Betta Lines
Ahh... when they allowed custom AI that was the first thing I tried as I'm always in the F40... I set 18 F40s at Magione for laugh and my PC nearly imploded. Much better now.- LOD fixes for F40
Ahh... when they allowed custom AI that was the first thing I tried as I'm always in the F40... I set 18 F40s at Magione for laugh and my PC nearly imploded. Much better now.- LOD fixes for F40
Was getting some tearing when playing a moment ago, first time, maybe something 0.6.1 did?
I've only had the game for a week or so and it keeps getting better. Mugello on Forza 4 was never that fun for me, but in AC it's amazing. Vallelunga is maybe even better as long as your car can go flat through the early section. Formula Abarth is great though I hope there's something faster coming in the future like a Formula Renault 3.5 or similar performance level.
The 458 really isn't doing it for me at all though.
Ahh... when they allowed custom AI that was the first thing I tried as I'm always in the F40... I set 18 F40s at Magione for laugh and my PC nearly imploded. Much better now.
I think you've reached the right conclusion - your perspective is being skewed. The 458 (stock) has vastly better braking performance than the E30 (stock). Here's a quick test - max braking from 70mph in both cars over the finish line at Magione:The 458 just feels like no other car I've used for more than just a quick test in the game. That includes the Zonda R, both E30 M3s, 599XX, Formula Abarth, the GT3 and GT2 BMWs, the old Lotus F1 car and the 2-Eleven.
Braking distances seem oddly long compared to all of them, the turn in is much worse and/or it understeers quite a bit and the whole experience is nowhere near as immersive as anything else.
Not sure what is going on, but I'm having a great time with every other car so no big deal. Maybe since the only other normal road car I've driven is the E30 M3 which obviously has nowhere near the performance of the 458 while everything else is a hardcore track car or race car it warps my perceptions of how the car should feel.
But right now, the Lotus 49 at Joux Plane. Oh my god. Heaven.
I didn't touch the 49's setup. It's actually quite drivable as is, so long as you keep it mostly on the road! Must be surgical with the throttle. It's lovely.What are your car setup with the lotus 49 at Joux Plane? (if you don't mind).
I did not try with the lotus 49 but with some other car (like the 458) i have a hard time fighting with the little bump on the road.
Ruf CTR1 yellowbird![]()
Sweet ride. Can't wait to drive that![]()
Ruf CTR1 yellowbird![]()
Ruf CTR1 yellowbird![]()
Preeeeetty much. Was this one of the poll winners?Konus asked what cars people want in the game. They didn't just want cars people wanted because of their prestige or allure, they wanted cars people are going to drive. This is a car that people don't just want, this is a car they want to drive.
Ruf CTR1 yellowbird![]()
Correct.That's a photo, not in-game, right?
I think that depends on what you enjoy about GT and Forza. If you like it primarily for the realism of the handling, then you will get a lot out of AC just from the knowledge that each car's characteristics have been painstakingly reproduced, driving each car in isolation. But if you like GT and Forza for the huge amount of content, game modes, community features, career progression, building a car 'collection', tuning, etc... then AC in its current state really can't be compared, and will never have some of GT/Forza's features. The amount of cars and tracks is extremely small compared to those games, and the modes/features are very much a work in progress. The value lies elsewhere, and it really is all about the driving.Hi guys, sorry to crash into your thread with some dumb questions, but I'm building a PC today and looking at some racing games and think Corsa looks good!
Do you recommend it for a slightly more casual racing fan? I love Gran Turismo and Forza but don't play the really hardcore stuff...
How is it with a controller? I don't have a wheel!
Is there enough content to satisfy me right now in early access?
Ruf CTR1 yellowbird![]()
I think that depends on what you enjoy about GT and Forza. If you like it primarily for the realism of the handling, then you will get a lot out of AC just from the knowledge that each car's characteristics have been painstakingly reproduced, driving each car in isolation. But if you like GT and Forza for the huge amount of content, game modes, community features, career progression, building a car 'collection', tuning, etc... then AC in its current state really can't be compared, and will never have some of GT/Forza's features. The amount of cars and tracks is extremely small compared to those games, and the modes/features are very much a work in progress. The value lies elsewhere, and it really is all about the driving.
The controller works fine, the default settings are bit crap but people have posted better settings in this thread. I'd say you need to be extra passionate/observant about the handling to get the value from it without a wheel. Gamepad input makes it harder to feel directly connected to the cars - the behaviour is all still there, but the gamepad is one step further removed from the driving experience compared to a good wheel. This means you need to be extremely sensitive to/disciplined with translating your inputs to what they'd really be in the car and understanding their effects, particularly with all the aids off. It's full of options though, so you can tune the assistance to whatever you're comfortable with - you can practically have the car drive itself if you're just looking to enjoy the sights and sounds.
