about an hour's worth of time and not optimized at all since I haven't tried other characters or done prioritizing. Like in Defense Grid as long as I get into the top 100 I'm pretty content (and above my friends).
Right now it's just basic optimization and keeping a chain. Luckily(?) player pop is low enough that's enough, hahaha.
I still think:
- In game timer (0m 0s 000ms)
- More distinct powerup color / changing graphic (I've gotten a lot better at timing, but still feel the swap over could be clearer)
- Faster boss intros (8s too long!!!)
- Some menu shortcuts / UI changes (Have to go to start for leaderboards, can't check level score or rank, can't see character top scores or times)
- Some Eurobeat
would be good additions
I'd like to be able to swap characters inside a level without backing up, but can easily see how that could be a lot of work with co-op/lobby/online in the future so I'm alright

Apart from that, like I said I really can see or justify many design decisions and appreciate how tight the levels are.
Had a friend but it and he's
really enjoying his time. Hopefully the art or price isn't a big turn off (and no online). And unfortunately TB already did a WTF? is... early on before your early access was up, so you won't get that spike again.