If you're building a PC today, then this is the perfect excuse to start getting involved in these more serious sims! AC is probably the most approachable, compared to iRacing, rFactor, RRE, etc.
Ungh.Oh man. Joy. Cannot wait.
Obligatory Stefan Roser overdriving the Yellowbird around the Nordschleife for those of you who may not have seen it yet. This car can't come soon enough.
Oh man. Joy. Cannot wait.
Obligatory Stefan Roser overdriving the Yellowbird around the Nordschleife for those of you who may not have seen it yet. This car can't come soon enough.
Oh man. Joy. Cannot wait.
Obligatory Stefan Roser overdriving the Yellowbird around the Nordschleife for those of you who may not have seen it yet. This car can't come soon enough.
Oh man. Joy. Cannot wait.
Obligatory Stefan Roser overdriving the Yellowbird around the Nordschleife for those of you who may not have seen it yet. This car can't come soon enough.
Happy to hear the Yellow Bird is in the pipeline! The photo was found on Marco Massarutto's FB page but I noticed a couple of other photos there as well....
Dynamic "dirt"
Where can I turn the penalties on and off?
An italian video was put on youtube pl of days ago this is some of the translation just gives a bit more info about coming builds of AC
Thanks for the video!
E vai Marco! Sei un mito!
I think I could provide a translation, but it's more than 20 min, so nope...Just a quick recap of the interview!
Note: my recap is totally unofficial!
Damages? Yep! Visual and mechanical. Cars won't be totally destructible. Bust that mith, licensing has nothing to do with limited or no damages, it's a developer choice. Priority for the AC development team is the simulation of driving experience from the driver's perspective, thus specifically what means to drive a dameged car. But modelling a fully destructible car would use too much time/resources, without adding to the driving experience.
Kunos on consoles? Is being evaluated if AC is going to be ported, considering that XBoxOne and PS4 have an architecture closer to PC than previous generation (esp. PS3). Thus porting should be feasible by the team. But it is unlikely that this could be done while Kunos remains independent. So the question is both technical and commercial, the technical part is being explored, the other...
Multiplayer? Working on internal tests already. To iRacing lovers, AC will not be iR. iR is based on online racing from the outset and is supported by an excellent and costly platform. The aim of the team is to release stable, as much as possible, versions even for early access, including for MP, avoiding buggy releases. That is beacuse the aim/meaning of early access is having a valuable feed back, not complains for already-known bugs (it does not please the players and does not help the developer). Skins for communities, also via Steam Workshop, which capacity is being explored (e.g. it is asked by the interviewer if skins will be automatically downloaded across MP partecipants).
Pit lane, box, etc. is also part of the race week-end branch. Large amount of parameters available for the server manager (penalties, helps, views, etc.). Lobbies, list with available rooms (races), that could be booked. E.g. a race starting in X min, book Your place, then, while waiting, drive another session. This is helpful to mitigate the join-lag for the server (and of course for the players). Also, avoids the pressure to enter the first available slot.
When the MP release? The idea is to have MP released before the end of march, if there's no unforeseen issue. Damages could be released together with MP, yet damages are developed by a different part of the team than MP so they could as well be released earlier in a "light" release.
Damages and MP are not in the next release.
The next update (they mentioned the 0.6 as released, thus the next appears to be 0.7) will be about bug fixing and general optimization and new content. It will include McLaren GT3.
Will there be an official (by Kunos) F1 from 2014? It is not planned, or looked into, at the moment. There are limitations from licensing.
By the way the shout in the background is Stefano working on the AI!
I love those guys <3
I think its less of an issue of it just being 'oh so expensive' to port and more of an issue of it just not being worth it period. It wouldn't sell. Its a $40 game, not your standard $15-20 indie. That alone makes it a hard sell as its this awkward middle ground between indie pricing and full game pricing. And then on top of that, its a hardcore racing sim that doesn't have much content and has no ability to have mods.
It would bomb.
GT6 appears to have more input lag than AC on my PC...Shame my stupid PC can only run 8 cars at once. Ouch. Handling on this game is almost perfect, they just need to correct some imput delay that seems to be in place when you compare to a game like GT6.
I'm not getting any input delay, so it could be your machine. Try dialing back some graphics options?Shame my stupid PC can only run 8 cars at once. Ouch. Handling on this game is almost perfect, they just need to correct some imput delay that seems to be in place when you compare to a game like GT6.
I´m not talking about realism, just the pure joy of driving. AC is almost there, but they need to keep working on it.
I do not know if AC is the most realistic sim, but I think it is fair to say it is the most fun.
If AC were to release on console it would have to be when the install bases are larger and at least 9 months clear of any GT, Forza, or NFS game (and especially pCARS). That is a tough window to fit in.
Man this game....
The more i play the better it gets.
Currently i'm focusing on the 458 S3 and man i love the feeling with this one.
Every day i need my AC Fix !